OWW’s This Week in Wrestling – June 6, 2013


OWW’s This Week In Wrestling – June 6, 2013

NAWA Big Time Pro Wrestling

June 1, 2013

Dr. Nemo Luv beat Bulldozer

Big John Famous beat Doberman

Tag champions Joe Angelo Garcia & Corey Saturn beat Cowboy Adam & Billy Club

Zack Jackson beat Texas champion Nobe Bryant by disqualification; Bryant retains the belt.

Ring Wars Carolina

June 1, 2013

Diego Vasquez Won a 10 man Battle Royal

Krazyhorse def. Urlich Von Vorse

Devyn Nicole def. Shibuki

James Anthony becomes the new No Limitz champion by defeating hangtyme

Real Steel(C)def. The Youngbloods

Kris Nemesis(C) def. Hector Sanchez in a No DQ match.

Right Coast Pro

June 1, 2013

King Mega wins Championship Tournament and becomes 1st ever RCP Champion

The “Chick Magnets” (Mozart Fontaine, Mike Tobin & Brian Soscia) reunite and take the match from the “Legendary Ladies Men” (“Self-Made” Michael Blake, “Mr Upgrade” Mike Reed, Billy Bax with Michael Blake’s Guy) in a drama filled, emotional 6-man tag match.

RightCoastPro Developmental students Colton Quest vs Harry M. Baldwin bring down the house with an action packed debut match.  Quest takes the match over Baldwin with a top rope splash to finish.

“Trademark” Tommy Maclin™ finally gets an RCP contract after his team wins an impromptu 8 man tag match.  The team of Maclin, Biggie Biggs, Fallah and “Heavyweight” Sean Royal gets the pin over team of Zac “The Ripper” Conner, Nick Sohlo, Ryan “Adrenaline” Rush and JR Ryder.  Royal got the pin on Sohlo and won the opportunity to replace King Mega in the Tournament if Mega was unable to continue.

Mister Crister made an on-the-spot challenge for Prince Nana to face Francis Kipland Stevens, after Nana degraded Stevens for awarding fans in his “Kip’s Fan Challenge” segment.  Nana wins over Stevens with a hard fought, brutal battle.

Rumble Quartus: King Mega is victorious over all others despite the injury to his leg cause by Prince Nana.  Other challengers in the rumble were: “Trademark” Tommy Maclin™,  Zac “The Ripper” Conner, Ryan “Adrenaline” Rush, Courageous Cruz, Biggie Biggs, “Tribal Warrior” Fallah, “Mr Upgrade” Mike Reed, Francis Kipland Stevens, “Self-Made” Michael Blake, Michael Blake’s Guy, “Wrestling Mercenary” Nick Sohlo, “Specialist” Chance Wesson, JR Ryder, King Nana, and “The Heavyweight” Sean Royal.

Tournament Semi-Final Match #1:  Bazooka Joe over Chris “The Show” Steeler, with Bazooka Joe advancing to the Final in a toe-to-toe, back and forth match

Tournament Semi-Final Match #2:  Stockade vs King Mega, with King Mega winning by a submission and advancing to the Final.

Tournament Final Match:  Bazooka Joe vs King Mega spilling through the curtain after the match apparently started in the backstage area.  King Mega was able to pull out the win over a stunned Bazooka Joe despite his injured leg

Brew City Wrestling

June 14, 2013

Knights of Columbus Hall

1800 S. 92 St in West Allis, WI

Bell time is 7:30pm

See former WWF Superstars, Warlord & Barbarian and ROH Superstar Rhino IN ACTION! There will be a VIP ONLY Meet & Greet at intermission with the Powers of Pain and Rhino. Tickets for this will be $10 the night of the show. It will be a 1st come, 1st serve basis. Don’t be left out of this one time offer on June 14th. Pictures and merchandise sold separately.


Former WWF Superstars Powers of Pain (Warlord & Barbarian) -vs- Beer City Bruisers (Matt Winchester & Nick Colucci)

ROH, ECW, TNA & WWE Superstar “The War Machine” Rhino -vs- Brandon Blaze

New Era Wrestling ”HEAT WAVE 2013”

June 15, 2013


The Grimm (c) (Rob Ramer & Baron Von Kane) vs. Irish Warfare (Brad Lamen & Kenneth James)


Camron Star vs. Mickie Knuckles

United States Champion Donny Idol will defend his title!

Also, appearing:

TVZ, Dylan Bostic, Hillbilly Jedd, Damian Cole, Darling Niki, Anthony Lee, Aaron Anarchy, Dash Venture, and more!

Funkdafied Wrestling Federation

June 21, 2013

All-star pro wrestling returns to the popular Union, NJ area on Friday night June 21st at 7:45pm, as popular northeast pro wrestling promotion Funkdafied Wrestling Federation presents another super show at the Union, NJ Elks Lodge (281 Chestnut Street, in the Five Points Section, minutes from the Parkway), in a benefit fundraiser for the Union Little League.

And shaking, rattling, and rolling his way into Union that night will be a true WWE legend, the self-professed “Greatest Intercontinental Champion Of All Time”, the one and only Honky Tonk Man!

Headlining this much-anticipated return to this popular north Jersey venue will be former WWE WrestleMania star and self-professed “Greatest Intercontinental Champion Of All Time… get ready to Shake, Rattle ‘n Roll with none other than The Honky Tonk Man!

Plus this show will feature all of your favorite FWF stars including FWF Tag-Team Champions The 2 Rude Dudes (“Corrupted” Corey Havoc & “Rampage” Rogers), FWF Cruiserweight Champion “Fast” Eddie Franken, former Tag-Team Champion Steve “The Gipper” Gipke, “The White Urkel” B. Fehrm, Hillbilly Justin Blackwell, and more, including former Tag-Team Champion and Union Little League umpire Mike Dennis, and more.

Family Wrestling Entertainment

June 21, 2013

Queens, NY

FWE Tri-Borough champion Paul London vs. Akio (Jimmy) Yang

FWE Champion Carlito vs. John Morrison

Brian Kendrick vs. Petey Williams in their first ever singles match

Maria Kanellis & Ivelisse Velez vs. Angelina Love & Katarina Leigh (Winter)

The Young Bucks vs. Tony Nese & Jigsaw

Rob Van Dam vs. Tommy Dreamer

30-Man FWE Rumble with Stone Cold E.T.

CWE Presents Maximum Velocity

June 28, 2013

CWE Championship Match- Lumberjack Ladder Match

CWE Champion “The Pissed Off Pitbull” Robby Royce vs. MARIUS

Nowhere to go but up as lumberjacks will surround the ring leaving nowhere to run as these two CWE megastars collide over the CWE Championship.

CWE Tag Team Title Match

CWE Tag Team Champions M-Max (MENTALLO & Tyler Colton) vs. Former WWE & ROH Star Paul London & “Hotshot” Danny Duggan.