OWW Weekly News & Notes for May 5th

Listen to OWW Radio here: http://www.clickwrestle.com/podcasts/owwradio

ClickWrestle is getting uncensored in May with an influx of Women Superstars Uncensored (WSU) matches coming in. WSU was started in 2007 and is the leader of female wrestling in the northeastern United States. Alongside SHIMMER and ChickFight, WSU is considered in the elite 3 female wrestling promotions in the States. WSU puts on more all female wrestling shows than any other wrestling organization in the US. The new matches that are on the way feature Traci Brooks, Sumie Sakai, Mercedes Martinez, Jazz, and many more. So check back daily as www.ClickWrestle.com has new matches every day.

The world is buzzing on the news of Mickie James’ departure from WWE. She is one of the most popular females in wrestling, and is now in the incredibly hot free agent pool that is available right now. She first made in impact to most wrestling fans when she was Trish Stratus’ stalker, but quickly won the hearts of wrestling fans and became the face of female wrestling for many years. There are many questions as to where she will end up. Until then feel free to get your fix of Mickie (then known as Alexis Laree) with all of the matches we have on www.ClickWrestle.com

WWE held it’s 2010 Annual Shareholders Meeting this morning (April 30th). The entire meeting can be viewed online at: click here

DIXIE CARTER, the head honcho at TNA Wrestling, is ready to show the world she has brains and the brawn to answer the wrestling world’s questions at “YouShoot: LIVE,” on Friday night May 14 in Monroe NJ at the Crowne Plaza ballroom. The first ever live production of the hit show “YouShoot” is being co-promoted by Kayfabe Commentaries and Legends of the Ring. This event is the night before the big Legends of the Ring convention. For more information, go to www.kayfabecommentaries.com

In one of her first interviews since leaving TNA in March, Awesome Kong speaks to Diva Dirt to discuss her time with TNA, her departure from the company and her return to Ring of Honor on May 8th in New York. Also, we get Kong’s reaction to being blindsided by Bubba the Love Sponge on The Cowhead Show earlier this week and her response to his challenge to a sanctioned fight. Kong also discusses her thoughts on the current direction of the Knockouts division, the pay discrepancies amongst the Knockouts, whether she’d go to WWE and her reaction to meeting ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin at the Cauliflower Alley Club reunion. Listen to the interview here..

With the 7th Annual IRON 8 Championship in the history books, the latest edition of New England Championship Wrestling is now available to New England area Comcast cable subscribers via Video On Demand and to everyone online here..

The independent documentary “Surviving The Dungeon: The Legacy Of Stu Hart” is now available for free download from www.TheWrestlingDungeon.com.

The May 2nd edition of Live Audio Wrestling featuring Jim Ross is available for download here..

In Your Head Wrestling Radio will be joined by Chief Jay Strongbow live tonight at 8 PM EST on www.inyourheadonline.com – Call in and ask a question live, 1-508-644-8503.

False Count Radio recently did interviews with Robbie McAllister and Pete Gas of the Mean Street Posse. To listen to the Robbie McAllister Interview go here. To Listen to the Pete Gas Interview go here..

Jake “The Snake” Roberts has been pulled from several independent events in Canada this upcoming week because he is unable to leave the United States at this time. XWA Wrestling posted a statement about this situation at: http://www.xwaprowrestling.com

Jersey All Pro Wrestling presents “Notorious Thunder” Live Saturday May 22, 2010 at the Rec Center 275 East Milton Ave Rahway, NJ 8PM. Doors will open at 6:30 with a very rare autograph session with Japanese Legend “JUSHIN THUNDER LIGER” – the live show will feature Liger vs. Homicide! Go to www.japw.net for more information..

New England Championship Wrestling returns to Teamworks Indoor Sports, 732 Lees River Avenue, Somerset, MA on Saturday night, May 1 with a 7 PM bell time for the 7th Annual IRON 8 Championship. Go to www.NECWwrestling.com for more information..

Bret “Hitman” Hart joined Arda Ocal on “Right After Wrestling” on SIRIUS Radio 98 to talk about the Hart Dynasty and how hands on he is in giving advice, as well as what his post WWE plans are after RAW on May 17, and working on the “Hart and Soul”: Hart Family Anthology DVD. Also on the program was Dragon Gate USA boss Gabe Sapolsky, talking about Dragon Gate vs. ROH and how TNA Impact moving back to Thursdays affects his business. Full Podcast can be downloaded here..

Dragon Gate USA returns to pay-per-view in just 9 days with “Mercury Rising” on May 14th. For the first time the spectacular Dragon Gate six man tag will be on PPV. We’ll announce the entire lineup tomorrow in the DGUSA.tv PPV section. In the meantime watch this 12 minute preview with the Tommy Dreamer vs. Jon Moxley brawl from Chicago here..

A new video was released with highlights of the Dragon Gate Six Man Tag and the post match aftermath here..

EVOLVE returned with “EVOLVE 3: Rise Or Fall” on May 1st at the Rahway Rec Center in Rahway, NJ. The DVD will go into production next week. The theme of this card was that several bouts would feature wrestlers with similar records. Some would rise and others would fall. Results are posted here..

Spike TV will not be airing TNA Impact on Monday, May 31st, 2010 (Memorial Day) and Thursday, June 3rd, 2010. Most of Spike TV’s regular programming is being pre-empted on Memorial Day for a Band Of Brothers marathon and a movie will be shown instead of Impact that Thursday. This explains why the TNA taping on Monday, May 31st was canceled and the taping on Tuesday, June 1st was moved to Wednesday, May 19th.. [reported by Devin Cutting]

Spike TV will be airing Half Pint Brawlers on Wednesdays at 11 & 11:30 PM (immediately after The Ultimate Fighter) beginning June 2nd, 2010. Go to http://prowrestlingevents.tk or http://prowrestlingevents.webs.com for info about upcoming wrestling shows worldwide.

Wrestlicious posted the following message on Facebook: Episode 7 debuts on BiteTV in Canada on Monday, May 10th.

WORLD-1 Fighting Athletes announced that they will hold a special seminar on Sunday evening, May 23rd featuring the former ECW World heavyweight champion JERRY LYNN! Cost of the seminar is only $40 prepaid via PayPal for info please email WORLD1wrestling@gmail.com

The anticipation is building, and building, as the Combat Zone braces itself for the return of JOHN ZANDIG this Saturday night as CZW returns to South Philly for an all-out Ultraviolent “Fist Fight”! As we close in on the final days before judgement day, www.CZWrestling.com has learned of a few recent developments which will affect this Saturday’s lineup, and also June 26th’s Tournament of Death…

The International Wrestling Cartel presents SUPER INDY IX on Saturday May 8th, 2010 at the Court Time Sports Center in Elizabeth, Pennsylvania – Special Belltime: 7:00 PM…. A one-night single-elimination tournament featuring 12 participants. There will be six opening round matches, three semi-final matches, and a 3-way elimination final round, and the winner walks out with the IWC Super Indy Championship! Full details with participants can be found at www.IWCwrestling.com!

Pictures from National Wrestling Superstars in Atco, NJ April 24th are now posted on the Web: http://www.foto-mark.com/NWS/ – reported by Mark “Foto-Mark” Engel

Regional Championship Wrestling returns to PA. Thats right Lancaster, PA. Saturday Night July 3rd with Rumblemania 7 at The YMCA 265 Harrisburg Ave. – all tickets on sale now!!! You can Buy tickets at the YMCA in Lancaster. The Main Event a Royal Rumble typle match where the winner becomes new RCW champion. Just in 5 out of the 20 men have been picked to enter the rumble. I. B. Green, Havoc, Christopher Adonis, Massive Mike & DJ Hyde. All these wrestlers will be picking there numbers next week.

Percy Pringle (WWE’s Paul Bearer) is now available for bookings through Bill Behrens at showbis@aol.com and www.sbibokings.com . He is based in the Mobile, AL area. http://www.percypringle.com/

The April 28 edition of Evan Ginzburg’s Legends Radio co-hosted by Dr. Mike Lano at www.legendsradio.net (Archived 24/7) has an interview with Molly Holly, plus Roller Derby Legend Pam Schwab, and Wrestling Promoter (and OWW owner) Jason Deadrich. To listen to the show, go here..

Skull Wrestling Productions Inc. in association with NWA-New York presents: Buffalo Championship Wrestling’s “Lake Erie May-hem” on Saturday May 1st, 2010 at the Lake Erie Italian Club in Lackawanna, New York… featuring “The King of Old School” Steve Corino vs. “Big League” John McChesney and Pepper Parks vs. “Fighting Irish” Jake O’Reilly..

WWE will be holding a Raw & Smackdown supershow at the Qwest Center in Omaha, Nebraska on July 17th, 2010 (the night before the Money In The Bank pay-per-view). Go to http://prowrestlingevents.tk or http://prowrestlingevents.webs.com for info about upcoming wrestling shows worldwide.

WWE Monday Night Raw on July 26th, 2010 will be held at the AT & T Center in San Antonio, Texas. Tickets go on sale May 22nd, 2010. Go to http://prowrestlingevents.tk or http://prowrestlingevents.webs.com for info about upcoming wrestling shows worldwide.

The Asheville Civic Center is advertising Chris Jericho & Edge vs. John Cena & Randy Orton for the Raw house show on June 4th, 2010. Go here for full info about the event & http://sportsentertainmentevents.tk or http://prowrestlingevents.webs.com for info about upcoming wrestling shows worldwide.

TNA returns to the Coliseum Annex in Winston-Salem, North Carolina on July 30th, 2010 at 7:30 PM. Tickets go on sale June 18th, 2010 at 10 AM. Go to http://prowrestlingevents.tk or http://prowrestlingevents.webs.com for info about upcoming wrestling shows worldwide.

TNA will be holding a house show at the Cabarrus Arena in Concord, North Carolina on August 1st, 2010. Go to http://prowrestlingevents.tk or http://prowrestlingevents.webs.com for info about upcoming wrestling shows worldwide.

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