OWW Weekly News & Notes for June 16th

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WWE owns the trademark to “Tommy Dreamer” which may become an issue although Dreamer has been using his ring name since since he started wrestling in 1989. . [reported by Mike Aldren]

Bragging Rights takes place on October 24th, 2010 in Minneapolis. WWE has posted ticket info here..

America’s favorite TV mom, Florence Henderson, will guest host Monday Night Raw live from Lexington, Ky on July 12th. A television, film and Broadway star, Henderson has entertained a variety of audiences for more than 50 years. She is perhaps best known for playing Carol Brady on The Brady Bunch. Has Henderson’s motherly TV experience prepared her to deal with an explosive “bunch” of WWE Superstars and Divas? Tune in to find out. To learn more about Florence Henderson, please visit http://flohome.com/main.htm [reported by Devin Cutting]

Stampede wrestler Tiger Raj Singh (Yuvraj Dhesi) has joined the FCW roster and is going under the name “Jinder Mahal” (for now).

Former WWE wrestlers Kizarny (Nick Cvjetkovich, 36) and The Kat (Stacy Carter, 38) just announced their engagement. They got together at a convention in Miami a few months ago–one which Jerry Lawler also attended–and Kizarny wasn’t sure if they were still together before deciding to make his move. . [reported by Mike Alren]

Indy wrestler Stephanie Yim, 21, had a tryout today working Taylor Wilde. She has a unique look, African American-Korean with huge boobs. She’s been in the business for around two years and apparently has a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. . [reported by Mike Alren]

Rick Bognar, who played Big Titan in Japan and portrayed the fake Razor Ramon in the WWF, wrote us the following note: I’ve completed my book ‘Wrestling with Consciousness’ a story of a man’s inner struggle during and after his wrestling career and the transition from anger and aggression to more centered states in meditation. I have currently started the Speaking Circuit in Calgary and have recently spoken at the Internatlional Publisher’s Association of Calgary and at the Calgary Drop In Center on Overcoming Adversity. My website is www.razorricktitan.com

BxB Hulk will defend the Open The Freedom Gate Title against Masaaki Mochizuki on July 24th in Philadelphia at The Arena on DGUSA’s 1st Anniversary Celebration. Tickets are on now on sale at www.DGUSA.tv. If you live in New York City email parker@arenadoorbustrips.com for info on a bus trip.

New England Championship Wrestling celebrates its 10th anniversary with a special 3 night celebration, Friday, August 6 (banquet), Saturday, August 7 (Birthday Bash 10), and Sunday, August 8 (TV Taping) in Quincy, MA.  Special early-bird Super Tickets are on sale now at a big discount price. Matches and details will be announced over the coming weeks.  For more information, visit www.NECWwrestling.com

The latest edition of New England Championship Wrestling is now available to New England area Comcast cable subscribers via Video On Demand and to everyone online for download here. It features Amber vs. Alexxis Neveah and a huge tag team grudge match; Brandon Locke & Scott Osbourne vs. D.C. Dillinger & Ryan Bisbal w/Ivy.

On Sat June 12, 2010 Tommy Dreamer faced his long-time foe Raven in Union City, NJ for ACE Wrestling. A decade in the making since the last time these two ECW Legends faced off. Video of the match can be found by clicking here.. [reported by KCK of TheLiveX]

The June 9th edition of Evan Ginzburg’s Legends Radio co-hosted by Dr. Mike Lano at www.legendsradio.net features an interview with The Honky Tonk Man, plus ROH champion Tyler Black, Kristoffer Diaz- Pulitzer nominated playwright for The Elaborate Entrance of Chad Deity, Musical Great Tony DuPuis.. To listen to the show, click here..

Right After Wrestling, hosted by Arda Ocal and Jimmy Korderas, had ROH Tag Team champion Claudio Castagnoli as a guest to talk about Ring of Honor, Jim Cornette, Bryan Danielson, Death Before Dishonor 8, and the World Cup. You can download the PODCAST.

Also on the program, Jimmy Korderas outlines a sequence in the NXT Rookie`s attack on John Cena last week on RAW, that could have cost Heath Slater his job – after the Skip Sheffield close line, Slater grabs the loose ring rope and begins to choke Cena with it as he is lying on the canvas. Jimmy feels Cena alerted him not to do this mid-choke, and Slater promptly stopped. Don’t forget to follow Arda on Twitter for latest news and updates – http://www.twitter.com/arda_ocal

The June 13th edition of The LAW featuring Dan Lovranski’s chat with Stone Cold Steve Austin – Plus Dave Meltzer, TNA Slammiversary recap, and more! – is now online at www.thefightnetwork.com..

Dragon Gate USA released a free video with highlights from every match at its recent Windsor event. See clips of Jimmy Jacobs vs. CIMA, Dragon Kid vs. Masato Yoshino, Shingo & YAMATO vs. BxB Hulk & PAC plus more including Mike Quackenbush & Jigsaw. Watch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2bAHOrm9mI

Here’s a video of a Jimmy Jacobs/Jon Moxley altercation from IPW. Why did Jacobs back off in the hallway? What did he mean when he said that sees himself in the mirror when he sees Moxley? Watch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tCZekVe5-s

Pictures from National Wrestling Superstars in Stirling, NJ June 11th are now posted on the Web: http://www.foto-mark.com/NWS/ – reported by MARK ENGEL

WWE will be holding a Raw & Smackdown supershow at the Qwest Center in Omaha, Nebraska on July 17th, 2010 (the night before the Money In The Bank pay-per-view). Go to http://prowrestlingevents.tk or http://prowrestlingevents.webs.com for info about upcoming wrestling shows worldwide.

WWE Monday Night Raw on July 26th, 2010 will be held at the AT & T Center in San Antonio, Texas. Tickets go on sale May 22nd, 2010. Go to http://prowrestlingevents.tk or http://prowrestlingevents.webs.com for info about upcoming wrestling shows worldwide.

WWE returns to the Neal S. Blaisdell Center in Honolulu, Hawaii on August 18th, 2010 at 7:30 PM. Tickets go on sale June 26th, 2010 at 9 AM. Go to http://sportsentertainmentevents.tk or http://prowrestlingevents.webs.com for info about upcoming wrestling shows worldwide.

The WWE event in Amarillo, Texas on December 4th, 2010 has been canceled. Go to http://prowrestlingevents.tk or http://prowrestlingevents.webs.com for info about upcoming wrestling shows worldwide.

Paul Burchill (WWE) is now available for wrestling and personal appearance booking through Bill Behrens and Show Business, Inc at www.sbibookings.com

Thomas McGovern’s book about the Empire Wrestling Federation and School of Hard Knocks entitled “HARD BOYS + BAD GIRLS” is now available. It follows the superstars of the EWF. 79 color photographs and twenty interviews tell the stories of what motivates these dedicated athletes. For more information go to www.thomasmcgovern.net

The Armpit, pro wrestling & MMA’s least trusted news source, has returned to the world wide web under new ownership. Brand new articles and content will be published regularly in the coming weeks, beginning with today’s exclusive headline story, “Dana White F-Bombs Iran.” In addition, the popular Backstage Fights page is now interactive, and more outrageous Pick My Brain interviews are in the works. The new regime at The Armpit is excited to bring readers the latest, hard-hitting news as only they can, featuring WWE, UFC, TNA, Strikeforce, and all the larger-than-life personalities therein. Since 2002, The Armpit has operated sporadically for 8 years, but is now permanently live and online at ArmpitWrestling.com. Under new ownership and leadership in 2010, The Armpit seeks to wave the flag as pro wrestling & MMA’s least trusted news source for many years to come.

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