OWW Radio goes LIVE this TUESDAY!

OWW Radio  is pleased to announce that starting from THIS Tuesday, November 17, 6pm PST/9pm EST OWW Radio will begin broadcasting LIVE from The Wild Talk Radio Network.

Join OWW Radio Host Nick Anthony and the Producers as they host LIVE opinionated wrestling radio at it’s finest. The OWW Radio Producers will be taking your phone calls TOLL-FREE at 1-866-543-6990 as well as reading your emails throughout the show. You can also share your thoughts during the live show via Twitter.

Discuss WWE, TNA, ROH, the Indy’s, International, MMA as well as current events and news from around the world. Other regular features will include interviews with wrestling personalities both current and celebrated legends, OWW Jeopardy, This Week in Wrestling History, and The Match of the Week.

A userstream broadcasting OWW Radio LIVE will be implemented onto OWW Genesis and the OWW main site so our listeners can continue to post on the forum and browse the internet’s largest online wrestling encyclopedia while listening to OWW Radio.

The interaction between OWW Radio and it’s listeners has just taken a giant step, we hope that you can be apart of this new era.


Subscribe to the show and be apart of OWW Radio anytime with automatic downloads straight to you. Nick, Dave, Aaron, Scott, Cory and more every week on iTunes. Search “OWW Radio” and subscribe.

To download iTunes click here:

OWW Radio is also available to download from ClickWrestle.com http://www.clickwrestle.com/podcasts/oww

OWW Radio – Where Legends and Fans Come Together.

OWW Radio Toll Free Number 1-866-543-6990 (Open 24/7)

Follow OWW Radio On Twitter: Twitter.com/OWWRadio