OWW Radio “DJ Kashmere” recap

If you missed Tuesday July 27th edition of the Online World of Wrestling Radio with host Alan Wojcik, here are the highlights:

***Alan had the honor of being joined by former WCW/TNA announcer SCOTT HUDSON who talked about the WWE “banning” gloves on their talent, the upcoming Nexus vs. RAW Superstars match at Summerslam, the WWE writers who did a panel at Comic-Con, Triple H’s possible role as Nexus leader and how he feels the RAW anonymous GM angle is getting over with the fans.

***Alan and Scott were joined by Wrestle Talk Radio’s MASE to break down last week’s TNA iMPACT show, the upcoming Hardcore Justice: the Last Stand PPV including if Mike Tenay should step aside one night only, matches they would like to see on the PPV, rumors involving reduction of PPV’s being put on by the promotion and a possible head to head PPV with WWE in 2011.

***The program was honored to have former Backseat Boy and current Vanilla Man Candy tag team star “MR. GAY PHILADELPHIA” JOHNNY KASHMERE on the program. Mr. Kashmere fielded questions from Alan, the WTR & OWW chat room guests, our email inbox and SPUG of Wrestle Talk Radio. The nearly 90 minute interview is a must hear! Be sure to log onto www.MarylandWrestling.com for information on this weekend’s 10th annual Shane Shamrock Memorial Cup!

***Spug & Mase stuck around after the interview to talk with Alan about the new Lucha Libre USA: Masked Warriors program currently featured on MTV2 and Tr3s in preparation for next week’s guest the former Mark Jindrak AKA MARCO CORLEONE.

http://www.clickwrestle.com/podcasts/owwradio/ is one way how you access the archive of THIS show. Click it you know you wanna!! ClickWrestle Video On Demand is also home to thousands of matches from around the globe. The show can also be found on iTunes http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/oww-radio/id334739148?ign-mpt=uo%3D4. Best part its FREE!!

Online World of Wrestling Radio is hosted by Alan Wojcik (http://alanwojcik.tripod.com  for credentials) with contributors from across the wrestling world and the most important people, listeners like you joining in the chat room and on the air!! No opinions are too outlandish (just no profanity please.)  The show airs Tuesday nights 9pm until we run out of stuff to talk about (this show went until midnight) on the Wild Talk Radio network. The links to listen live can be found at www.owwradio.com and www.wildtalkradio.com .

There is a NEW Online World of Wrestling Radio Facebook page!! Search for Online World of Wrestling-OWW Radio and LIKE us! Be sure to check out all the other Online World of Wrestling pages too. Got a question for Alan or an opinion on the show or wrestling as a whole, write to radio@onlineworldofwrestling.com

www.onlineworldofwrestling.com is your home for the best news coverage plus the OWW Genesis forum http://forums.onlineworldofwrestling.com/ The Gold Standard in Wrestling Forums and OWW Radio

Online World of Wrestling is produced by Wild Talk Radio, www.wildtalkradio.com which is the home to the following outstanding programs, all times are Eastern:

Sunday 10pm (11 on a PPV night) Wrestle Talk Radio with Tim Stein, Mase, Spug, Will and Omega.

Wednesday 9pm Otaku Talk (Geek speak) with Spug, Mase and Omega

Thursday 10ish Anything Goes with Syndy Synn (www.syndysynn.com) and Sir Rockin

Friday 6pm Running the Ropes with Maverick

Saturday 12amish CB Radio with Sir Rockin & “the Godfather of Extreme) Rob Parks

Coming soon: The History of… with Tim Stein and the return of Fire on Ice (NHL talk)