OWW Daily News & Notes for 9/8

[Submit News] Readers are encouraged to submit news for the “OWW Daily News & Notes” page to oww@onlineworldofwrestling.com. Compile the important aspects of your news item or upcoming event into one small paragraph, and the chances that I will use it are almost 100%. Thank you for your support and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

[Birthdays & Anniversaries] the Great Kabuki (60), the Barbarian (50), Raven (44), and Rick Michaels (34) celebrated birthday’s today. Today in Memoriam: Brian Hildebrand (38, 1999)… [reported by Rich Tate of www.GeorgiaWrestlingHistory.com]

[ROH/FIP/SHIMMER DVD’s] It’s back to school time, and at Ring of Honor we know that everybody needs a break from homework. So whether you’re a student or parent, or neither (we won’t hold it against you) check out the latest sale from Ring of Honor to see how you can get money taken off your next order placed at www.rohwrestling.com

[Misc News] Ric Flair was involved in an incident that left the legendary wrestler “bloodied and bruised” and his daughter Ashley, 22, arrested for assault on a police officer. The incident occurred on Saturday night in the parking lot of an apartment complex in Chapel Hill, NC. Concerned residents called local law enforcement when they heard a loud confrontation. When officers arrived on the scene, the Flairs and an unidentified male, 22, were engaged in a heated discussion, resulting in officers using a taser gun on Flair’s daughter. She has been charged with resisting arrest and assaulting an officer. A court date has been set for October 6. Her father did not press charges. . [reported by Rich Tate]

[Article] Some strange Flair Family drama [reported by Mike Informer]

[SHIMMER] SHIMMER Women Athlete’s is starting a wrestling school for women wrestlers with Daizee Haze as the trainer. The first class begins October 27, 2008 – This is a 6 month course and there will be a minimum of 8 classes a month. Training will be Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings. The school is located at the Ring of Honor Wrestling facility in Bristol, PA (close to I-95 and the PA turnpike) and includes a full size ring, weight lifting equipment, a video library, and other resources. For more information or questions please email Daizee at shimmerschool@hotmail.com or visit http://www.shimmerwrestling.com

[SHIMMER] Nykk of The SHIMMER Forum has posted his newest SHIMMER-trons (short video clips of the SHIMMER roster members set to their entrance music). Click Here for Amazing Kong..

[Misc News] Wrestlers Rescue’s mission is to create awareness and to help raise monies to support the health care needs of Retired Professional Wrestlers due to a career choice in wrestling. To learn more about Wrestler’s Rescue, go to http://WrestlersRescue.Org

[Book News] Bruno Lauer, known professionally as Downtown Bruno or Harvey Wippleman (WWF), has published his hilariously entertaining biography, entitled “Wrestling with the Truth” though Scott Teal’s Crowbar Press (www.crowbarpress.com). The book was launched at this year’s Cauliflower Ally Club reunion but will be available to the public through www.1wrestlinglegends.com – I had the honor of being one of the proof readers for this book and I am thrilled to endorse the book and proclaim that Bruno’s story will open your eyes to the world of pro-wrestling and make you laugh out loud.

[Book News] Harper Collins recently released the first ever book covering the life and times of the self-proclaimed Toast of the Coast, the Sensation of the Nation, the legendary Gorgeous George. “The Outrageous Bad-Boy Wrestler Who Created American Pop Culture” was written by John Capouya and is available in most retail book stores starting September 2nd. You can also order the book via the Harper Collins website, or see a more detailed description, by going here: http://www.harpercollins.com/books/9780061173035/Gorgeous_George/index.aspx

[Indy Event] Tito Santana, Doink The Clown and EZ Money will be appearing at the National Wrestling League event in Martinsburg, West Virginia on October 4th, 2008. Go to http://www.nwlwrestling.com for info about the NWL.. [reported by Devin Cutting]

[Indy Event] “Wildcat” Chris Harris (aka Braden Walker) will be appearing at the Northern Wrestling Federation event in Fort Wright, Kentucky on September 13th, 2008. Go to http://www.nwfwrestling.com for info about the NWF.. [reported by Devin Cutting]

[Indy Event] Jerry “The King” Lawler and David Young will be appearing at the Prime Time Pro Wrestling event in Columbus, Georgia on September 12th, 2008. Go to http://www.home.earthlink.net/~askptpw for information about PTPW.. [reported by Devin Cutting]

[Training] Funk’s Corner – From Old School to the Present: Take a bump from the top rope like Sputnick Monroe. Do a knee drop like Ric Flair, strut like Gorgeous George, Super Kick like Shawn Michaels, be as beautiful as Lita, Mickie James and Helen Hilde (Mother of Ted Dibiase) wrestle like Kurt Angle, Fly like the Hardy Boyz, be as agressive as Antonio Inoki and wise as Giant Baba. Be as bad as the Funk Brothers. Bleed like Cowboy Bob Ellis. Use the Figure Four like Jack Brisco. Do a double wristlick like Lou Thesz. Be as tough as Gene Kiniski, as nice as Andre The Giant. Enter the ring like HHH. Do the Leg Drop like Huld Hogan. Be as cold as The Undertaker. Chop like Wahoo McDaniel. Be as mean as Johnny Valentine. Kick Ass like Stone Cold Steve Austin. Talk like The Rock. Be as arrogant as Vince McMahon and do Hard Core like Dory Funk Sr. in a Texas Death Match. Do it all at the Funking Conservatory – http://www.dory-funk.com and on !BANG! TV. Call 352-895-4658.

[DVD Trailer] Last Call With Raven & Sandman DVD Trailer… you’ve been warned… http://youtube.com/watch?v=_jI7IzECYZU

[Media] Legends of Pro Wrestling On-Demand Video Series – “Star studded, action packed matches from original television masters. Some matches haven’t been seen in over 30 years!” Rock Parsons has teamed up with Webcastia to provide monthly on-demand Pro Wrestling specials, narrated by greats from the past. Each special will include full matches and discussion, Q&A and facts from the past. Some of the Pro Wrestlers featured in the matches are; Terry Funk, Ivan Putski, Buzz Sawyer, Tully Blanchard, Ricky Morton, Bobby Heenan, Dick the Bruiser, Ernie Ladd, Bruno Sammartino, Andre, Bobo Brazil, Baron Von Ruschke, Mark Lewin, Brute Bernard, Manager Eddie Creatchman, The Shiek, and 6 times World Champion Referee Lou Thesz… The first video, that is now available for on-demand, is hosted by The Masked Superstar and Rock Parsons. The video includes 3 full length matches, with a pay-per-view cost of $7.95. For further information you can email Chuck at Webcastia (chuck@webcastia.com) or Rock Parsons (roman18us@yahoo.com).

[Wrestler Info] German female professional wrestler, The Alpha Female (formerly known as Jazzy Bi), says you can view matches, pictures, and news on her website www.alphafemale.de – The Alpha Female was trained by Joe E. Legend, Murat Bosporus, and the German Wrestling Federation. If you want to book the 5’11” and 145 lbs Alpha Female, you can contact germanwrestling@gmail.com — For more information, visit www.alphafemale.de or www.myspace.com/alphafemalewrestling

[Fan Convention] K&S Wrestlefest went out and found that rare and sought after duo the former WWF Tag Team Champions the Godwinns. So don’t miss out on the chance to get an autograph, picture or “slop drop” from Phinias and Henry as they head to Signamania III on September 27, 2008. As an added bonus K&S Wrestlefest and George’s Collectibles have joined up once again to bring out the former AWA Champion – “The Living Legend” Larry Zbysko. “The Living Legend” will be at Signamania III signing autographs and taking pictures with all the fans. Check out www.kandswrestlefest.com the Godwinns & Zbysko page for all the details. For further information or mail orders you can contact Ken or Steve at 516-473-4944 or wrestlefest05@hotmail.com. For all Signamania III show details go to www.signamania.com

[Puerto Rican News] One of the most dangerous matches in wrestling history, with the ring surrounded by fire, took place between Invader # 1 and El Vikingo.. What happened…? Also, Invader unleashes his fury against Carlos Colon… and starts his own terror campaign… All this, here, on Retro Memories //// Enjoy – http://www.luchalibreonline.tv/video/278644-retro-memories-infierno-en-el-ring.html

[OWW Support] If anybody out there has been wondering how they can help keep Online World of Wrestling alive through some kind of donation, we have a pay pal account set up under the email address vns_oww@yahoo.com. For more information click our Donations page. Another easy way to support OWW is to simply click the Ad banners once in a while. Every banner destination is safe, as it is monitored by the Google Adsense system so you don’t have to worry about being taken to malicious websites. Please do your part and click the banners! Thank you!!

Memphis Wrestling History

Vol. 2: The Programs (1972 – 1976)

by Mark James

Forward by Lance Russell


Most fans today associate Memphis wrestling with WWE Hall of Famer Jerry “The King” Lawler, and although it may be true that Lawler helped bring the Memphis territory into a brighter spotlight, there is a lot of great history that paved the road for the “King.” Those trailblazers include Eddie Marlin, Jerry Jarrett, Jackie Fargo, Tojo Yamamoto, Billy Wicks, Sputnik Monroe, and countless others.

Mark James has done his part to teach the students of the wrestling community about Memphis with his website, Memphis Wrestling History (www.memphiswrestlinghistory.com). He has also gone above and beyond the call of duty by writing a book with the same name. I am here to give you my review for Mark’s second book, “Memphis Wrestling History Vol. 2: The Programs 1972-1976.” There are printed contributions from Memphis legends such as Lance Russell, Billy Wicks, Bill Dundee, Jimmy Hart, Jerry Jarrett, Jimmy Valiant, Scott Bowden, and others. The bulk of this 400+ page coffee table-sized book is a huge collection of scanned programs from Memphis. Each program features pictures and text hyping and celebrating the various aspects of the Memphis circuit.

If you’re a big fan of Jerry Lawler, you may have some extra incentive to check out this book, because it covers the unfamiliar era of Lawler’s early years as a professional wrestler. You will quickly realize why Lawler would eventually become the “King” of Memphis wrestling, having learned the ropes from so many extraordinary legends of the industry.

CLICK HERE to read the full review by Brad Dykens..