[Submit News] Readers are encouraged to submit news for the “OWW Daily News & Notes” page to oww@onlineworldofwrestling.com. Compile the important aspects of your news item or upcoming event into one small paragraph, and the chances that I will use it are almost 100%. Thank you for your support and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
[Birthdays & Anniversaries] Candice Michelle (30) celebrated a birthday today. Today in Memoriam: Black Venus (46, 1995)… [reported by Rich Tate of www.GeorgiaWrestlingHistory.com]
[ClickWrestle Download of the Day] Daizee Haze vs. Sarah Stock.
[ClickWrestle Download of the Day] Sara Del Rey vs. Amazing Kong.
[TNA Photos] Robert Beukema of www.ROBERTLBEUKEMA.com has posted some new TNA photos including the debut of Mick Foley at http://flrankings.proboards80.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=11186
[ROH News] The Motor City Machine Guns of Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin will not be able to appear at the 10/24 & 10/25 events due to a scheduling conflict. They will be replaced by former ROH World champion Homicide and his LAX stablemate Hernandez! LAX wrestle on the 10/24 Danbury, CT and 10/25 Edison, NJ events. It will be a homecoming weekend for Homicide in Ring Of Honor.
[SHIMMER] SHIMMER Women Athlete’s is starting a wrestling school for women wrestlers with Daizee Haze as the trainer. The first class begins October 27, 2008 – This is a 6 month course and there will be a minimum of 8 classes a month. Training will be Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings. The school is located at the Ring of Honor Wrestling facility in Bristol, PA (close to I-95 and the PA turnpike) and includes a full size ring, weight lifting equipment, a video library, and other resources. For more information or questions please email Daizee at shimmerschool@hotmail.com or visit http://www.shimmerwrestling.com
[TNA News] The “TNA iMPACT!” video game features TNA World Champion Wrestler Kurt Angle and fans of Kurt will be pleased to hear that he appears in a new online game called Anger Angle which invites people to push him over the edge by beating the living daylights out him with a plank of wood www.angerangle.com — TNA iMPACT! is released in Europe on September 12 on XBOX 360, PlayStation 2, PS3 and Nintendo Wii.
[WSU News] Women Superstars Uncensored announced the debut of MOLLY HOLLY at their October 11th show from Boonton, New Jersey at the Darress Theater. We’re looking forward to seeing Molly Holly is WSU! For more information, go to www.WSUWrestling.com
[Misc News] Bob Backlund has been added to the ROAST of the Iron Sheik that takes place on October 10 in Monroe, New Jersey. More information, including general admission tickets and VIP experience tickets, is available at www.ringroasts.com
[Indy Media] A new episode of Chainsaw TV has been posted at this link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDhMwRGQgC8
[Indy Event] Jersey All Pro Wrestling has just been informed by Little Guido that he is ready to step back in the ring with JAPW World Tag Team Champions and TNA Superstars LAX as he will reunite with fellow Full Blooded Italian member Tracy Smothers on Saturday night November 15th at The Golden Doors Charter School 180 9th Street in Jersey City, NJ! Tickets are on sale now at www.japw.net
[Indy Event] The “Killer” Kowalski Memorial Wrestling Show takes place on Sunday, October 26th, 2008 at the Irish-American Club in Malden, Massachusetts. Bell time is 2 PM. All proceeds will benefit the Walter “Killer” Kowalski Memorial Fund. Scheduled to appear are: Kaz, Ox Baker, JJ Dillon, Tito Santana, Nikolai Volkoff, Christopher Nowinski, Idol Stevens, John Walters, and Luis Ortiz…. Go to http://www.superstarprowrestling.com
[Indy Event] Trevor Murdoch, Chris Masters, Jay Lethal, The Disco Inferno and Doink The Clown will be appearing at the International Championship Wrestling event in Columbus, Mississippi on October 3rd, 2008. Go to http://www.icwrestling.com or http://www.myspace.com/icw_stlouis for info about ICW .. [reported by Devin Cutting]
[Canadian Event] Shannon Moore and Al Snow will be appearing at the Wrestling Supershow in Banff, Alberta, Canada on November 15th, 2008. Go to http://wrestlingsupershow.com for full info about the event.. [reported by Devin Cutting]
[Radio] Evan Ginzburg’s Legends Radio co-hosted by Dr. Mike Lano had an interview with Brutus Beefcake this week, plus Tower of Power’s saxophone legend Doc Kupka, wrestler Tim Hicks, and Designer/author Angel Valiant. To listen to the show, go to: http://www.garageband.com/mp3cat/.UZCMYSSC4Kiu/01_09_28_08_Legends_Radio.mp3
[Radio] “The Masterpiece” Chris Masters was on Revolution Pro Wrestling Radio recently. You can listen to archived episodes at: http://www.wrestling-radio.com
[Radio] To listen to Tito Santana’s interview on In Your Head Online, go to http://www.inyourheadonline.com/viewnews.php?autoid=1691
[Radio] There is a huge Killer Kowalski Tribute show on Wrestling-radio.com right now featuring interviews with JJ Dillon, George “The Animal” Steel, Frankie Kazarian and Ivan Koloff. Listen to the show at: WRESTLING-RADIO.COM & False Count Radio.. [reported by Ben Kerin]
[Radio] Jonathan Clarke interviews Florida-based Indy Diva “Vyper” at http://www.sendspace.com/file/0w6gpx
[Radio] Brooke Hogan recently appeared on Monday Night Mayhem to plug her show “Brooke Knows Best” – to listen to the program, go to www.mondaynightmayhemarchives.com/sep08/BrookeKnowsBestSpecial.mp3
[Article] Exclusive: Kurt Angle Gets Tough [reported by the Daily Star (UK)]
[Article] The cat came back — home to Cape Breton, an article about SHIMMER’s Cat Power [reported by The Cape Breton Post]
[Article] Alex Marvez: Norman Smiley’s smiling in the WWE [reported by Scripps Howard News Service]
[Article] Freshman Josh Shaw son of former WWF Professional ‘Bastion Booger’ [reported by Lakeview Mirror]
[Puerto Rican News] A truly great classic from the vaults of Puerto Rico’s wrestling history. A piece of wrestling history, when Carlos Colon face Horsemen member, Tully Blanchard. A match for the history. Link – http://www.luchalibreonline.tv/video/293211-retro-memories-choque-de-megaestrellas.html
[Book News] Bruno Lauer, known professionally as Downtown Bruno or Harvey Wippleman (WWF), has published his hilariously entertaining biography, entitled “Wrestling with the Truth” though Scott Teal’s Crowbar Press (www.crowbarpress.com). The book was launched at this year’s Cauliflower Ally Club reunion but will be available to the public through www.1wrestlinglegends.com – I had the honor of being one of the proof readers for this book and I am thrilled to endorse the book and proclaim that Bruno’s story will open your eyes to the world of pro-wrestling and make you laugh out loud.
[Misc News] In traveling to Japan it is helpful if you have a beginning knowledge of the language and culture. Learning basic Japanese language courtesies is fun. Now on Dory Funk’s website there is a special section (http://www.dory-funk.com) covering the basic language and courtesies you should be familiar with if you are traveling to Japan or communicating with Japanese friends here in America.
[OWW Support] If anybody out there has been wondering how they can help keep Online World of Wrestling alive through some kind of donation, we have a pay pal account set up under the email address vns_oww@yahoo.com. For more information click our Donations page. Another easy way to support OWW is to simply click the Ad banners once in a while. Every banner destination is safe, as it is monitored by the Google Adsense system so you don’t have to worry about being taken to malicious websites. Please do your part and click the banners! Thank you!!
![]() The Motor City Machine Guns of Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin will not be able to appear at the 10/24 & 10/25 events due to a scheduling conflict. We apologize for the lineup change. However, we feel we have a suitable replacement. Former ROH World Champion Homicide and his regular partner Hernandez, known as LAX, will now wrestle on the 10/24 Danbury, CT and 10/25 Edison, NJ events. It will be a homecoming weekend for Homicide in Ring Of Honor. Homicide is one of the founding fathers of ROH. His feuds against Samoa Joe, CZW, Steve Corino and Colt Cabana have gone in the history books as some of the greatest feuds in ROH history. Homicide reached the apex of ROH when he won the World Title at “Final Battle 2006” in a sold out Manhattan Center to end Bryan Danielson’s 15 month reign. “The Notorious 187” has been involved in some of ROH’s greatest moments and matches. He has earned “ROH Legend” status and now for the first time in well over a year he will return to the ROH ring. Homicide has devoted his time since ROH to teaming with the powerhouse Hernandez as LAX. Together, Homicide & Hernandez have gained recognition as one of the top tag teams in the sport. The duo has never tested themselves against ROH’s rich tag team roster. Now they will get thrown into the fire of the ROH tag team division. We will have more information on both shows including LAX’s matches by the end of the week. We assure you that LAX will be in main event quality matches. Thank you for all your support. |