[OWW News] Anybody out there want to recap Ring of Honor TV on HDNet for us? email us if you’re interested.
[Submit News] Readers are encouraged to submit news for the “OWW Daily News & Notes” page to oww@onlineworldofwrestling.com. Compile the important aspects of your news item or upcoming event into one small paragraph, and the chances that I will use it are almost 100%. Thank you for your support and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
[ClickWrestle] ClickWrestle.com has a whole new look but is offering the same amazing downloadable videos with new matches added daily. Check it out at www.clickwrestle.com
[ClickWrestle Download of the Day] LuFisto vs. B.B. Walls vs. Roxie Cotton.
[ClickWrestle Download of the Day] The Ballard Brothers & Luscious vs. Kid Omega, Kyu Ketsuki & Cheerleader Melissa.
[WWE Article] VIDEO: Watch Mickey Rourke Knock Out Chris Jericho In Ring
[WWE TV] “WWE Superstars” debuts April 16th at 8 PM (ET)/5 PM (PT) on WGN America.
[ROH News] Ring of Honor announced that Ric Flair has been added to the big ROH-HDNet National Television Taping this Thursday night in Philadelphia. This will be a can’t miss event as the “Nature Boy” steps into the former ECW Arena in South Philadelphia for the first time.. www.rohwrestling.com
[SHIMMER] has opened a WWE & ROH WrestleMania Weekend discussion thread at The SHIMMER Forum to discuss the events which took place over the weekend in Houston. Post your thoughts at http://shimmerwomen.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=shimmer&action=display&thread=3041
[WSU DVDs] Women Superstars Uncensored are now shipping their 2nd Anniversary & Hall of Fame DVD’s at http://www.declarationofindependents.net/doistore/fullshows/WSU/2ndanniversaryhalloffame09deal.html
[Misc News] Meet the wrestlers that make up the Kardinal Sinners; Brody Steel, Trash Canyon, Wildman Williams, and Kowboy Mike Hughes. If these names sound familiar to you, it’s because they are the stars of the popular reality show “Wrestling Reality” on The Fight Network last year. Off the ropes and behind the scenes of what may be their last wrestling tour, this program is the second series of the “Wrestling With Reality” (WWR) franchise. The “Kardinal Sinners,” will be debuting in Canada on April 27th on RushHD. For a preview of the show, go to http://www.rushhd.ca/
[Indy Media] Pro Wrestling Syndicate out of New Jersey has launched a 24/7 streaming internet channel which is available at www.ProWrestlingSyndicate.com
[Radio] Teddy Hart & Jack Evans were guests on False Count Radio at www.falsecountradio.com
[Radio] Sunset Flip Wrestling radio show, hosted by Jim Boy Star, can be heard by going to www.sunsetflipshow.com or www.myspace.com/sunsetflipshow
[Radio] Tommy Rich, Micah Taylor, and the Snakeman will be guests on the 4/7 episode of Trash Talking Radio at www.trashtalkingradio.com
[BLOG] Gabe Sapolsky has a new blog up with his thoughts on Jerry Lynn as ROH World Champion, what goes into booking a world title, a story from the famous tournament in ECW where Shane Douglas tossed down the NWA Title and much more. You can find it at: www.Myspace.com/rohgabe
[Article] Wrestling Demons
[Article] WWE superstar spends day granting wishes for sick kids [reported by Mike Informer]
[Article] Ted DiBiase: Phoenix 2010 [reported by Mike Informer]
[Book News] Rey Mysterio has a book coming out in November. The working title is “Behind the Mask” and is co-authored by Jeremy Roberts, who also worked on Batista’s book. . [reported by Mike Aldren]
[DVD News] Howard Feintuch is getting ready to release a new DVD called “The Marty Jannetty Story” featuring former WWE Superstar, Marty Jannetty. You can pre-order the DVD at wriprod@yahoo.com – a website is being created for www.themartyjannettystory.com
[ClickWrestle] ClickWrestle.com has added some new content providers in Women Superstars Uncensored, NWA Underground, The Cuban Assassin, American Championship Pro Wrestling and The Way Wrestling Was Promotion. We’re extremely proud to be carrying the footage from these new providers, and we hope that you are all enjoying it as well. You can also download and purchase video from ChickFight, SHIMMER, WXW, Pro Wrestling Revolution, Big Time Wrestling, and many others on www.ClickWrestle.com
[Indy Event] Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka will be appearing at the North Carolina Wrestling Association event in Clayton, North Carolina on April 25th, 2009. Go to http://aiwfwrestling.net for info about the NCWA.. [reported by Devin Cutting]
[Indy Event] Petey Williams will be appearing at the Gladiators Aztecas Lucha Libre International event in Addison, Illinois on April 10th, 2009. Go to http://galli.ws for info about GALLI.. [reported by Devin Cutting]
[Indy Event] Hardcore Holly will be appearing at the Funkdafied Wrestling Federation event in Christiana, Delaware on May 31st, 2009. Go to http://funkdafiedwrestling.com for info about the FWF.. [reported by Devin Cutting]
[Indy Event] Jimmy Jacobs and Daizee Haze will be appearing at the Anarchy Championship Wrestling event in Austin, Texas on April 26th, 2009. Go to http://anarchychampionshipwrestling.com for info about ACW.. [reported by Devin Cutting]
[Indy Media] To check out this week’s edition of APW AFTERSHOCK click here… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gLn9uSBrPs
[Training News] Chris Hamrick is opening a wrestling school in Mooresboro, NC. People can email Hamrick at hiflyinghamrick@aol.com for details.
[Booking Information] Sonjay Dutt is taking bookings through Bill Behrens @ showbis@aol.com
[Booking Information] Chyna Doll, Kizarny, Victoria, and Debra Marshall are taking bookings at http://www.topnotchbookings.com
[Canadian Event] Sonjay Dutt and El Generico will be appearing at the Pro Wrestling America event in Fairfield, Maine on May 15th, 2009. Go to http://pwawrestling.org for info about PWA.. [reported by Devin Cutting]
[Puerto Rico Event] Kizarny will be appearing at Carlos Colon’s WWC events in Bayamon, Puerto Rico on April 11th, 2009 and San Sebastian, Puerto Rico on April 12th, 2009. Also appearing is Steve Corino. Go to http://luchalibrewwc.com for info about the WWC.. [reported by Devin Cutting]
[Puerto Rico Video] The debut of Kizarny faces Ray Gonzalez [Javier Gonzalez]
[OWW Support] If anybody out there has been wondering how they can help keep Online World of Wrestling alive through some kind of donation, we have a pay pal account set up under the email address vns_oww@yahoo.com. For more information click our Donations page. Another easy way to support OWW is to simply click the Ad banners once in a while. Every banner destination is safe, as it is monitored by the Google Adsense system so you don’t have to worry about being taken to malicious websites. Please do your part and click the banners! Thank you!!
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