[Submit News] Readers are encouraged to submit news for the “OWW Daily News & Notes” page to oww@onlineworldofwrestling.com. Compile the important aspects of your news item or upcoming event into one small paragraph, and the chances that I will use it are almost 100%. Thank you for your support and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
[ClickWrestle News] Famous TNA Knockout Traci Brooks is our ClickWrestler of the week. Having wrestled for dozens and dozens of promotions across the world, including ChickFight, it’s no wonder that she has lots of new footage coming in through ClickWrestle’s doors. That girl is everywhere! Check out some of the matches at www.ClickWrestle.com
[ClickWrestle Download of the Day] Daffney vs. Rachel Summerlyn.
[Wrestling Books] My friend and long-time OWW supporter Richard Berger, who writes the well-known “Perspectives on Wrestling” BLOG, has released a book about pro-wrestling called “A Fool For Old School.. Wrestling, That Is!” which can be inspected and purchased at http://www.lulu.com/
[TNA News] There’s a blurb up on Bobby Lashley’s website that reads: ‘I made my TNA debut tonight. Things are about to pick up. Stay tuned.” You can view his post at his website www.lashleynutrition.com
[Radio] The 3/1 episode of Evan Ginzburg’s Legend’s Radio featured an interview with the legendary Danny Hodge talking about his biography, as well as comments from the author of the “Dan Hodge Story,” wrestling historian Mike Chapman .. you can listen to the interview by going to http://www.garageband.com/mp3cat/.UZCMbC6D7Kyg/01_03_01_09_Legends_Radio.mp3
[Radio] Our friends at the Brutal Truth radio show recently interviewed “Wildcat” Chris Harris (you know? Braden Walker) and plugged the Signamania 4 event on April 25th in Levittown, PA – Check everything out at www.brutaltruthradio.com & www.signamania.com
[Misc News] Bret “The Hitman” Hart will be appearing on April 24th at: The Land of OOHS and OZ in Farmingdale, NY as part of their new Inside Ringside events. The event is on a Friday night from 630-830 PM. Those who attend will also have the unique opportunity to step into a real wrestling ring with “The Hitman” and pose for a picture. For more information on this event, as well as future Inside Ringside events, please be sure to visit www.InsideRingside.com which will launch this Wednesday, or the official booking agency of all “Inside Ringside” events, www.IntegrityBookings.com For immediate information, please email InsideRingside@IntegrityBookings.com
[Documentary] Our pal Evan Ginzburg is producing a documentary called Wrestling Now & Then with director Dwayne Walker. For a taste of the movie check out this You Tube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZRl0NLR5q0
[Article] Trish Stratus: Pro wrestler turned yoga instructor to appear at Speedsport car show
[Article] Q&A: The Necro Butcher
[YouTube] NWA On You Tube Link [reported by Bill Behrens]
[Puerto Rico Media] Kizarny faces Ray Gonzalez.
[OWW Support] If anybody out there has been wondering how they can help keep Online World of Wrestling alive through some kind of donation, we have a pay pal account set up under the email address vns_oww@yahoo.com. For more information click our Donations page. Another easy way to support OWW is to simply click the Ad banners once in a while. Every banner destination is safe, as it is monitored by the Google Adsense system so you don’t have to worry about being taken to malicious websites. Please do your part and click the banners! Thank you!!
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