OWW Daily News & Notes for 12/15

[Submit News] Readers are encouraged to submit news for the “OWW Daily News & Notes” page to oww@onlineworldofwrestling.com. Compile the important aspects of your news item or upcoming event into one small paragraph, and the chances that I will use it are almost 100%. Thank you for your support and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

[ClickWrestle Download of the Day] ODB vs. Candice Lerae.

[Birthdays & Anniversaries] Kendall Windham (1967), Elix Skipper (1977), and Eric Young (1979) celebrated birthday’s today. Today in Memoriam: Rikidozan (38, 1963), Brady Boone (40, 1998), and Russ Haas (27, 2001). .. [reported by Rich Tate of www.GeorgiaWrestlingHistory.com]

[Book Review] Bret Hart’s highly praised autobiography “My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling” was released in the United States and can be purchased at virtually every commercial book store in your area. I was fortunate enough to pick up the book in Canada when it was released here last year and I cannot recommend it enough. There is no doubt that the “Hitman” has led an extremely fascinating life worthy of being published and appreciated by the billions of his fans all over the world. From his harsh upbringing as one of twelve kids fathered by the grizzled Stu Hart to becoming a multi-time World champion to his glorious induction into the WWE Hall of Fame – it’s all covered in this epic 570 page book! If you haven’t done so already, go out and get this book because I am positive that you will not regrete it. You can also get the book online at Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, Chapters.ca, or any of the other major online book dealers. It’s the perfect Christmas present for the wrestling fan on your list! – Brad Dykens (OnlineWorldofWrestling.com)

[WWE Interview] Our old friend Kirsty Quested interviews Slammy Award winning Beth Phoenix for NZPWI.co.nz

[Radio] The December 1st edition of Monday Night Mayhem featured a once in a lifetime interview with “The Immortal” Hulk Hogan, as well as ROH/FIP’s Kenny King making an appearance. Be sure to check out this incredible show at www.mondaynightmayhemarchives.com or download directly from www.mondaynightmayhemarchives.com/dec08/120108.mp3

[Radio] Scott Keith, author of Dungeon of Death, will be the guest tonight @6:30 PM EST on www.inyourheadonline.com we will be giving away 2 FREE copies of his book to 2 callers.

[DVD News] Big Vision Entertainment and Pro Wrestling Insider’s presents “Last Call” with Raven and the Sandman, plus special appearances by Terry Funk, New Jack, and Mustafa. Dr. Keith Lipinski hosts a lively shoot interview from behind the bar, as five of the most ‘extreme’ wrestlers of all time talk about their lives as professional wrestlers. Check out the extensive list of wrestling DVD’s at www.bvdvd.com

[Indy Event] The Northern Wrestling Federation returns to the Shimmers Ballroom in Fort Wright, Kentucky on January 17th, 2009 at 8 PM with these matches: Roger Ruffen vs. “Wildcat” Chris Harris in a Hair vs. Hair Match, The Thugs vs. Ice & Virus for the NWF Tag Team Championship, and Jay Donaldson vs. Anthony Bryant — Plus, a Gauntlet Style Battle Royal! Go to http://nwfwrestling.com for info about the NWF

[Indy Event] New Jersey’s premier independent wrestling company Warriors of Wrestling makes their New York debut on Saturday, January 31st at Funstation USA (3555 Victory Blvd.) in Staten Island. Tickets are on sale now at the arena or at www.warriorsofwrestling.com

[Canadian Event] Karen Angle, Robert Roode, Christopher Daniels, Traci Brooks, Christy Hemme, Curry Man and Taylor Wilde will be appearing at the BSE Pro events in Timmins, Ontario, Canada on January 31st, 2009 and Brampton, Ontario, Canada on February 1st, 2009. Go to http://bsepro.com for info about BSE… [reported by Devin Cutting]

[WWE Article] Interview with “The Wrestler” Director Darren Aronofsky [reported by Mike Informer]

[Misc Media] Watch Johnny Valiant videos here: Part #1 and Part #2.

[Booking Information] Paul London, Bill De Mott (Hugh Morrus), Larry Sweeney, & Team Macktion (Kirby & TJ Mack) can now be booked through Bill Behrens at SHOWBIS@aol.com

[OWW Support] If anybody out there has been wondering how they can help keep Online World of Wrestling alive through some kind of donation, we have a pay pal account set up under the email address vns_oww@yahoo.com. For more information click our Donations page. Another easy way to support OWW is to simply click the Ad banners once in a while. Every banner destination is safe, as it is monitored by the Google Adsense system so you don’t have to worry about being taken to malicious websites. Please do your part and click the banners! Thank you!!