OWW Daily News & Notes for 11/7

[Submit News] Readers are encouraged to submit news for the “OWW Daily News & Notes” page to oww@onlineworldofwrestling.com. Compile the important aspects of your news item or upcoming event into one small paragraph, and the chances that I will use it are almost 100%. Thank you for your support and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

[ClickWrestle Download of the Day] Daizee Haze vs. Sarah Stock.

[Book Review] Bret Hart’s highly praised autobiography “My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling” was released in the United States and can be purchased at virtually every commercial book store in your area. I was fortunate enough to pick up the book in Canada when it was released here last year and I cannot recommend it enough. There is no doubt that the “Hitman” has led an extremely fascinating life worthy of being published and appreciated by the billions of his fans all over the world. From his harsh upbringing as one of twelve kids fathered by the grizzled Stu Hart to becoming a multi-time World champion to his glorious induction into the WWE Hall of Fame – it’s all covered in this epic 570 page book! If you haven’t done so already, go out and get this book because I am positive that you will not regrete it. You can also get the book online at Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, Chapters.ca, or any of the other major online book dealers. Thank you, Bret. – Brad Dykens (OnlineWorldofWrestling.com)

[ROH News] Roderick Strong has a busy month ahead of him here in Ring of Honor. First, he faces Davey Richards this Friday in Montreal. Then, already signed for Dayton on 11/21, he’ll oppose Chris Hero in a “Lights Out” match. Now, as we announced yesterday, he’ll team with Brent Albright and long time nemesis, Erick Stevens to battle their common enemy, Sweet-n-Sour Incorporated, on 11/22 in Chicago.

[SHIMMER] What do you think are some of the funniest moments on the SHIMMER DVD series thus far? There’s already several pages of replies concerning this topic over at The SHIMMER Forum. Post your picks… http://shimmerwomen.proboards50.com/index.cgi?board=shimmer&action=display&thread=2573

[WSU Event] Womens Superstars Uncensored has their final event of 2008 on November 29th at the NWS Wrestling Academy, located at 121 New Jersey Ave in New Brunswick, New Jersey…. this show will be “Fan Appreciation Night” with all tickets only $5 each! Talent Appearing: Traci Brooks, Mercedes Martinez, Portia Perez, Missy Hyatt, Gorgeous George, The Beatdown Betties, Trixie Lynn, Miss April, The Soul Sisters, Lea Morrison & So Much More! – For more information, go to www.WSUWrestling.com 

[WSU DVD] Women Superstars Uncensored have released three new exclusive DVD’s entitled “Push it to the Limit,” “Tag Team Title Tournament,” and “Payback’s a BITCH!” — You can get all three DVD’s for just $42, plus the “Best of 2007” DVD if you want it… at http://www.declarationofindependents.net/doi/pages/wsuoctobersale.html

[FCW News] John Cena and Dusty Rhodes will be signing autographs at the Lee Civic Center in Fort Myers, Florida on November 15th, 2008 prior to the Florida Championship Wrestling event that night. Go to http://fcwwrestling.com for info about FCW.. [reported by Devin Cutting]

[CZW News] CZW is looking for devoted fans who are interested in helping to promote CZW and its products nationwide. If you are interested in becoming part of the CZW family, send an email to (streetteam@czwrestling.com) with your name, phone number, and city and state for more information.

[DVD News] Kayfabe Commentaries released their latest Investigative Special DVD — “Blood. The Hennig Wrestling Family” — in an effort to answer all those questions. The disc is a journey into the workings of the functional wrestling family. In a day where kayfabe was rule #1, the challenges of maintaining that code and keeping a nuclear family in tact while territory hopping was daunting. Larry Hennig is frank and tender, as he starts with his entrance into the business and takes it through Curt’s, and now to his grandchildren’s. The disc went on sale at www.kayfabecommentaries.com

[DVD News] To purchase the 2007 Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup log onto http://jpc2008.com — .. [reported by Alan Wojcik]

[Indy Media] Gimmick Girl from KayfabeBabe.com brings you a special update today previewing Total Nonstop Action’s (TNA) Pay-Per-View “Turning Point” airing on Sunday November 9th. Be sure to also check out our weekly Videocast hosted this week by Lucha Dora, featured on www.kayfabebabe.com

[Indy Media] New epiodes of Showtime All-Star Wrestling can now be viewed free of charge, on the internet at www.ChampionshipWrestling.tv. Currently, Episode 67 is up and running, and we expect to have an archive of past shows up within the next couple of weeks. Additional information regarding SAW can be found at www.SAWOnline.tv, and any questions or comments about the show can be sent to FullForcePro@aol.com

[Indy Event] Pro Wrestling action LIVE this Saturday, November 8 with Primal Conflict Wrestling at the Jefferson County Community Center, 235 Sam Michaels Lane in Shenandoah Junction, West Virginia featuring the 2nd Annual DOA Memorial Cup Revolution Rumble and former WCW/WWE star “The Prince of Punk” Shannon Moore will be in action. For more information, to go www.PrimalConflictWrestling.com

[Indy Event] NWS Returns To Belleville, NJ On 11/14 With A Truly Multi-National Event: Russian Hammers (Courtesy Of WWE Hall-Of-Famer Nikolai Volkoff) & Sicilian Stretchers (Courtesy Of NWS Heavyweight Champion Vicious Vinny & Danny Demanto). Follow NWS on the Web at www.nwswrestling.com

[Website News] Congratulations to Rich Tate’s www.GeorgiaWrestlingHistory.com website for recently celebrating its 6th anniversary. It’s a great site worth checking out!

[Article] Interview: Santino Marella, WWE [reported by Mike Informer]

[Misc News] The legendary Walter “Killer”Kowalski will be inducted into the New England Pro Wrestling Hall Of Fame 2008 at an APCW event on November 9th. Other inductees include The Lobster Man Jeff Costa, Ox Baker, “Boston Bad Boy” Tony Rumble, and others. Go to www.apcwrestling.net for all the details!!!

[Book News] Bruno Lauer, known professionally as Downtown Bruno or Harvey Wippleman (WWF), has published his hilariously entertaining biography, entitled “Wrestling with the Truth” though Scott Teal’s Crowbar Press (www.crowbarpress.com). The book was launched at this year’s Cauliflower Ally Club reunion but will be available to the public through 1wrestlinglegends.com – I had the honor of being one of the proof readers for this book and I am thrilled to endorse the book and proclaim that Bruno’s story will open your eyes to the world of pro-wrestling and make you laugh out loud.

[OWW Support] If anybody out there has been wondering how they can help keep Online World of Wrestling alive through some kind of donation, we have a pay pal account set up under the email address vns_oww@yahoo.com. For more information click our Donations page. Another easy way to support OWW is to simply click the Ad banners once in a while. Every banner destination is safe, as it is monitored by the Google Adsense system so you don’t have to worry about being taken to malicious websites. Please do your part and click the banners! Thank you!!