OWW Daily News & Notes for 11/6

[Submit News] Readers are encouraged to submit news for the “OWW Daily News & Notes” page to oww@onlineworldofwrestling.com. Compile the important aspects of your news item or upcoming event into one small paragraph, and the chances that I will use it are almost 100%. Thank you for your support and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

[ClickWrestle Download of the Day] Allison Danger vs. Cindy Rogers.

[Birthdays & Anniversaries] Ken Patera (1943) and Dave Prazak (1976) celebrated birthday’s today. Today in Memoriam: Sky Low Low (70, 1998), Crash Holly (32, 2003), and Charles Molnar (72, 2004). .. [reported by Rich Tate of www.GeorgiaWrestlingHistory.com]

[WWE Event] WWE has already announced that a tour of Europe will be held in November of 2009. The first event to be announced is a house show on November 6th, 2009 in Brussels, Belgium. Tickets are on sale now. Go to http://prowrestlingevents.tk or http://prowrestlingevents.webs.com for info about upcoming wrestling shows worldwide.

[ROH Event] The top bouts announced for the Ring of Honor 11/8 event in Toronto are: ROH World Tag Team Champions Kevin Steen & El Generico defend the titles against Jay & Mark Briscoe; Nigel McGuinness vs. The Necro Butcher; Davey Richards vs. Jerry Lynn; Austin Aries vs. Jimmy Jacobs in a I QUIT Match.

[ROH News] ROH legend Samoa Joe has told ROH officials that he simply does not care who he faces in his match on 11/22 in Chicago. “I hear that Sweeney has been causing a bunch of problems in the company as of late, and of course there’s guys like Nigel and Danielson. I hear even Aries would like another crack. It doesn’t even matter. All that matters is that on 11/22 in Chi-Town…the champ is…home.” ROH officials are looking over the list of potential challengers and word has it that an announcement regarding his opponent will be made soon.

[SHIMMER] Congratulations to Dave Prazak’s SHIMMER Women Athlete’s on celebrating their Third Anniversary… Post your thoughts about THREE YEARS OF SHIMMER in the following thread at The SHIMMER Forum… http://shimmerwomen.proboards50.com/index.cgi?board=shimmer&action=display&thread=2659

[SHIMMER] Check out the latest SHIMMER intro video on YouTube… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiAwGyQuGPU

[Article] A Triple-Dip With The WWE Divas of Tomorrow: Check out this awesome interview with the scintillating, slamtastic up-and-coming Divas of the FCW. [reported by Mike Informer]

[Indy Media] Lucha Dora brings you this week’s KayfabeBabe.com Videocast with results from Pro Wrestling Guerrilla’s Battle of Los Angeles tournament this past weekend, and updates to this weekend’s Chikara Tag World Grand Prix as well as Ring of Honor’s weekend trip to Canada. You can find all the latest wrestling news as well as information on a contest to win Revolucha DVDs — Link: www.kayfabebabe.com

[Indy Event] The card for the Jerry Lawler tribute show in Nashville, Tennessee on November 7th, 2008 has been changed. Here’s the new card: Jerry Lawler vs. Sid Vicious (with Jimmy Hart) Brian Christopher & Doug Gilbert vs. The Moondogs Matt Boyce vs. Shawn Shultz Chase Stevens vs. Big Bully Douglas Idol Stevens vs. Steve Boz Lani Kealoha vs. Shane Williams Travis Sawyer & Justin O’Day vs. Alan Shepard & Ali Stevens – Plus, performances by country singer Kevin Sport & former American Idol contestant Diana DeGarmo. Go to http://lawler35.com for full info about the event

[Indy Event] Stevie Richards will be appearing at the NWA Upstate event in Henrietta, New York on November 15th, 2008. Go to http://www.nwaupny.com for info about NWA Upstate.

[Indy Event] The Professional Girl Wrestling Association is proud to present “A Banner Night”, an evening of women’s wrestling action in tribute to the late, great Penny Banner, woman’s wrestling legend and long time PGWA Commissioner. The show takes place on Saturday, November 15 at the SAW Arena in Millersville, Tennessee. Booked to compete is Roxxi Laveaux (Nikki Roxx), Tasha Simone, Tracy Taylor, Mia Martinez, and more…. For further information and developments, visit LadySports.com

[Indy Event] Pro Wrestling LIVE presents “WANNA BE STARTIN’ SOMETHING” on Saturday November 29th at ACE Arena in Union City New Jersey.. Featuring Jimmy Rave vs Delirious, Sterling James Keenan vs John Walters, and Alex Shelley vs. Azrieal vs. Rob Eckos – plus Traci Brooks vs Daizee Haze and Shannon Moore will be in Action! Contact prowrestlinglive@yahoo.com for information..

[Indy Event] Tito Santana and “Dangerous” Danny Davis will be appearing at the USWF Wrestling event in Malden, Massachusetts on November 7th, 2008. Go to http://superstarprowrestling.com for info about USWF Wrestling .. [reported by Devin Cutting]

[Radio] Evan Ginzburg’s Legends Radio co-hosted by Dr. Mike Lano presented a Gorgeous George Radio Special featuring Dick “The Destroyer” Beyer, Paul “The Butcher” Vachon, Journalists Mike Johnson & George Schirem, and Author John Capouya: Gorgeous George The Outrageous Bad-Boy Wrestler Who Created American Pop Culture – to listen to the show, go to http://www.garageband.com/mp3cat/.UZCMYiyE7Kil/01_10_05_08_Legends_Radio.mp

[Radio] Listen to “Jerkin’ The Curtain” – a Southern-based wrestling radio show – with wrestling journalist Trent Vandrisse & Tommy Stewart at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/TVD (The call in number is 347-945-5503)

[Radio] False Count Pro Wrestling Radio will have Lanny Poffo & Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake on their show this weekend — Remember you can listen to past episodes At: http://www.wrestling-radio.com

[Radio] Inside The Pit radio hosted by Pitbull Gary Wolf & Nathan Noss has Terri Runnels on the show Friday night at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/insidethepit – Remember you can listen to archived past episodes at: http://www.Wrestling-Radio.com

[DVD News] PWO TV DVDs are now ON SALE NOW for just $15, and shipping & handling is absolutely FREE! Visit www.pwowrestling.com and click on ‘STORE’ to order your copies today!

[Book Review] David Frederick – from www.titosantana.net – has posted his review of Tito Santana’s book “Tales from the Ring” at http://www.titosantana.net/Book_Review.html

[OWW Support] If anybody out there has been wondering how they can help keep Online World of Wrestling alive through some kind of donation, we have a pay pal account set up under the email address vns_oww@yahoo.com. For more information click our Donations page. Another easy way to support OWW is to simply click the Ad banners once in a while. Every banner destination is safe, as it is monitored by the Google Adsense system so you don’t have to worry about being taken to malicious websites. Please do your part and click the banners! Thank you!!

From Dr. Keith Lipinski

Kurt Angle was on the Howard Stern show on Sirius/XM this morning. The segment was longtime Stern caller and punching bag, Eric The Midget, a huge wrestling and American Idol fan. Diana Degarmo from American Idol was there. She said she would soon be involved with TNA, but wouldn’t say what because it was “a secret.” Kurt Angle came into the studio, Howard said he was “looking huge” and immediately asked “aren’t you getting into Boxing?” Kurt quickly replied “MMA, I’m talking to a bunch of companies” They talked about MMA, and Kurt said he was inspired by Howard working on his own (ie going to Sirius) and signed with TNA, instead of that monster WWE. When speaking about the WWE, Kurt said he was “overworked.” Robin Quivers noticed some bruises on Angle’s face, Kurt “my matches aren’t the easiest matches – they’re quite stiff.” Kurt told Howard and company he was “all american linebacker – in high school.” They talked about the Angle’s divorcing “I just got single.” Kurt said “I got a crush on Robin. I dig African American women.” Kurt then spoke to Eric the Midget, who has had a longtime crush on Degermo “Your going to blow it man, this is your ONE AND ONLY CHANCE (to ask her out). It doesn’t matter if she has a boyfriend or not. I’m going to make you an honorary member, I have a group called the main event mafia and you can be a part of it, but you HAVE TO ASK HER OUT!!!!” This was great, as he was totally in angry Kurt mode. Eric tried to ask her out, but she said no. Howard then plugged TNA “something big, something different, breaking away from the tierney of the WWE.” Howard asked Kurt about Vince “he’s a businessman.” He talked about his pill problems “I quit WWE. I needed to go to rehab and he wanted me on the road.” Kurt said at worst he was taking 100 painkillers a day, “I broke my neck four times, so many pain killers to make it thru the day. Vince said ‘you are an olympic gold metalist you can do it (rehab) own your own.” When asked if he spoke with Vince since he quit, “nope, if I spoke with him again I’ll be civil with him, he’s not a father figure anymore. Vince wants the most out of the individual, I don’t want to do business with him.” MMA talk again. Kurt said MMA “its easier then pro wrestling – a lot easier” On Karen and the split “I got her a job in tna and she split, she was a great wife, something happened, we grew apart.” Robin Quivers, replied “you never let them in” the business. Which proves how smart she is to the wrestling business. Kurt said he was thinking of fixing up Karen with Eric the midget. While wrapping up the interview, Donna said she might be “singing” on TNA. Kurt said that anyone (in the press) who messes with Eric will have to deal with the Main Event Mafia. Stern sidekick Artie Lange told Angle “I know what its like to have a boss who won’t let you go to rehab.” Kurt also had advice to Eric to “Live it up, you are on the Howard Stern show.” Of course Kurt was talking about a long running joke where Howard would put baloons on a wheelchair to make Eric fly.

I listened to the replay – here are some things I missed on the first listen….

Kurt before talking about MMA: “My first obligation is to TNA…its been a growing experience, we’re getting bigger and better”

Eric the midget, who calls himself the Eric the WWF fan on his myspace knew all of the members of the Main Event Mafia, including Scott Steiner. Stern sidekick Artie Lange commented “its not sexy to know all the members of the main street mafia.” Kurt quickly replied “as a member – you have to go for the P!”

When talking about Angle’s drug issues, Howard brought up steroids, Kurt replied “no.” Kurt went thru five months withdrawl from painkillers

On MMA being easier then pro wrestling “In pro wrestling you’re getting slammed around on plywood and having the injury’s I have…in MMA you are in more control of your body, in MMA you get hit hard, but the injuries sustained in pro wrestling – you have to be crazy to have someone slam you around to the mat 80% of the time.”

Eric asked Diand for dinner – she denied him. Kurt was upset but joked “you can fuck me, you can have the best night of your life!” Eric said no, Angle joked “why not, I’m a good piece of ass!”