OWW Daily News & Notes for 1/14

[Submit News] Readers are encouraged to submit news for the “OWW Daily News & Notes” page to oww@onlineworldofwrestling.com. Compile the important aspects of your news item or upcoming event into one small paragraph, and the chances that I will use it are almost 100%. Thank you for your support and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

[ClickWrestle News] Barbed Wire, Baseball Bats and Light Bulbs, Oh My! If you are into hardcore wrestling, you’re in for a treat. ClickWrestle has some of the best hardcore wrestling matches from around the world including IWA Mid-South’s Queen of the Deathmatch 2008. To celebrate all this hardcore action, CW are attacking high prices with a 25% off EVERYTHING SPECIAL! This special offer is not going to last long, so take advantage of the code today! Just enter Z67N5U41 as the discount code at check-out. You can watch Rachel Summerlyn vs. Rebecca Payne (Barbed Wire Madness), Annie Social vs. Rachel Summerlyn (Thumbtack Death Match), Cheerleader Melissa vs. MsChif (Falls Count Anywhere), LuFisto vs. Storm (Barbed Wire Ropes), Mickie Knuckles vs. Roxie Cotton (Taipei Glass Death Match), and more! Just go to www.clickwrestle.com or email info@clickwrestle.com for more information..

[ClickWrestle Download of the Day] Cheerleader Melissa vs. Sarah Stock.

[Birthdays & Anniversaries] Jim Duggan (1954), Ernest ‘Cat’ Miller (1964), and Gene Snitsky (1970) celebrated birthday’s today. .. [reported by Rich Tate of www.GeorgiaWrestlingHistory.com]

[ChickFight News] ChickFight announced that they are returning to San Francisco! A very special ChickFight match will take place on an upcoming Pro Wrestling Revolution show on January 17th This match is a special ChickFight match that will surely have everybody talking. Making her debut, from TNA, as seen on SpikeTV every week and on PPV, they have from the Knockout Division, Raisha Saeed! If that was not enough, her opponent is no stranger to world of wrestling, she is former TNA Knockout – Payton Banks, and ChickFight superstar, Rain. Go to www.chickfight.tv for more information.

[WWE Events] WWE will be holding it’s annual tent shows on August 1st, 2009 in Cohasset, Massachusetts at the South Shore Music Circus and August 2nd, 2009 in Hyannis, Massachusetts at the Cape Cod Melody Tent. Tickets are on sale now for members of the Inner Circle Club. The on sale date for non-members has yet to be announced. Go to http://prowrestlingevents.tk or http://prowrestlingevents.webs.com for a list of upcoming wrestling shows worldwide..

[Legend’s News] January 11, 2009 NWA MSW T.R. Superstar (T.V. Champion) defeated Gypse Joe Gene Madrid in a Non-title match. After being out of commission for three months due to a foot injury, Gypse Joe made his comeback to NWA MSW January 11, 2009. In an unbelievable match against T.R. Superstar, Joe had been distracted by his opponent’s manager Miss Kimble costing him the match. Although he is the oldest active wrestler in the world, Gypse Joe still has attitude and the ability to step in the ring and put on an amazing show. Gypse Joe really is the ultimate legend!

[TNA Event] The TNA house show at the Eastwood Expo Center in Niles, Ohio has been moved to April 23rd, 2009. It was originally going to take place on March 13th, 2009. Go to http://prowrestlingevents.tk or http://prowrestlingevents.webs.com for info about upcoming wrestling shows worldwide.

[FIP Event] FIP Pro Wrestling presents: the 2nd Annual Eddie Graham Memorial Battle of the Belts on Sunday, February 8th 2009 at the National Guard Armory. Already signed; Erick Stevens (previous winner), Nigel McGuinness, Roderick Strong, and Chris Jones. To purchase advance tickets call (352) 422-4582 or visit www.FullImpactPro.com

[DVD News] Kayfabe Commentaries’ latest DVD release could very well be its greatest. A unique concept created on the cusp of a historic Presidential Election in the United States. “The Great Debate ’08” features a lively debate between living legends Bruno Sammartino (WWWF) and Harley Race (NWA). This is a definite MUST SEE for any fan of kayfabe wrestling. Check this and many other KC DVD releases at www.kayfabecommentaries.com

[BLOG] Gabe Sapolsky posted a new blog at www.myspace.com/rohgabe with some of his thoughts on “The Wrestler” including what hit home about it. Plus, how filming was set up at ROH, the wrestler’s reactions to the first few days of filming, his personal experience dealing with Darren Aronofsky and how he cost a current ROH talent his spot in the movie and more.

[YouTube] –Cool video with historical All Japan and New Japan footage from the start of the Tokyo Dome show two years ago at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smZEPJoS-kM [reported by Dave Meltzer]

[Radio] Bobby Lashley will be the guest today live @8 PM EST on In Your Head Wrestling Radio. We will be talking about why he left WWE, his MMA career, if we will ever see him return to wrestling and much more. If you want to call in and ask Bobby a question personally please call in between 8:00 and 8:30 PM EST, 1-508-644-8503 (long distance charges may apply). Listen live at www.inyourheadonline.com

[Radio] The January 12th episode of Monday Night Mayhem with special TNA Genesis PPV Fallout coverage with “Wild” Bill Brown & WrestleView.com’s editor-in-chief, Adam Martin – plus an interview with Tristar Trading Card’s Mandy Fuerstein – plus all of the fallout from WWE’s “Black Friday” (w/Jim Molineaux) is available now at www.mondaynightmayhemarchives.com/waxfiles/011209.wax

[Radio] The Sunset Flip Wrestling Show did a 50 minute tribute show for Val Venis at http://sunsetflipwrestling.podomatic.com

[Radio] The Wrestling Hotseat on www.myvirtualbc.com sponsored by www.HirePowered.com had the pleasure of speaking with fellow West Virginian, the former Shanghai Pierce & Henry O. Godwinn, “Mean” Mark Canterbury. You can listen to the interview online in our streaming flash player at www.myvirtualbc.com

[Puerto Rico News] BJ defends the Puerto Rico Title against Steve Corino. http://www.luchalibreonline.tv/video/320111-llo-tv-cra-boricua.html

[Indy Event] IWC’s spring annual, the SUPER INDY TOURNAMENT, has been resurrected by IWC promoter Norm Connors! Super Indy VIII will be return to the month of May this year, the same month as Super Indy II when “Classic” Colt Cabana (currently Scotty Goldman in WWE) won the tournament, Super Indy III when Chris Sabin took the tournament, and Super Indy VI when “Sweet N Sour” Larry Sweeney took home the gold. May 16th, 2009 will host Super Indy VIII, at Court Time Sports Center in Elizabeth, Pennsylvania. Go to www.IWCwrestling.com for more information.

[Indy Media] PWO TV 1/18: Best of PWO 2008 Part 2 is available at www.pwowrestling.com

[Training News] NYWC is hosting a training seminar on February 1st with former WWE/WCW superstar Dave Taylor. Taylor a 30 plus year veteran of the squared circle is one of the most knowledgeable and sought after trainers in the industry. A former trainer for the WWE’s Deep South developmental territory, Taylor will discuss and demonstrate variations of many moves and holds, ring psychology, what the WWE is looking for in talent and much more. The clinic which will be open to workers and wrestling students from outside NYWC, will begin at 10:30 am and run between 3-4 hours. The cost for attending the seminar is only $50 and you can register in advance by writing us at nywcsales@aol.com or calling 631 667-6992 (NYWC)

[Booking Information] Krissy Vaine has a new weekly column on www.wrestlingdotcom.com and is also returning to wrestling and taking bookings at www.myspace.com/thevaineone

[Book Review] Bret Hart’s highly praised autobiography “My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling” was released in the United States and can be purchased at virtually every commercial book store in your area. I was fortunate enough to pick up the book in Canada when it was released here last year and I cannot recommend it enough. There is no doubt that the “Hitman” has led an extremely fascinating life worthy of being published and appreciated by the billions of his fans all over the world. From his harsh upbringing as one of twelve kids fathered by the grizzled Stu Hart to becoming a multi-time World champion to his glorious induction into the WWE Hall of Fame – it’s all covered in this epic 570 page book! If you haven’t done so already, go out and get this book because I am positive that you will not regrete it. You can also get the book online at Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, Chapters.ca, or any of the other major online book dealers. Thank you, Bret! – Brad Dykens (OnlineWorldofWrestling.com)

[OWW Support] If anybody out there has been wondering how they can help keep Online World of Wrestling alive through some kind of donation, we have a pay pal account set up under the email address vns_oww@yahoo.com. For more information click our Donations page. Another easy way to support OWW is to simply click the Ad banners once in a while. Every banner destination is safe, as it is monitored by the Google Adsense system so you don’t have to worry about being taken to malicious websites. Please do your part and click the banners! Thank you!!