[Submit News] Readers are encouraged to submit news for the “OWW Daily News & Notes” page to oww@onlineworldofwrestling.com. Compile the important aspects of your news item or upcoming event into one small paragraph, and the chances that I will use it are almost 100%. Thank you for your support and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
[Birthdays & Anniversaries] Randy Savage (1952 or 1953?) and CIMA (1977) celebrated birthday’s today. Today in Memoriam: Willie Gilzenberg (77, 1978) and George Blemenschutz (1990)… [reported by Rich Tate of www.GeorgiaWrestlingHistory.com]
[ClickWrestle Download of the Day] Daizee Haze vs. Sarah Stock.
[ChickFight] Join the ChickFight forum and let your voice be heard at http://www.chickfight.tv/forum — for more information on ChickFight, be sure to keep an eye on http://www.chickfight.tv
[SHIMMER DVD] You can get 25% off your order right now at www.DeepDiscount.com using the coupon code: SUPERSALE. That means early releases in the S HIMMER series are just $5.06! You also get FREE SHIPPING… so you can literally get each of them for $5.06. This offer ends 11/23.
[SHIMMER] Check out the newest SHIMMER intro video, put together by Nykk of The SHIMMER Forum, utilizing footage from SHIMMER Vols. 15, 16, 17, and 18. It’s set to the songs “Juliet” by Emilie Autumn and “Born For This” by Paramore, with a guest appearance by James Earl Jones! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiAwGyQuGPU
[FIP DVD] You can save 15% at ROHwrestling.com until November18th on every FIP DVD. Check the main page of www.ROHwrestling.com for all the details. You won’t find a better bargain than FIP’s incredible shows from 2008 for 15% off. Roderick Strong vs. Erick Stevens is the feud of the year in 2008. Now you can see the final chapter on DVD for 15% off. Check out FIP “Hot Summer Nights 2008” to see the final fight between these two rivals. It is Strong vs. Stevens in a bloody and brutal Dog Collar Match for the FIP World Heavyweight Title!!! Plus: Nigel McGuinness vs. Go Shiozaki in a great match; Sal Rinauro vs. Joey Ryan for the FIP Florida Heritage Title; Kenny King & Jason Blade vs. Jimmy Jacobs & Tyler Black in a 2/3 Falls Match for the FIP World Tag Team Titles; Mercedes Martinez vs. Rain and the Black Market vs. Dark City Fight Club feud continues plus more!!! Get “Hot Summer Nights 2008” on DVD for 15% off now at ROHwrestling.com and see why FIP is having such a tremendous year!!!
[Indy Event] Pro Wrestling LIVE presents “WANNA BE STARTIN’ SOMETHING” on Saturday November 29th at ACE Arena in Union City New Jersey.. Featuring Jimmy Rave vs Delirious, Sterling James Keenan vs John Walters, and Alex Shelley vs. Azrieal vs. Rob Eckos – plus Traci Brooks vs Daizee Haze and Shannon Moore will be in Action! Contact prowrestlinglive@yahoo.com for information..
[Radio] Jonathan Clarke interviews Florida-based Indy Diva “Vyper” at http://www.sendspace.com/file/0w6gpx
[Radio] Listen to “Jerkin’ The Curtain” – a Southern-based wrestling radio show – with wrestling journalist Trent Vandrisse & Tommy Stewart at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/TVD (The call in number is 347-945-5503)
[DVD News] To purchase the 2007 Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup log onto http://jpc2008.com — .. [reported by Alan Wojcik]
[WSU DVD’s] Women Superstars Uncensored announced their latest releases; 8/22 “Us vs Them” and 8/23 “Another Brick in the Wall” through the DOI website. These DVDs will retail for $12.95 each, but you can get both DVDs for only $25 (This sale will expire on 9/7)! To order directly visit: http://www.declarationofindependents.net/doi/pages/wsuaugustsale.html
[DVD News] PWO TV DVDs are now ON SALE NOW for just $15, and shipping & handling is absolutely FREE! Visit www.pwowrestling.com and click on ‘STORE’ to order your copies today!
[Canadian Event] I know it’s a day after the fact, but Association de Lutte Feminine presented “Amazones & Titans,” a mixed tag team tournament, this Friday, November 14th. The event takes place at Centre Sportif St-Barthélemy, 7111 des Érables, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. General admission is $10. Kids under 15 are $5. Portia Perez, 21st Century Fox, and Misty Haven are among the females participating in the event. Visit http://www.flqalf.com/ for more information.
[Book Review] Bret Hart’s highly praised autobiography “My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling” was released in the United States and can be purchased at virtually every commercial book store in your area. I was fortunate enough to pick up the book in Canada when it was released here last year and I cannot recommend it enough. There is no doubt that the “Hitman” has led an extremely fascinating life worthy of being published and appreciated by the billions of his fans all over the world. From his harsh upbringing as one of twelve kids fathered by the grizzled Stu Hart to becoming a multi-time World champion to his glorious induction into the WWE Hall of Fame – it’s all covered in this epic 570 page book! If you haven’t done so already, go out and get this book because I am positive that you will not regrete it. You can also get the book online at Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, Chapters.ca, or any of the other major online book dealers. Thank you, Bret. – Brad Dykens (OnlineWorldofWrestling.com)
[Misc Info] The Pro Wrestling Hall Of Fame is proud to present “The Polish Hammer” Ivan Putski and his son, Scott Putski, on November 15. The father/son duo will be meeting fans between the hours of 2pm and 4pm at Pasqualli’s (located inside America’s Best Value Inn, 10 Market Street, Amsterdam, NY), Fans will be able to get an autographed poster and additional autographs from Ivan and Scott Putski for $10. Pictures with both wrestlers will also be available. Don’t miss this chance to meet a true ring legend, and to support the Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame.
[Indy Event] New England Championship Wrestling and World Women’s Wrestling present back to back days of professional wrestling on November 29th and 30th. The events take place at the National Guard Armory, 1000 Hancock Street, in Quincy, Massachusetts.
[Indy Event] New Egypt Wrestling Alliance (NEWA) presents “Turkey Day” on Saturday November 22nd at 7 PM at the Emilie United Methodist Church in Levittown, Pennsylvania… For more information, go to www.newawrestling.com
[Indy Event] Professional Girl Wrestling Association presents “A Banner Night,” in tribute to the late Penny Banner, this Saturday night, November 15th. The event takes place at the SAW Arena, 1214 B Louisville Hwy, in Millersville, TN (near Nashville). Bell time is 7:30pm. Tickets are $10, and will be available at the door.
[Indy Event] VH1 Reality Show star 12 Pack from I Love New York and I Love Money has been signed by Pro Wrestling Syndicate to debut at their 12/6 Firestorm II event at The Yonkers PAL Building in Yonkers, NY. The card is headlined by a 4 Way Title Match between Champion Devon Moore, Sabu, Grim Reefer, and Sandman. Other stars on the show include Kamala, Eddie Kingston, B-Boy, Terri Runnels, Gorgeous George, Romeo Roselli, Julio Dinero, Kevin Matthews, PWS Commissioner The Iron Sheik, and more. www.prowrestlingsyndicate.com for more information.
[Indy Media] New epiodes of Showtime All-Star Wrestling can now be viewed free of charge, on the internet at www.ChampionshipWrestling.tv. Currently, Episode 67 is up and running, and we expect to have an archive of past shows up within the next couple of weeks. Additional information regarding SAW can be found at www.SAWOnline.tv, and any questions or comments about the show can be sent to FullForcePro@aol.com
[Booking Information] Sid Vicious is currently accepting bookings through Top Notch Wrestling Bookings. He is available for autograph signings, meet-and-greets, and wrestling matches. Serious Inquiries Only! Contact The Office At: (503)995-1224 or by email at topnotchwrestlingbookings@yahoo.com — A full list of talent available can be found at http://www.myspace.com/topnotchwrestlingbookings
[OWW Support] If anybody out there has been wondering how they can help keep Online World of Wrestling alive through some kind of donation, we have a pay pal account set up under the email address vns_oww@yahoo.com. For more information click our Donations page. Another easy way to support OWW is to simply click the Ad banners once in a while. Every banner destination is safe, as it is monitored by the Google Adsense system so you don’t have to worry about being taken to malicious websites. Please do your part and click the banners! Thank you!!
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