OWW Daily News & Notes for 1/10

[Submit News] Readers are encouraged to submit news for the “OWW Daily News & Notes” page to oww@onlineworldofwrestling.com. Compile the important aspects of your news item or upcoming event into one small paragraph, and the chances that I will use it are almost 100%. Thank you for your support and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

[ClickWrestle Download of the Day] Sara Del Rey vs. Amazing Kong.

[Birthdays & Anniversaries] Ed Wiskowski (1945), Buff Bagwell (1970), Brian Christopher (1972), and Donovan Morgan (1976) celebrated birthday’s today. Today In Memoriam: Jerry Monahan (45, 1947), Cal Eaton (1966), Steve Casey (78, 1987). .. [reported by Rich Tate of www.GeorgiaWrestlingHistory.com]

[DVD News] Big Vision Entertainment and Class-X Collection presents “XPW Television: The Complete 3rd Season” digitally remastered and hosted by Kris Kloss and Larry Rivera. This is a 3-disc set featuring episodes of XPW wrestling TV. Love it or hate it, it’s XPW – the most hardcore wrestling product in North America. . Check out the extensive list of wrestling DVD’s at www.bvdvd.com

[WWE Event] WWE returns to the San Angelo Coliseum in San Angelo, Texas on March 15th, 2009. This will be the first WWE event in San Angelo since the fall of 2002. Go to http://prowrestlingevents.tk or http://prowrestlingevents.webs.com for info about upcoming wrestling shows worldwide.

[ROH News] Ring of Honor Officials have been contemplating some sort of penalty for Larry Sweeney’s American Wolves for their brutal attack on Mark Briscoe. Jay Briscoe immediately asked for a tag team match for Manassas on 1/16. The match was granted, but we did not know who Jay would select as his tag team partner. We’ve just learned that Jay Briscoe has asked a man all too familiar with Sweeney’s men. Roderick Strong will team with Jay Briscoe to battle Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards!

[SHIMMER] The new Official SHIMMER MySpace page is up at http://www.myspace.com/shimmerwomen – The old one hasn’t been updated since May, and attempts from both Danger and Prazak to continue to utilize it have gone unanswered by the person who created it, so they had to start from scratch. Here’s the location of the Official SHIMMER MySpace… http://www.myspace.com/shimmerwomen

[BLOG] To read columns with an independent and acclaimed perspective on the business of professional and old school wrestling, click here: http://perspectivesonwrestling.blogspot.com

[Indy Event] Mr. Chainsaw Productions Wrestling will hold it’s annual “Battle Ground” Event on May 16th, 2009 at the Kaliseum Sports & Recreation Complex in Kalkaska, Michigan with Special Guest, “The Hardcore Legend” MICK FOLEY. For more information, go to www.MCPWRESTLING.com

[Indy Event] Armando Estrada will be appearing at the NWA Wisconsin event in De Pere, Wisconsin on January 24th, 2009. Go to http://nwawisconsin.com for info about NWA Wisconsin.. [reported by Devin Cutting]

[Internet TV] Visit www.NECW.TV to watch the original weekly wrestling TV program produced by New England Championship Wrestling especially for the Internet – always available FREE, on demand and worldwide!

[Article] Wrestling star (Chris Jericho) honoured by Winnipeg college where he got his start on camera [reported by Mike Informer]

[Misc Media] Watch Johnny Valiant videos here: Part #1 and Part #2.

[OWW Support] If anybody out there has been wondering how they can help keep Online World of Wrestling alive through some kind of donation, we have a pay pal account set up under the email address vns_oww@yahoo.com. For more information click our Donations page. Another easy way to support OWW is to simply click the Ad banners once in a while. Every banner destination is safe, as it is monitored by the Google Adsense system so you don’t have to worry about being taken to malicious websites. Please do your part and click the banners! Thank you!!