OWW Daily News & Notes for 10/16

[Submit News] Readers are encouraged to submit news for the “OWW Daily News & Notes” page to oww@onlineworldofwrestling.com. Compile the important aspects of your news item or upcoming event into one small paragraph, and the chances that I will use it are almost 100%. Thank you for your support and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

[ClickWrestle Download of the Day] Cheerleader Melissa vs. Sarah Stock.

[WWE PPV] WWE has announced that Slim Jim will be the official sponsor for WrestleMania 26.. [reported by Devin Cutting]

[Indy Event] Hardcore Holly, Al Snow, Rick Steiner, Jerry Lynn and Butch Reed will be appearing at the World Wrestling Xpress event in Hoisington, Kansas on November 21st, 2009. Go to http://myspace.com/worldwrestlingxpress for info about the WWX.. [reported by Devin Cutting]

[Misc News] Wrestler’s Rescue is sad to report that Captain Lou Albano has fallen ill, and is currently at home with his family under hospice care. Wrestler’s Rescue is collecting donations to be forwarded to the Albano family for medical expenses. For more information, go to www.WrestlersRescue.Org – or email questions to WrestlersRescue@aol.com

[DIVA News] Former WWE Diva & TNA Knockout, Shelly Martinez joins Diva Dirt for a tell-all, two part exclusive interview! In part one, online now Shelly discusses how marijuana has helped her and aims to educate fans on the positive uses it can have. She also touches upon a recent YouTube exchange with wrestler-turned-Internet personality, Damien Demento. The main focus of part one however, is dedicated to Shelly’s WWE career. Shelly talks about her relationships with Melina, Beth Phoenix, Aarol “The Idol” Stevens, working in OVW, playing Paul Burchill’s pirate wench and the evolution of the Ariel character on ECW. Then, straight from the horse’s mouth — the real story about her release and the clashes with WWE Superstar, Batista. Stream or download the interview here

[DIVA News] The second & final part of our two-part exclusive interview with former WWE Diva & TNA Knockout, Shelly Martinez is now online! In part two, Shelly picks up right where we left off in part one as she discusses her final few months in WWE, her continuous clashes with Batista and goes into detail on the final backstage blowout that led to her release. Shelly tells listeners why WWE told her she was being released and why she feels she quit rather than being fired. The main focus of part two is TNA, Shelly discusses how she joined the company, what it was like compared to WWE and clarifies just why she left TNA and whether she’d go back to either company. Part two can be streamed or downloaded here..

[OWW News] Support the OWW website by purchasing your books and DVD’s through our official Amazon STORE..

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