OWW Celebrates 6th Birthday!


Happy birthday to OWW, happy birthday to OWW! Happy birthday, happy birthday – happy birthday to OWW! And many moooooore … SPEECH! SPEECH! SPEECH!

That’s right friends, it’s been six incredible years since the Online World of Wrestling opened its doors to the wrestling universe. Through all its various incarnations, the OWW website has grown into a major phenomenon within the wrestling and sports-entertainment industry. Not even an unforeseeable disaster several months ago could stop the progress of the greatest fan-based wrestling website in the universe.

Over the past six years, OWW has forged relationships with all of the top wrestling promotions, as well as hundreds of wrestlers, wrestling personalities, backstage and office employees. We are proud of the amazing support we have received from many important people within the business as well as many respected historians and thousands upon thousands of wrestling fans around the world (new and old). It has been a constant source of amazement for myself, the founder and creator of Online World of Wrestling, after pouring my life into the project for SIX long years.

This anniversary is especially sweet, due to the increased progression of the website over the past six months or so. As many of you know, I sold my €œbaby € to a company in San Francisco called Black Pants Inc.; BPI has strong connections with the Cauliflower Ally Club and many other wrestling organizations across the globe. It goes without saying I wouldn’t hand my baby over without something in return, so BPI put me under contract to continue maintaining the website. BPI CEO Jason Deadrich said it best when he told me, €œthe deal is off if you don’t come with it! € So I’m happy being apart of the BPI family and if you look around the website today you can easily tell why.

The seventh year of online existence will feature the debut of many new features including an exclusive videos section where you can watch wrestling matches on your computer. We could just leech off of YouTube like some sites but we prefer to develop original content here on the Online World of Wrestling website.

A couple months ago we launched a news board on the site that had been an exciting and popular addition to the project. As you could probably tell we have been constantly tweaking things on the news board in the pursuit of perfection. We have also recently brought weekly Trivia contests back from the dead. The Forums (OWWForums.com) has been under constant development with many new elements including a PPV Prediction Game and a one-of-a-kind Arcade. We even have a downloadable Online World of Wrestling Toolbar (onlineworldofwrestling.ourtoolbar.com).

Online World of WrestlingAfter the unfortunate debacle a couple months ago, we here at OWW really found out the wide spectrum of influence we have within the Internet Wrestling Community. The unbelievable support from wrestlers, promoters, and hundreds of websites prompted me to initiate and strengthen my affiliations with as many of these sites as I could. Thank you to everybody for staying in our corner.

What can you, the average OWW website surfer, look forward to in year number eight? We will continue with much of the same level of excellence you have come to expect from the Online World of Wrestling. We will carry on maintaining the site with regular daily updates packed with tons of original content that will knock out any copycats masquerading around the internet living off of someone else’s hard-earned reputation.

Some of the great features the OWW Website continues to offer are over four thousand profiles, hundreds of galleries, thousands of photos, tons of event results, riveting columns, regular interviews, obituaries, promotional rosters, informational lists and archives, halls of fame, halls of shame, books, dvds, video games, a dictionary, weekly trivia, wrestlinks and much much more! Even with all of that on our plate, we will keep everything as up-to-date as humanly possible.

In addition to that we have affiliations with WrestleView.com, and several radio shows such as Wrestling Weekly, Monday Night Mayhem, In Your Head Online and others. Not to mention one of the greatest sites on the internet, ClickWrestle.com – which has a great selection of Streaming Media.

I wish to thank the following people for your unbelievable support of OnlineWorldofWrestling.com; The BPI Team: Jason Deadrich, Melissa Anderson, Chynna Mai, Jason Kennedy (tech extraordinaire). The OWW Team: Kirsty Quested (Editor), James Thomlison (Editor), Michael Tunnell (OWWForums.com), AlFyiavb (OWWForums.com). As well as good friends J. Sutton (you know who you are), Serena M. Jordache, Georgiann Makropoulos (wrestlingfigs.com), Adam Martin (wrestleview.com), Paul Nemer (wrestleview.com), DTB (you know who you are), The Fight Network, Tim Stein, Doc Young, Les Thatcher, Mosh from MNM, Jack from IYHO, J.P. and Big Joe, Evan Ginzburg, April Hunter, Scott Teal, Kulsum Merchant, Gabe Sapolsky, Salem Hamaoui, Linda Bade, Sheldon Goldberg, Penny Banner, Princess Jasmine, Bill & Beverly Shade, Crimson Mask and all of the thousands upon thousands of people who visit the site.

I hope OWW can continue delivering the best historical information for many more years to come. As always we would love to hear from you at oww@onlineworldofwrestling.com

Brad Dykens