Outback Jack on In Your Head recap

Outback JackOutback Jack on IYH
by Jason Davis

InYourHeadOnline.Com, the premier wrestling online radio program hosted by Jack and OneInchBiceps has 80’S WWF talent Outback Jack on the show. Outback Jack was known for his brief stint in WWF and his brief feud with Frenchy Martin and Killer Khan.

IYH is the premier wrestling radio show, and has had Chris Jericho, Vince Russo, Mick Foley, and Awesome Kong amongst it’s long list of guests.

The show starts off with the familiar IYH theme and we are off. Jack welcomes us to the show with his co-host, One Inch Biceps. The show starts off with a brief discussion of the movie, “Signs”. Jacks brings up that the only wrestler he’s ever had a poster of was Roddy Piper. OIB bings up Piper’s confrontation with Santino, and Santino’s recent DUI. Jack states that Santino is his favorite promo guy to date. Jack talks about TNA, and how they beat WWE Raw and Smackdown in the ratings in Australia.


OIB brings up that Santino’s booking photo makes it look like he is drunk. OIB brings up Piper’s “Designated Driver” comment. Before break, Jack brings up the “Wrestling is Real”, comment by the Great Khali. Jack compares The Great Khali to Hulk Hogan.

The IYH crew brings up the most recent WWE Raw, ECW, and Smackdown. Jack complains that Dreamer lost in the ECW 100TH show. Remember www.inyourheadonline.com is your home to great interviews with Homicide, Eric Bischoff, Jake Roberts, Harley Race, Juventud Guerrera and Orlando Jordan.

Jack welcomes Outback Jack to the show. Outback Jack confirms that Humpty Doo, is in fact a real place, and they have a population of 200. Caller Bryan Jones asks about Outback Jack’s WWF tenure. Outback Jack tells a story of the Rougeau/Dynamite Kid confrontation, saying that Dynamite Kid deserved what he got. Outback Jack says that Dynamite Kid had a reputation for putting chemicals in wrestler’s drinks. Outback Jack states that he learned from Les Thorton and Stu Hart. Outback Jack states that he got his job because WWF was touring Australia, and Arnold Skaaland liked his look. Outback Jack states that he refused to go down into the Hart Dungeon. Outback Jack gives his views on Stu Hart, and how people would warn him about his dungeon.

A caller from Portugal calls in, and asks Outback Jack who helped him out and who tried to sabotage him in the WWF. Outback Jack states that Hillbilly Jim, JYD, and Hulk Hogan helped him out while Bobby Heenan treated him poorly. The caller asks about the state of Australian pro wrestler. Outback Jack answers that he no longer lives in Australia, but he heard that WWE opened up an office in Sydney. For the record, Outback Jack lives in Florida.

Outback Jack informs us that Hilbilly Jim and himself were supposed to win the WWF Tag Team Championships, but the idea fell through. Jack asks if Outback Jack would’ve liked to play a heel, and Outback responds that he would’ve liked to and that heels are the more gifted wrestlers becuase they have to carry the match. Outback Jack has no ill will towards WWF, because they tried there hardest to get him over. Outback would’ve liked to play the foil to “Skinner” Steve Keirn. Regarding Vince, Outback states that his feeling towards him are confidential.

Outback Jack

Although Jesse Ventura used to call Outback Jack, Outhouse, Outback has no hard feeling towards Ventura and even considers him a friend. One Inch Biceps asks a question regarding Killer Khan. Outback calls him a good guy, but was the laziest guy he’s ever met. Outback Jack states that Steve Strong tried to intentionally beat him up in a ring, but after the match he beat up Strong. Regarding the travel in the 80’s WWF, Outback states that the travel wasn’t bad, but he took various chemicals to help him cope. Outback Jack admits that he used steroids. He goes into a lengthy discussion about the affect of steroids and whether they should be illegal. Outback says that he is a conservative, but believes marijuana should be legal.

One Inch Biceps asks if he was ever approached about a WWF Legends Contract. Outback says that no he hasn’t, but he did have a good selling doll when he was in WWF. Jack states that guys call their doll-action figures.

Outback says that he was the first ever person that Ted Dibiase put the hundred dollar bill in their mouth. Outback states that Dibiase wanted it back after the match, but he refused. Outback says that while Dibiase was hated as a heel, he was an absolute gentlemen.

Outback Jack says he left WWF when he got a TV Show called “This is Adventure with Outback Jack”. At the time he left he still felt loyal to the WWF, and didn’t try and go to WCW. Outback Jack says that he owns the rights to the Outback Jack character. Jack brings up The Bushwackers, and Outback Jack calls them great guys. Outback Jack states that he used to compete in strong man competitions. Outback Jack is blind in one eye, due to a helicopter crash. He is also half blind in the other, due to diabetes.

A listener in the chat room asks about Outback’s feeling about the Outback Steakhouse. Outback Jack says that he is a fan of the restaurant. Jack asks about Outback’s Boomerang finisher. Outback states that Arnold Skaaland and Jay Strongbow came up with the idea of the finisher.

Outback JackRegarding Frenchy Martin, Outback Jack states he was a stand up guy, and he had fun wrestling him all around the world. Outback Jack says that the weirdest guy he’s ever wrestled was The Ultimate Warrior. Outback Jack thanks the fans for cheering him during his tenure. Jack brings up Outback Jack’s match against Iron Mike Sharpe at Wrestlemania 3. Outback says he had fun wrestling him, and he would be sore after matches with him. Outback Jack brings up singing Piledriver at the Slammy’s with Koko B. Ware. And with that the interview is over.

Remember, if you want to listen to entertaining interviews with such stars as Percy Pringle, Bill Goldberg, Tully Blanchard, Alex Shelley, ODB, and Gary Hart just go to www.inyourheadonline.com

After the interview Jack found that Bushwacker Butch is opening a wrestling school in New Zealand. The hosts talk about the WWE wanting a multi-cultural group of giants. They talk about Nathan Jones, and if he was wrestling in the 80’s he could of been huge. They then talk about Heidenreich’s clip of him thrusting behind Michael Cole that was aired on Raw a few weeks ago.

The hosts bring up the state of the WWE announcers. OIB and Jack disagree about Michael Cole. Jack, who is a huge fan of Mike Adamle thinks he will be the new Gordon Solie. Jack also states that the best play-by-play guys were former wrestlers. OIB says that he is de-sensitized to Tazz now that he is an announcer. Jack brings to light that he was never a fan of Gorilla Monsoon, even though he liked the pairing of Monsoon and Heenan. Jack says that Jim Ross knows how to make a moment seem legendary (the Austin stuff, Foley falling of the cage, and Flair’s last match). OIB and Jack both agree that Tony Schiavone got a raw deal, and that the last year of WCW ruined his legacy. A caller calls in and threatens to hunt down Jimmy Jacobs for the way he’s treated Lacy. OIB says that Jimmy Jacobs can’t wrestle, and all he does is wear eye-liner and cries.

Remember, if you want entertaining interviews with such stars as George South, King Kong Bundy, Mick Foley, Terry Funk listen to www.inyourheadonline.com

To hear this interview and show in it’s entirety please visit http://www.inyourheadonline.com and live every Wednesday at 8 PM EST including this week with Vampiro !!!

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