Ohio Valley Wrestling – 2015

Ohio Valley Wrestling
2015 Results

  • January 3, 2015 – OVW Saturday Night Special Results at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY:  Rump Thump defeats Dapper Dan… Adam Wyld defeats Jake Glasure (w/Jade Dawson)… Jonathan Ramser & The Assassin defeat Dave Lo & SK Eveslage… The No Class Connection (Deonta Davis & Leon Shelly) defeat Robbie Walker & Ryan Howe… Eddie Diamond defeats Chris Silvio (w/Big Trevor)… OVW Southern Tag Team Title: The Fabulous Free Bodies (Big Jon & The Bodyguy) (c) defeat Randy Terrez & Roberto De Luna… OVW Heavyweight Title: Adam Revolver (c) defeats Michael Hayes… Three On Two Handicap: Danny Davis & Trailer Park Trash defeat The War Machine (Eric Locker & Shiloh Jonze) (w/Josh Ashcraft) & Michael Titus.
  • January 7, 2015 – OVW TV #803 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY:  Dark: Rump Thump defeats Jay Best… Dark Tag Team: The No Class Connection (Deonta Davis & Leon Shelly) defeat Elvis Pridemoore & Jonathan Ramser…Adam Wylde defeats Raul LaMotta… OVW Television Title: Eddie F. Diamond defeats Dapper Dan (c) by DQ… Ryan Howe defeats Jake Glasure (w/Jade Dawson)… War Machine (Eric Locker & Shiloh Jonze) (w/Josh Ashcraft) defeat TerreMex (Randy Terrez & The Mexicutioner)… OVW Heavyweight Title: Adam Revolver (c) defeats Michael Hayes… Dark Non Title Tag Team: Adam Wylde & Robbie Walker defeat The Fabulous Free Bodies (Big Jon & The Bodyguy).
  • January 9, 2015 – OVW at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY:  Ryan Howe defeats Dapper Dan… Eddie F. Diamond & Rump Thump defeat The Fabulous Free Bodies (Big Jon & The Bodyguy)… Battle Royal: Winner: Jonathan Ramser… Leon Shelly defeats Dave Lo… The Assassin defeats Jude Dawson… The Mexicutioner defeats Raul LaMotta.
  • January 14, 2015 – OVW TV #804 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY:  Dark Tag Team: Adam Wyld & Robbie Walker defeat The No Class Connection (Deonta Davis & Leon Shelly)… Dark: Jay Best defeats Jonathan Ramser… OVW Television Title: Rump Thump defeats Dapper Dan (c) by Count Out… The War Machine (Eric Locker & Shiloh Jonze) (w/Josh Ashcraft) defeat Adam Wyld & Robbie Walker… Ryan Howe defeats Chris Silvio (w/Big Trevor & Mary Jane)… OVW Southern Tag Team Title: TerreMex (Randy Terrez & The Mexicutioner) defeat The Fabulous Free Bodies (Big Jon & The Bodyguy) (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… Dark Tag Team: The Congregation (Jade Dawson & Jake Glasure) (w/Stuart Miles) defeat Eddie F. Diamond & Elvis Pridemoore.
  • January 21, 2015 – OVW TV #805 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY:  Dark: Jay Best defeats Dave Lo… Dark: Raul LaMotta defeats Timmy Danger… Nightmare Cup 2015 First Round: Danny Davis & Trailer Park Trash defeat The No Class Connection (Deonta Davis & Leon Shelly)… OVW Television Title: Dapper Dan (c) defeats Ryan Howe… Eddie F. Diamond defeats Jay Best… Michael Hayes defeats Raul LaMotta… Nightmare Cup 2015 First Round: Adam Wylde & Robbie Walker defeat TerreMex (Randy Terrez & The Mexicutioner)… Dark OVW Heavyweight Title: Ryan Howe defeats Adam Revolver (c) by DQ.
  • January 24, 2015 – OVW in Elizabethtown, KY:  Rump Thump defeats Elvis Pridemoore… Tag Tam: The No Class Connection (Deonta Davis & Leon Shelly) defeat Dave Lo & The Assassin … Adam Wylde defeatsDapper Dan… The Fabulous Free Bodies (Big Jon & The Bodyguy) defeat TerreMex (Randy Terrez & The Mexicutioner)… OVW Heavyweight Title: Adam Revolver(c) defeats Eddie F. Diamond… Danny Davis, Michael Hayes & Trailer Park Trash defeat The Congregation (Jade Dawson, Jake Glasure & Mohammad Ali Vaez) (w/Stuart Miles).
  • January 28, 2015 – OVW TV #806 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY:  Dark: Eddie F. Diamond defeats Jay Best… Dark Tag Team: The Fabulous Free Bodies (Big Jon & The Bodyguy) defeat Dave Lo & Timmy Danger… Dark: Jade Dawson (w/Jake Glasure & Stuart Miles) defeats The Assassin … Walk On The Wylde Side (Adam Wylde & Robbie Walker) defeat The No Class Connection (Deonta Davis & Leon Shelly)… OVW Television Title: Dapper Dan (c) defeats Elvis Pridemoore by DQ… Ryan Howe defeats The Mexicutioner by DQ… Nightmare Cup 2015 First Round: War Machine (Eric Locker & Shiloh Jonze) (w/Josh Ashcraft) defeat The Congregation (Jade Dawson & Jake Glasure) (w/Stuart Miles)… Michael Hayes defeats Chris Silvio… OVW Heavyweight Title: Rump Thump defeats Adam Revolver (c) by DQ.
  • January 30, 2015 – OVW at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY:  Eddie F. Diamond defeats Dapper Dan… Adam Wylde & The Assassin defeat Elvis Pridemoore & Jay Best… The Mexicutioner defeats Dave Lo… Michael Hayesdefeats Trevor Steele… Ted McNaler defeats Adam Revolver.
  • February 4, 2015 – OVW TV #807 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY:  Dark: Eddie F. Diamond vs. Ryan Howe – Time Limit Draw… Dark: Rump Thump defeats Leon Shelly… Shane Williams defeats Dave Lo… Dapper Dan defeats Timmy Danger… Nightmare Cup 2015 Semi Final: Walk On The Wylde Side (Adam Wylde & Robbie Walker) defeat The Fabulous Free Bodies (Big Jon & The Bodyguy)…Nightmare Cup 2015 Semi Final: War Machine (Eric Locker & Shiloh Jonze) (w/Josh Ashcraft) defeat Danny Davis & Trailer Park Trash… Dark Non Title Tag Team: TerreMex (Randy Terrez & The Mexicutioner) defeat Elvis Pridemoore & Raul LaMotta.
  • February 7, 2015 – OVW Saturday Night Special at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY:  OVW Southern Tag Team Title: TerreMex (Randy Terrez & The Mexicutioner) (c) defeat The No Class Connection (Deonta Davis & Leon Shelly)… Dave Lo, Elvis Pridemoore & SK Eveslage defeat The Congregation (Jade Dawson, Jake Glasure & Stuart Miles)… Ryan Howe defeats Raul LaMotta… OVW Television Title No Count Out: Rump Thump defeats Dapper Dan (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… Street Fight: Eddie F. Diamond defeats Chris Silvio (w/Big Trevor & Mary Jane)…Nightmare Cup 2015 Final: Walk On The Wylde Side (Adam Wylde & Robbie Walker) defeat War Machine (Eric Locker & Shiloh Jonze) (w/Josh Ashcraft)… OVW Heavyweight Title Three Way: Mohammad Ali Vaez defeats Adam Revolver (c) and Michael Hayes – TITLE CHANGE!
  • February 11, 2015 – OVW TV #808 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY:  Dark: The Mexicutioner (w/Randy Terrez) defeats Shiloh Jonze (w/Eric Locker & Josh Ashcraft)… Dark Tag Team: The No Class Connection (Deonta Davis & Leon Shelly) defeat Dave Lo & The Assassin … OVW Television Title: Rump Thump (c) defeats Raul LaMotta… Ryan Howe defeats Adam Revolver… Jake Glasure (w/Jade Dawson & Stuart Miles) defeats Eddie Diamond… Walk On The Wylde Side (Adam Wylde & Robbie Walker) defeat The No Class Connection (Deonta Davis & Leon Shelly)… OVW Heavyweight Title: Michael Hayes defeats Mohammad Ali Vaez (c) by DQ… Dark: Eddie Diamond defeats Dapper Dan.
  • February 18, 2015 – OVW TV #809 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY: INSERT
  • February 25, 2015 – OVW TV #810 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY:  Dark: Elvis Pridemoore defeats Timmy Danger… Dark: Raul LaMotta defeats Leon Shelly (w/Deonta Davis)… Eddie Diamond defeats Dapper Dan… OVW Television Title: Adam Revolver defeats Rump Thump (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… Shane Williams defeats Jay Best… OVW Heavyweight Title: Ryan Howedefeats Mohammad Ali Vaez (c) by DQ… Dark: The Assassin defeats Deonta Davis (w/Leon Shelly)… Dark Tag Team: Walk On The Wylde Side (Adam Wylde & Robbie Walker) defeat The Congregation (Jade Dawson & Jake Glasure) (w/Stuart Miles).
  • March 7, 2015 – OVW Saturday Night Special at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY:  Raul LaMotta defeats Dave Lo… Jay Bradley defeats Dapper Dan… Elvis Pridemoore & The Assassin defeat The No Class Connection (Deonta Davis & Leon Shelly)…OVW Television Title: Rump Thump defeats Adam Revolver (c) by Count Out… OVW Southern Tag Team Title: Walk On The Wylde Side (Adam Wylde & Robbie Walker) defeat TerreMex (Randy Terrez & The Mexicutioner) (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… OVW Heavyweight Title: Mohammad Ali Vaez (w/Jade Dawson, Jake Glasure & Stuart Miles) (c) defeats Ryan Howe… Danny Davis, Jeff Jarrett & Trailer Park Trash defeat Big Jon, Eric Locker & Josh Ashcraft.
  • March 11, 2015 – OVW TV #812 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY:  Dark: Elvis Pridemoore defeats Jay Best… Dark: Dapper Dan defeats Dave Lo… Ryan Howe defeats Raul LaMotta… Shane Williams defeats SK Eveslage… The Mexicutioner defeats Dapper Dan… OVW Television Title: Adam Revolver (c) vs. Eddie Diamond – No Contest… Dark OVW Heavyweight Title: Mohammad Ali Vaez (w/Jade Dawson, Jake Glasure & Stuart Miles) (c) defeats Rump Thump.
  • March 18, 2015 – OVW TV #813 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY:  Dark: Rump Thump defeats Dave Lo… Dark: Dapper Dan defeats SK Eveslage… Jessie Belle defeats Ray Lyn… Nightmare Royal Rumble: Eddie Diamonddefeats Adam Revolver and Adam Wylde and Big Jon and Chris Silvio and Dapper Dan and Deonta Davis and Dylan Bostic and Elvis Pridemoore and Eric Locker and J. Best and Jade Dawson and Leon Shelly and Randy Royal and Randy Terrez and Raul LaMotta and Robbie Walker and Rump Thump and Ryan Howe and Shane Williams and SK Eveslage and Stuart Miles and The Assassin and The Mexicutioner… Dark OVW Heavyweight Title: Ryan Howe defeats Mohammad Ali Vaez(w/Jade Dawson & Stuat Miles) (c) by DQ.
  • March 25, 2015 – OVW TV #814 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY:  Dark: Elvis Pridemoore defeats Leon Shelly (w/J. Best)… Dark: The Assassin defeats Jade Dawson (w/Jake Glasure & Stuart Miles)… Dark: Raul LaMotta defeats Dave Lo… Rump Thump defeats Randy Terrez… Dapper Dan defeats Eddie Diamond… OVW Television Title: Ryan Howe defeats Adam Revolver (c) by DQ…OVW Southern Tag Team Title: Big Jon defeats Adam Wylde (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… Dark: The Mexicutioner defeats Trevor Steele by DQ.
  • April 1, 2015 – OVW TV #815 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY:  Dark: Elvis Pridemoore defeats Jade Dawson (w/Jake Glasure & Stuart Miles)… Dark: Rump Thump defeats Jake Glasure (w/Jade Dawson & Stuart Miles)… Dark:Ryan Howe defeats Dapper Dan… Randy Terrez defeats Adam Wylde by DQ… Shane Williams (w/Vic The Bruiser) defeats Rump Thump… Danny Davis & Trailer Park Trash defeat J. Best & Leon Shelly by DQ… Raul LaMotta defeats Elvis Pridemoore… OVW Television Title: The Mexicutioner defeats Adam Revolver (c) by DQ…Dark: Trevor Steele defeats Dave Lo… Dark Tag Team: Big Jon & Eric Locker (w/Josh Ashcraft) defeat Adam Wylde & Eddie Diamond.
  • April 4, 2015 – OVW Saturday Night Special at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY:  Big Jon & Eric Locker (w/Josh Ashcraft) defeat Elvis Pridemoore & SK Eveslage… Dave Lo, Leon Shelly & The Assassin defeat The Congregation (Jade Dawson, Jake Glasure & Stuart Miles)… Jay Bradley defeats Raul LaMotta… OVW Television Title: Ryan Howe defeats Adam Revolver (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… Two On One Handicap: Shane Williams & Vic The Bruiser defeat Rump Thump… Loser Leaves OVW: The Mexicutioner defeats Randy Terrez… Rook & The Iron Motorhead defeat Dapper Dan & Trevor Steele… OVW Heavyweight Title: Eddie Diamond defeats Mohammad Ali Vaez (w/Jade Dawson, Jake Glasure & Stuart Miles) (c) by DQ.
  • April 8, 2015 – OVW TV #816 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY:  Dark: Trevor Steele defeats Dave Lo… Dark: J. Best defeats Dre Blitz… OVW Television Title: Ryan Howe (c) defeats Dapper Dan… Shane Williams (w/Vic The Bruiser) defeats Leon Shelly… Elvis Pridemoore defeats Raul LaMotta… Eddie Diamond defeats Jade Dawson (w/Mohammad Ali Vaez & Stuart Miles)… Dark OVW Southern Tag Team Title: Big Jon & Eric Locker (w/Josh Ashcraft) (c) defeat Adam Wylde & Ryan Howe.
  • April 15, 2015 – OVW TV #817 @ Davis Arena in Louisville, Kentucky, USA: Dave Lo & Leon Shelly defeat Dre Blitz & J. Best… Dark: The Assassin vs. Trevor Steele – Double Count Out… Elvis Pridemoore defeats Adam Revolver by DQ… OVW Television Title: Ryan Howe (c) defeats Raul LaMotta… Adam Wylde defeats Dapper Dan… Dave Lo & Leon Shelly defeat Big Jon & Eric Locker (w/Josh Ashcraft) by DQ… Eddie Diamond defeats Jake Glasure… Dark Non Title: Mohammad Ali Vaez defeats Jade Dawson…
  • April 22, 2015 – OVW TV #818 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY:  Dark: Eric Locker defeats Adam Wylde… Dark: The Assassin vs. Trevor Steele – Double Count Out… Big Jon & Eric Locker (w/Josh Ashcraft) defeat Dave Lo & Leon Shelly… Shane Williams (w/Jason Lee & Vic The Bruiser) defeats Elvis Pridemoore… OVW Television Title: Ryan Howe (c) vs. Dre Blitz – No Contest… Adam Wylde defeats Raul LaMotta… Eddie Diamond defeats Jake Glasure… Dark: The Mexicutioner defeats Dapper Dan…
  • April 29, 2015 – OVW TV #819 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY: Elvis Pridemoore defeats Dre Blitz… Dark: Trevor Steele defeats Dave Lo… Dark: Leon Shelly defeats Dapper Dan… OVW Television Title: Ryan Howe (c) defeats Raul LaMotta… Eric Locker (w/Josh Ashcraft) defeats Trailer Park Trash (w/Jim Cornette)… Eddie Diamond defeats Jade Dawson (w/Stuart Miles)… OVW Heavyweight Title: Eddie Diamond defeats Mohammad Ali Vaez (w/Jade Dawson, Jake Glasure & Stuart Miles) (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… Dark: Big Jon (w/Josh Ashcraft) defeats Adam Wylde…
  • May 6, 2015 – OVW TV #820 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY: Elvis Pridemoore defeats Jade Dawson (w/Jake Glasure & Stuart Miles)… Dark: Ryan Howe defeats Stuart Miles (w/Jade Dawson & Jake Glasure)… Dark: Adam Wylde defeats Jake Glasure (w/Jade Dawson & Stuart Miles)… The Mexicutioner defeats Jade Dawson (w/Jake Glasure & Stuart Miles)… Raul LaMotta defeats Leon Shelly… Shane Williams (w/Vic The Bruiser) defeats Dave Lo… War Machine (Big Jon & Eric Locker) (w/Josh Ashcraft) defeat Dre Blitz & Elvis Pridemoore… Dark OVW Heavyweight Title: Eddie Diamond (c) defeats Trevor Steele…
  • May 8, 2015 – GAW/OVW @ Fountain City Commons in Knoxville, Tennessee, USA: Adam Wylde defeats Jade Dawson (5:22)… The Mexicutioner defeats Bobby Fulton (11:28)… Rump Thump defeats Adam Revolver (7:25)… OVW Television Title: Ryan Howe (c) defeats Chris Silvio (8:40)… OVW Heavyweight Title Match (Special Referee: Tom Prichard): Eddie Diamond (c) defeats Shane Williams (15:04)… Tag Team: Danny Davis & Trailer Park Trash (w/Jim Cornette) defeat War Machine (Big Jon & Eric Locker) (w/Josh Ashcraft)…
  • May 9, 2015 – OVW Saturday Night Special at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY: Dave Lo, Jade Dawson & Rook defeat The Congregation (Jake Glasure & Stuart Miles) & The Iron Motorhead… The Assassin vs. Trevor Steele – Double Count Out… Elvis Pridemoore defeats SK Eveslage… Adam Wylde defeats Raul LaMotta… Two On One Handicap: Shane Williams & Vic The Bruiser (w/The Queen Of Knoxville) defeat The Mexicutioner… OVW Television Title: Adam Revolver defeats Ryan Howe (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… War Machine (Big Jon & Eric Locker) & Josh Ashcraft defeat Danny Davis, Jim Cornette & Trailer Park Trash…
  • May 13, 2015 – OVW TV #821 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY: Dark: Jade Dawson defeats Leon Shelly… Dark: Big Jon (w/Josh Ashcraft) defeats Dave Lo… Dark: Trevor Steele defeats Dre Blitz… OVW Heavyweight Title: Eddie Diamond (c) defeats Adam Wylde… The Mexicutioner defeats Jake Glasure (w/Stuart Miles)… Eric Locker (w/Big Jon & Josh Ashcraft) defeats Carl Cunningham… OVW Television Title: Adam Revolver (c) defeats Ryan Howe… Dark OVW Southern Tag Team Title: War Machine (Big Jon & Eric Locker) (w/Josh Ashcraft) (c) defeat Adam Wylde & The Assassin…
  • May 20, 2015 – OVW TV #822 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY: Dark: Jake Glasure (w/Stuart Miles) defeats Dave Lo… Dark: Elvis Pridemoore defeats Trevor Steele… Jessie Belle defeats Deonna Purrazzo… Shane Williams (w/Jason Lee & Vic The Bruiser) defeats Adam Wylde… OVW Television Title: Adam Revolver (c) defeats Leon Shelly… Big Jon (w/Eric Locker & Josh Ashcraft) defeats Dre Blitz… OVW Heavyweight Title: Eddie Diamond (c) defeats Damian Adams… Dark Tag Team: Jessie Belle & Ryan Howe defeat Damian Adams & Deonna Purrazzo…
  • May 27, 2015 – OVW TV #823 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY: Dark: Jake Glasure (w/Stuart Miles) defeats J. Best… Dark: Stuart Miles (w/Jake Glasure) defeats The Assassin… Ryan Howe defeats Dre Blitz… Dave Lo & Leon Shelly defeat Jason Lee & Vic The Bruiser (w/Shane Williams) by DQ… Eric Locker (w/Big Jon & Josh Ashcraft) defeats Elvis Pridemoore… OVW Heavyweight Title: Eddie Diamond (c) defeats Mitch Huff… Dark: Big Jon (w/Josh Ashcraft) defeats Ryan Howe…
  • June 3, 2015 – OVW TV #824 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY: Dark: J. Best defeats Dre Blitz… Dark: Jade Dawson defeats Dave Bouschan… Mitch Huff defeats Adam Wylde… Two On One Handicap: Trevor Steele defeats Dave Lo & Leon Shelly… Jake Glasure defeats Elvis Pridemoore… Adam Revolver defeats Dre Blitz… OVW Heavyweight Title: Eddie Diamond (c) defeats Eric Locker (w/Big Jon, Josh Ashcraft & Trevor Steele)… Dark: Big Jon (w/Trevor Steele) defeats Mitch Huff…
  • June 6, 2015 – OVW Saturday Night Special at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY: Rump Thump defeats Elvis Pridemoore… Jade Dawson & The Mexicutioner defeat The Congregation (Jake Glasure & Stuart Miles)… Three On Two Handicap: War Machine (Big Jon & Trevor Steele) (w/Josh Ashcraft) (c) defeat Dave Bouschan, Iron Motorhead & Rook… Adam Wylde & Mitch Huff defeat War Machine (Big Jon & Trevor Steele) (w/Josh Ashcraft)… OVW Television Title Last Man Standing Match (vakant): Ryan Howe defeats Adam Revolver – TITLE CHANGE !!!… Randy Royal & Trailer Park Trash vs. Jason Lee & Vic The Bruiser (w/Shane Williams) – No Contest… OVW Heavyweight Title: Eddie Diamond (c) defeats Jay Bradley…
  • June 10, 2015 – OVW TV #825 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY: Dark: The Mexicutioner defeats Dave Lo… Dark: Elvis Pridemoore defeats Leon Shelly… OVW Heavyweight Title: Eddie Diamond (c) defeats Adam Revolver… Adam Wylde & Mitch Huff defeat Big Jon & Trevor Steele (w/Josh Ashcraft)… OVW Television Title: Ryan Howe (c) vs. Randy Royal (w/Vic The Bruiser) – No Contest… Dark: Trevor Steele defeats The Assassin… Dark: Jade Dawson vs. Stuart Miles – No Contest…
  • June 17, 2015 – OVW TV #826 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY: Dark: Dark OVW Heavyweight Title: Eddie Diamond (c) defeats Trevor Steele by DQ… Dark: Jessie Belle defeats Amazing Maria… Leon Shelly defeats Stuart Miles… OVW Television Title: Ryan Howe (c) defeats Vic The Bruiser (w/Randy Royal)… Rump Thump defeats Adam Revolver… OVW Southern Tag Team Title: Big Jon & Eric Locker (w/Josh Ashcraft) (c) defeat Adam Wylde & Mitch Huff… Dark: The Mexicutioner defeats Stuart Miles… Dark Tag Team: Dapper Dan & Elvis Pridemoore defeat Dave Lo & The Assassin…
  • June 24, 2015 – OVW TV #827 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY: Dark: Rump Thump defeats Dre Blitz… Dark: Leon Shelly defeats Elvis Pridemoore… OVW Television Title: Ryan Howe (c) defeats Jason Lee (w/Vic The Bruiser)… Three On Two Handicap: Adam Wylde & Eddie Diamond defeat The War Machine (Big Jon, Eric Locker & Trevor Steele) (w/Josh Ashcraft)… OVW Television Title: Randy Royal (w/Jason Lee, Jessie Belle & Vic The Bruiser) defeats Ryan Howe (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… Dark: Trevor Steele defeats Oso Rayos… Dark: Adam Revolver defeats The Mexicutioner…
  • July 1, 2015 – OVW TV #828 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY: Dark: Eric Locker defeats Mitch Huff… Adam Revolver defeats Jade Dawson… Big Jon (w/Josh Ashcraft) defeats Adam Wylde… Leon Shelly defeats Elvis Pridemoore… OVW Television Title: Randy Royal (w/Jason Lee & Vic The Bruiser) (c) vs. The Mexicutioner – No Contest… Dark: Dapper Dan (w/Dave-Lo) defeats Dave Banyon… Dark OVW Heavyweight Title: Eddie Diamond (c) defeats Reverend Stuart Miles…
  • July 4, 2015 – OVW Saturday Night Special at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY: Eight Man War Games Steel Cage: Team Diamond (Adam Wylde, Eddie Diamond, Marcus Anthony & Mitch Huff) defeat Team War Machine (Adam Revolver, Big Jon, Eric Locker & Trevor Steele) (w/Josh Ashcraft)… Jay Bradley defeats Leon Shelly… Rook, SK Eveslage & The Assassin defeat Elvis Pridemoore, Shane Andrews & The Ringmaster (w/Dapper Dan)… Street Fight: Jade Dawson defeats Reverend Stuart Miles… Marcus Anthony defeats Josh Ashcraft (w/Trevor Steele)… Danny Davis & Rob Conway defeat Jason Lee & Vic The Bruiser (w/Jessie Belle)…
  • July 8, 2015 – OVW TV #829 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY: Dylan Bostic (w/Ray Lyn) defeats Adam Revolver… Rebel defeats Jessie Belle… OVW Heavyweight Title: Eddie Diamond (c) defeats Rump Thump… OVW Southern Tag Team Title: The War Machine (Big Jon & Eric Locker) (c) vs. Adam Wylde & Mitch Huff – No Contest… OVW Southern Tag Team Title: Walk On The Wylde Side (Adam Wylde & Robbie Walker) defeat The War Machine (Big Jon & Eric Locker) (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… Dark: Jade Dawson defeats Shane Andrews…
  • July 15, 2015 – OVW TV #830 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY: Dark: Jade Dawson vs. Leon Shelly – Time Limit Draw (10:00)… Dark: Dapper Dan Van Zandt defeats Wes Connors… The War Machine (Big Jon, Eric Locker & Trevor Steele) (w/Josh Ashcraft) defeat Walk On The Wylde Side (Adam Wylde & Robbie Walker) & Mitch Huff… Three Way: Jessie Belle defeats Ray Lyn and Rebel… OVW Heavyweight Title: Eddie Diamond (c) vs. Rump Thump – No Contest… OVW Television Title: Dylan Bostic defeats Randy Royal (w/Jessie Belle) (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… Dark: Reverend Stuart Miles defeats Adam Revolver by DQ…
  • July 22, 2015 – OVW TV #831 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY: Dark OVW Heavyweight Title: Eddie Diamond (c) defeats Robbie Walker… Dark: Chris Silvio defeats Rook… Dark: Chris Silvio defeats Wes Connors… Dapper Dan Van Zandt defeats Leon Shelly… Jessie Belle defeats Rebel… OVW Television Title Triple Threat Match (vakant): Randy Royal (w/Jessie Belle) defeats Adam Wylde and Eric Locker (w/Josh Ashcraft) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… Dark: Big Jon (w/Josh Ashcraft) defeats Reverend Stuart Miles…
  • July 24, 2015 – OVW Friday Fight Night at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY: Dapper Dan Van Zandt defeats Jade Dawson… Ted McNaler defeats Ochentas… Ryan Howe defeats Eric Locker (w/Josh Ashcraft)… OVW Southern Tag Team Title: Walk On The Wylde Side (Adam Wylde & Robbie Walker) (c) defeat Bruce Leroy & Ramon… Mary Elizabeth Monroe defeats The Bodyguy… OVW Heavyweight Title TLC: Chris Silvio defeats Eddie Diamond (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!…
  • July 29, 2015 – OVW TV #832 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY: Dark: Jade Dawson defeats The Ringmaster (w/Scarlet)… Dark: Jessie Belle (w/Randy Royal) defeats Deonna Purrazzo… OVW Television Title: Randy Royal (w/Jessie Belle) (c) defeats Damian Adams (w/Deonna Purrazzo)… Dapper Dan Van Zandt (w/Scarlet & The Ringmaster ) defeats Robbie Walker… Leon Shelly defeats Adam Revolver… OVW Heavyweight Title #1 Contendership: Eddie Diamond defeats Mohammad Ali Vaez… Dark Six Man Tag Team: The Family Circus (Dapper Dan Van Zandt, Elvis Pridemoore & The Ringmaster ) (w/Scarlet) defeat Walk On The Wylde Side (Adam Wylde & Robbie Walker) & Mitch Huff…
  • August 1, 2015 – OVW Saturday Night Special at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY: Adam Wylde defeats Dapper Dan Van Zandt (w/Scarlet & The Ringmaster )… Bin Hamin, Mohammad Ali Vaez & Reverend Stuart Miles defeat Leon Shelly, SK Eveslage & The Assassin… Two On One Handicap: Big Jon defeats Elvis Pridemoore & Oso Rayos… Jade Dawson defeats Adam Revolver… OVW Television Title: Randy Royal (c) defeats Ryan Howe by DQ… Singles Match (Special Referee: Adam Wylde): Robbie Walker defeats Mitch Huff… OVW Heavyweight Title I Quit: Chris Silvio (c) defeats Eddie Diamond…
  • August 5, 2015 – OVW TV #833 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY: Dark: Dapper Dan Van Zandt defeats Shane Andrews… Mitch Huff defeats Eric Locker (w/Big Jon & Josh Ashcraft)… Devin Driscoll defeats Elvis Pridemoore… OVW Heavyweight Title: Chris Silvio (c) defeats Adam Wylde… Dark: Mohammad Ali Vaez defeats Robbie Walker…
  • August 12, 2015 – OVW TV #834 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY: Dark: Shane Andrews defeats Leon Shelly… Dark: Dapper Dan Van Zandt (w/Scarlet & The Ringmaster ) defeats Tyler Matrix… Eddie Diamond defeats Trevor Steele (w/Big Jon, Eric Locker & Josh Ashcraft)… Jade Dawson & Reverend Stuart Miles defeat Adam Revolver & Mohammad Ali Vaez… Rebel defeats Mary Elizabeth Monroe… OVW Southern Tag Team Title: Wylde And Reckless (Adam Wylde & Robbie Walker) (c) defeat Elvis Pridemoore & Shane Andrews… OVW Television Title: Randy Royal (w/Jessie Belle) (c) defeats Devin Driscoll by DQ… OVW Heavyweight Title Dark: Chris Silvio (c) defeats Mitch Huff…
  • August 19, 2015 – OVW TV #835 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY: Dark: Big Jon (w/Josh Ashcraft) defeats Dre Blitz… Dark: Leon Shelly defeats Elvis Pridemoore… Dark: Adam Wylde defeats Shane Andrews… OVW Television Title: Eddie Diamond defeats Randy Royal (w/Jessie Belle) (c) by DQ… Jade Dawson defeats Mohammad Ali Vaez (w/Bin Hamin)… Dapper Dan Van Zandt (w/Scarlet & The Ringmaster ) defeats Tyler Matrix… Mitch Huff vs. Robbie Walker – No Contest… Reverend Stuart Miles defeats Adam Revolver… Devin Driscoll & Eddie Diamond defeat Chris Silvio & Randy Royal (w/Jessie Belle)… Dark: The Assassin defeats Bin Hamin… Dark: Trevor Steele (w/Josh Ashcraft) defeats Rump Thump…
  • August 26, 2015 – OVW TV #836 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY: Dark Tag Team: The War Machine (Eric Locker & Trevor Steele) (w/Josh Ashcraft) defeat Dre Blitz & Tyler Matrix… Dark: Devin Driscoll defeats Shane Andrews… Jade Dawson defeats Mohammad Ali Vaez… Big Jon (w/Josh Ashcraft) defeats Rump Thump… Eight Man Battle Royal: Adam Revolver & Reverend Stuart Miles defeat ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???… OVW Television Title: Mitch Huff defeats Randy Royal (w/Jessie Belle) (c) by Count Out… OVW Southern Tag Team Title Dark: Wylde And Reckless (Adam Wylde & Robbie Walker) (c) defeat The Van Zandt Family Circus (Dapper Dan Van Zandt & The Ringmaster ) (w/Scarlet)…
  • September 2, 2015 – OVW TV #837 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY: Dark: Jade Dawson defeats Dre Blitz… Dark: Shane Andrews defeats Tyler Matrix… OVW Television Title: Randy Royal (w/Jessie Belle) (c) defeats Devin Driscoll… Leon Shelly defeats The Ringmaster (w/Dapper Dan Van Zandt & Scarlet)… OVW Southern Tag Team Title: Wylde And Reckless (Adam Wylde & Robbie Walker) (c) defeat Adam Revolver & Reverend Stuart Miles… Big Jon & Mitch Huff defeat War Machine (Eric Locker & Trevor Steele) (w/Josh Ashcraft)… Dark: Dapper Dan Van Zandt (w/Scarlet & The Ringmaster ) defeats Robbie Walker…
  • September 5, 2015 – OVW Saturday Night Special at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY: Shane Andrews (w/Jessie Belle) defeats Rump Thump… Scarlet defeats Jessie Belle (w/Shane Andrews)… Battle Royal: Jade Dawson defeats Dre Blitz and Elvis Pridemoore and Rook and SK Eveslage and The Assassin and Wes Connors… Dapper Dan Van Zandt (w/Scarlet & The Ringmaster ) defeats Leon Shelly… OVW Television Title: Devin Driscoll defeats Randy Royal (w/Jessie Belle) (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… OVW Southern Tag Team Title Four Way Roulette: Wylde And Reckless (Adam Wylde & Robbie Walker) (c) defeat The War Machine (Eric Locker & Trevor Steele) (w/Josh Ashcraft) and Adam Revolver & Reverend Stuart Miles and Big Jon & Mitch Huff… OVW Heavyweight Title Death: Chris Silvio (c) defeats Eddie Diamond…
  • September 9, 2015 – OVW TV #838 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY: Dark: Leon Shelly defeats Wes Connors… Dark: Trevor Steele (w/Josh Ashcraft) defeats Elvis Pridemoore… Shane Andrews (w/Jessie Belle) defeats Dre Blitz… Eric Locker defeats Rump Thump… OVW Television Title Three Way: Randy Royal (c) defeats Devin Driscoll and Jade Dawson… Chris Silvio (w/Rocco Bellagio) defeats Bud Dwight… Dapper Dan Van Zandt (w/Scarlet & The Ringmaster ) defeats Tyler Matrix… OVW Southern Tag Team Title: Big Jon & Mitch Huff defeat Wylde And Reckless (Adam Wylde & Robbie Walker) (c) by DQ… Dark: The Assassin defeats Rook… Dark Tag Team: Dapper Dan Van Zandt & The Ringmaster (w/Scarlet) defeat Adam Revolver & Reverend Stuart Miles…
  • September 16, 2015 – OVW TV #839 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY: Dark: Rocco Bellagio defeats Dre Blitz… Dark: Dapper Dan Van Zandt (w/Scarlet & The Ringmaster ) defeats Rump Thump… OVW Television Title: Randy Royal (w/Jessie Belle) (c) defeats Leon Shelly… Eric Locker defeats Wes Connors… OVW Southern Tag Team Title #1 Contendership: The Band Of Brothers (General Pope & Private Anthony) defeat Adam Revolver & Reverend Stuart Miles… Shane Andrews (w/Jessie Belle) defeats Tyler Matrix… Devin Driscoll defeats Robbie Walker… Dark: Chris Silvio defeats Adam Wylde…
  • September 23, 2015 – OVW TV #840 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY: Dark: Mitch Huff defeats Shane Andrews (w/Jessie Belle) by DQ… Dark: Trevor Steele (w/Josh Ashcraft) defeats Wes Connors… Dark: Bud Dwight defeats Elvis Pridemoore… Rocco Bellagio defeats Tyler Matrix… Tag Team: The Van Zandt Family Circus (Dapper Dan Van Zandt & The Ringmaster ) defeat Wylde And Reckless (Adam Wylde & Robbie Walker) by Count Out… OVW Television Title: Randy Royal (w/Jessie Belle) (c) defeats J. Best… Big Jon defeats Josh Ashcraft (w/Trevor Steele) by DQ… Dark Tag Team: J. Best & Rook defeat Adam Revolver & Reverend Stuart Miles by DQ… Dark: Chris Silvio vs. Eric Locker – Time Limit Draw…
  • September 30, 2015 – OVW TV #841 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY: Rump Thump defeats Shane Andrews by Count Out… Trevor Steele (w/Josh Ashcraft) defeats Tyler Matrix… Adam Revolver & Reverend Stuart Miles vs. Dre Blitz & J. Best – No Contest… OVW Southern Tag Team Title #1 Contendership Two On One Handicap: The Van Zandt Family Circus (Dapper Dan Van Zandt & The Ringmaster ) defeat Adam Wylde… OVW Television Title #1 Contendership: Leon Shelly defeats Rump Thump… Bud Dwight & Devin Driscoll defeat Chris Silvio & Rocco Bellagio… Dark: Wes Connors defeats Elvis Pridemoore… Dark: Eric Locker vs. Mitch Huff – No Contest…
  • October 3, 2015 – OVW Saturday Night Special at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY: OVW Television Title: Randy Royal (c) defeats Leon Shelly… Adam Revolver, Iron Motorhead, Reverend Stuart Miles & Tyler Matrix defeat Elvis Pridemoore, Rook, Rump Thump & Wes Connors… Sinlges: Rocco Bellagio defeats Bud Dwight… OVW Southern Tag Team Title Two On One Handicap: The Van Zandt Family Circus (Dapper Dan Van Zandt & The Ringmaster ) (w/Scarlet) defeat Adam Wylde (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… Three Way: Big Jon defeats Trevor Steele (w/Josh Ashcraft) and Eric Locker… OVW Heavyweight Title Ultraviolent Rules: Chris Silvio (c) defeats Devin Driscoll…
  • October 7, 2015 – OVW TV #842 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY: Dark: Adam Wylde defeats Rump Thump… Dark: Rocco Bellagio defeats Wes Conners… Dark: Leon Shelly defeats Dre Blitz… OVW Television Title: Mitch Huff defeats Randy Royal (w/Jessie Belle & Shane Andrews) (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… Private Anthony defeats J. Best… Big Jon defeats Trevor Steele (w/Josh Ashcraft)… OVW Southern Tag Team Title: The Van Zandt Family Circus (Dapper Dan Van Zandt & The Ringmaster ) (w/Scarlet) (c) defeat Tag Buddies (Adam Revolver & Reverend Stuart Miles)… OVW Heavyweight Title: Devin Driscoll defeats Chris Silvio (w/Rocco Bellagio) (c) by DQ… Dark: Eric Locker defeats Shane Andrews (w/Jessie Belle)…
  • October 14, 2015 – OVW TV #843 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY: Dark: Rebel defeats Jessie Belle (w/Shane Andrews)… Dark: Bud Dwight defeats Rump Thump… Dark: Eric Locker defeats Tyler Matrix… OVW Television Title: Mitch Huff (c) defeats Shane Andrews (w/Jessie Belle)… Two On One Handicap: Private Anthony defeats Dre Blitz & J. Best… Reverend Stuart Miles defeats Dapper Dan Van Zandt (w/The Ringmaster )… OVW Heavyweight Title Iron Man: Chris Silvio (w/Josh Ashcraft) (c) defeats Devin Driscoll [5:4]… Dark: Elvis Pridemoore defeats Wes Connors… Dark: Big Jon defeats Robbie Walker…
  • October 17, 2015 – OVW @ Vaughn Reno Starks Community Center in Elizabethtown, Kentucky, USA Rump Thump defeats Adam Revolver… Randy Royal & Vic The Bruiser (w/The Judge ) defeat Banyon & Rook… Big Jon defeats Tyler Matrix… OVW Southern Tag Team Title: The Van Zandt Family Circus (Dapper Dan Van Zandt & The Ringmaster ) (c) defeat Elvis Pridemoore & Leon Shelly… Singles Match (Special Referee: Jim Cornette): Josh Ashcraft defeats Reverend Stuart Miles… Trailer Park Trash defeats Tracy Smothers (w/The Judge & Vic The Bruiser)…
  • October 21, 2015 – OVW TV #844 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY: Dark: Bud Dwight defeats Shane Andrews (w/Jessie Belle)… Dark: Robbie Walker defeats J. Best… Tag Team: The Van Zandt Family Circus (Dapper Dan Van Zandt & The Ringmaster ) defeat Tyler Matrix & Wes Connors… Rocco Bellagio (w/Josh Ashcraft) defeats Adam Revolver… OVW Television Title: Mitch Huff (c) defeats Leon Shelly… OVW Heavyweight Title #1 Contendership: Randy Royal (w/Jessie Belle) defeats Ryan Howe… Dark: Reverend Stuart Miles defeats Eric Locker…
  • October 28, 2015 – OVW TV #845 at the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY: Dark OVW Southern Tag Team Title: The Van Zandt Family Circus (Dapper Dan Van Zandt & The Ringmaster ) (c) defeat Bud Dwight & Rump Thump… Dark: Jessie Belle (w/Shane Andrews) defeats Rebel… Dark: Shane Andrews (w/Jessie Belle) defeats Leon Shelly… Robbie Walker defeats Tyler Matrix… OVW Television Title: Devin Driscoll defeats Mitch Huff (c) – TITLE CHANGE !!!… OVW Heavyweight Title #1 Contendership: Ryan Howe defeats Randy Royal (w/Jessie Belle)… Dark: Eric Locker defeats Ram Jam… Dark: Rocco Bellagio defeats Reverend Stuart Miles…

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