NWS Summer Schedule in New Jersey


With most wrestling company’s slowing down during the summer months, National Wrestling Superstars once again shows why they are better than “most”, even when the annual Widwood shows have been put on a temporary hiatus for the summer months this year only due to financial restraints by the local powers that be, NWS will not sit on its laurels (or hardeys) when in the month of July, they will be involved with 8, count em 8 events in 31 days.

While all dates have not been made public yet, take a look at this impressive schedule

July 7, Dunellen, NJ

July 12, New Haven, CT

July 22, Wilmington, DE

July 27, Long Branch, NJ

July 27, Middletown, NJ

July 28, Long Branch, NJ

Keep your eyes on the NWS site (www.nwswrestling.com) as within the next week, two more dates will be added to this already busy schedule.

And it doesn’t end there because August looks just as busy with promoters putting together a tour that would make promoters in Stamford, Orlando and Japan (oh yeah, don’t forget New Jersey) green with envy.

And fans, you’d better get your tickets early because look at the impressive names already scheduled to appear on the NWS events
The Patriot

Salvatore Sincere

TNA’s Miss Traci Brooks

Demolition Ax

Barry Darso, formerly Demolition Smash

Short Sleeve Samson

Lex Lugar

Plus all of talent that has made the NWS the #1 promotion in the Northeast today.

Keep an eye on the website (www.nwswrestling.com). To order tickets to any and all events  by phone call 732-888-1704