NWS results with Balls, Axl, Sabu, and TLC

National Wrestling Superstars Results From Manville, New Jersey 10/10: Former ECW Originals Battle It Out As Balls Mahoney & Axl Rotten Face Danny Doring & Julio Dinero, Plus Sabu In A Tables-Ladders-Chairs Match With Danny Demanto & Nicky Oceans & Corvis Fear, And More

National Wrestling Superstars returned to its favorite central Jersey home venue, and the home of the J-Cup Classic, the Manville VFW Hall, on Saturday night October 10th. A super Saturday night turnout packed the VFW Hall to see no less than five one time ECW originals in the house, as well as the regional and local pro mat stars of NWS.

NWS posted on the arena door and announced before the show began, as they had on the Internet, that ECW hardcore legend The Sandman had informed them during the week that he was undergoing knee surgery and would not be able to make the show. Along with ECW originals Sabu and Julio Dinero who were already scheduled to attend, NWS announced that ECW alumni Balls Mahoney, Axl Rotten, and “Dastardly” Danny Doring had been added to the lineup for the evening, plus fan favorite and former WWE & WCW star “America’s Hero” The Patriot.

NWS introduced longtime Women Superstars Uncensored ring announcer Destiny as the co-host for the evening.

In the opening contest, former WWE & WCW star “America’s Hero” The Patriot & former NWS Heavyweight Champion Vicious Vinny defeated current NWS Heavyweight Champion “Corrupted” Corey Havoc & Jack Spade. Despite underhanded tactics from Havoc and Spade, Patriot’s experience and Vinny’s drive to avenge Havoc for his title loss help them dominate most of the match. In the end, Patriot chokeslammed Spade followed by a moonsault by Vinny and the three-count.

In a two-on-one Handicap Match, Indian Chief Draven defeated “Mr. Entertainment” J.D. Smoothie & The Soul Assassin. Smoothie & The Assassin had trouble functioning as a team from the get-go, each wanting to be the one who finished off Draven. Draven took advantage of the dissension, as he speared Smoothie out of the ring and leveled Soul Assassin with a Tomahawk Driver for the three-count.

In a battle of Chikara Wrestling standouts, Ophidian defeated Frightmare. The two high-flying luchadors put on a nonstop aerial display for nearly ten minutes, with the fans on the edge of their seats in awe. At the end, Ophidian and Frightmare each tried to roll up the other and kept reversing it until Ophidian rolled up Frightmare with enough leverage to hold him down for the three-count. Both luchadors shook hands after the match in a show of sportsmanship.

The Nigerian Nightmares (with manager “Voodoo Princess Sheeta) defeated Nikko The Monkey Man & “Sonny Boy” Gulano. The Nightmares also brought their “entourage” with them to ringside, in the form of ECW originals “Dastardly” Danny Doring and Julio Dinero (with his manager Miss Michelle), Danny Demanto, and Nicky Oceans. However, Commissioner Moore appeared almost immediately and ordered the entire cast of extras back to the locker room. The match then began in earnest, but it was hardly a match, as the Nightmares overwhelmed their opposition. After several minutes of crushing abuse, the Nightmares flattened Gulano with a Nigerian Leg Roll and pinned him 1-2-3 to mercifully end the match. But it was not over, as the Nightmares continued to pound Nikko and Sonny Boy, with Danny Demanto and Nicky Oceans joining in the beatdown. The Patriot charged into the ring and in typical American bravery took on all four goons, and it looked like he was keeping them at bay, when Danny Doring and Julio Dinero joined in the fight, making it a six-on-one affair which was too much for The Patriot, as he was beaten down by the overwhelming opposition. Then from out of the back came Balls Mahoney, Axl Rotten, Sabu, and Corvis Fear, who evened up the odds and drove the entire cast of goons from the ring. Patriot seized the microphone and demanded a match against the Nigerian Nightmares tonight. Commissioner Moore said that he could not oblige him tonight, but on NWS’ next Manville show in early 2010, The Patriot and a mystery partner of his choosing would indeed face The Nigerian Nightmares.

In an ECW Originals Tag-Team Explosion, The Chair Swinging Freaks (Balls Mahoney & Axl Rotten) vs. “Dastardy” Danny Doring & Julio Dinero (with manager Miss Michelle) ended in a double countout. After several minutes of hard-hitting brawling, both teams took their fight to the floor. Doring and Dinero actually ran out the front door to get away from Balls and Axl, but Balls and Axl did not get back into the ring before the referee reached the count of ten, so both teams were counted out. Balls and Axl complained loudly that they wanted a rematch. After they left, Doring and Dinero finally reappeared in the arena, claiming that they had tried to get back in but the doors were locked. Commissioner Moore wasn’t buying it, and announced that next month in nearby Basking Ridge, NJ, Doring would be facing WWE hall-of-famer Tito Santana, and Dinero would be facing former WWE TV legend Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake in a “Loser Gets A Haircut” Match.

In the other co-main event match, Corvis Fear won a Money-In-The-Bank style Tables-Ladders-and-Chairs Match against ECW original Sabu, “The Cold-Hearted Playa” Danny Demanto, and NWS Junior Heavyweight Champion “The Love Machine” Nicky Oceans. Before the match, Demanto insisted that he did not sign on for a T-L-C match, and wanted just a regular tag-team match, but the chairs soon began to fly and the match was on. The match broke down into a pair of brawls, with Demanto and Sabu mostly going at it outside the ring (and into the crowd) with chairs and other objects, and former teammates Oceans and Fear battling each other with the ladders inside the ring. After multiple attempts by all participants to climb the ladder, Sabu put Demanto through a table with an Arabian Facebuster, while Fear knocked Oceans off the ladder and climbed up and retrieved the briefcase (which contained an open guarantee for a match any place any time against any opponent of choice). The crowd applauded the efforts of all four participants.

NWS returns to action on Saturday night October 24th with a long-awaited return to the North Brunswick Township, NJ High School Gym, with former WWE World Champion and Hall of Famer “Superstar” Billy Graham, ECW & WCW hardcore legends Terry Funk & “The Taskmaster” Kevin Sullivan, and TNA Wrestling star Lacey Von Erich. NWS then closes out October with a Howlin’ Halloween Eve show on Friday night October 30th at Long Branch, NJ’s Seashore Broadway Gym, featuring former WWE Oddities member The Giant Silva and the former ECW Zombie.

Follow NWS on the Web at www.nwswrestling.com.