NWS comments on Sensational Sherri

NWS received notice from several wrestlers and also saw a report on www.wrestlingfigs.com on the passing of Sherri Martel


NWS second banana in charge, Dapper Johnny Falco (aka Joe Panzarino) issued a statement after learning about the untimely passing of Sensational Sherri Martel.

Sherri worked for us on many occasions when it was one great night at the old convention hall in Wildwood NJ when Kahuna Moore booked a bout against Sherri and Debbie Combs. Our beloved Commissioner made it a Dog Collar Match (which Sherri was not too fond of). When Sherri was not too fond of something, she made sure everyone knew her feelings. Anyway, the bout ensued from the ring to the ringside chairs right out the entrance way to the arena, through the metal doors onto the Wildwood Boardwalk and back in again spilling everywhere, including on fans. When Sherri was done with the bout, she eyed the stage area out where management would sit and actually called me out. I, being the very quick thinking promoter at the time, pointed to somebody else and said “that’s Joe Panzarino”, and made a quick exit, not wanting to deal with the volatile Ms. Martel. Either way, a great bout and I believe we even brought it back.

Some time within the 6 to 8 months I spoke with Sherri about a potential booking, but was informed she was no longer doing in-ring activities, only managing. I thanked her and promised to stay in touch. Sherri was always one of those larger than life figures and when she walked into a room, you knew she was special. I’m sure she will be missed by all including one former employee of the company who was very close to her and our condolences go out to her as well.

A ten bill salute goes without question.

National Wrestling Superstars

Joe Panzarino (and Gino Moore)