NWS 3/13 Results From Sayreville, NJ

This past Saturday, March 13th, National Wrestling Superstars  had an event scheduled at the Sayreville Knights of Columbus and had to deal with heavy winds, floods, closed access to town and downed power lines. Yet, despite all this, NWS went ahead and overcame Mother’s Natures fury to put on a fantastic event to the fans who braved the elements to attend the event.
Match by match results (as already posted on the NWS Facebook page (www.facebook.com/NWSWrestling).

Match #1
NWS heavyweight champion Corey Havoc had his bodyguards, The Commandos by his side as he took on former NWS Junior Heavyweight champion and OVW standout Damian Adams. Despite Havoc having The Commandos on the outside, it appeared that tonight would be the night that Adams would take the title, but alas, with Nicky Oceans and Danny Demanto on the outside of the ring, it was just too much for Adams as Havoc pinned him 1-2-3

Match #2
NWS cruiserweight champion Jumpin Joey Janella took on former champion, Mr. Entertainment J.D. Smoothie. The two battled for 10 minutes before the time limit expired. The fans, who knew their wrestling started chanting 5 more minutes and Commissioner Gino Moore told fans that the NWS appreciated them braving the elements and ordered the match re-started. Smoothie hit the referee and used the title belt on Janella. When the referee came to, he saw Janella’s shoulders down and counted the 1-2-3 giving Smoothie the win. But then Commissioner Gino Moore, who saw what happened told the fans he couldn’t reverse the decision but could order the rematch right then and there and ordered the bell rung to start the match. Smoothie was so busy arguing with the referee that Janella came up behind him and scored the 1-2-3 making Janella a 2 time Cruiserweight champion.
Match #3
NWS Jersey Shore champion Myke “G.Q.” Quest and J.T. Highlander went to a 10 minute draw with neither wrestler gaining a pinfall on the other. Highlander, went to shake Quests hand but instead attacked him and told him he was chated by NWS officials who have no respect for real talent.
Match #4
Shock and Corvis Fear teamed up to take on the team trained by TNA Wrestling’s Jay Lethal, the BS Express. This bout was a classic as both teams were “faces” and refused to use any cheap shots to win. After nearly 9 minutes, the BS Express scored a pin on Shock and all four wrestlers shook hands after the bout.
Match #5
Rising star Ryan Rumble teamed with WWE legend Greg “The Hammer” Valentine” as they took on The Cold Hearted Player Danny Demanto and The Love Machine Nicky Oceans, collectively known as The Commandos (with manager Brittney Savage). For the second night in a row, Demanto produced paperwork that stated that Valentine was not allowed to use his patented Figure 4 Leg Lock. Rumble, trying to make a name for himself told Valentine he would start the match and for nearly 20 minutes took quite a beating from the Commandos (he did manage to get a few spots in himself), but Demanto and Oceans kept him away from tagging. Finally, he managed the tag in Valentine who gave both Oceans and Demanto vicious elbow drops and went to apply the Figure 4 on Demanto before referee Kenny Edwards told him he couldn’t use is. So he tagged Rumble back in and Rumble put the finish on Demanto for the win
Match #6
A match years in the making as Judas Young took on Trent Acid. These two battled for nearly 8 minutes when all of the sudden the lights ent out and out came the Nigerian Nightmares. Commissioner Gino Moore told both Acid and Young that since neither had gained a pin fall, they would team against the Nightmares. Judas Young wanted no part of it and left Trent Acid in the ring for the beating from the Nightmares as it took less than 5 minutes for them to pin Trent.. Then after the match, Young attacked Acid and fans can be assured they have not seen the last of these two battling each other.
NWS has yet anouther double shot this weekend before giving the crew a much deserved weekend off. Friday night, NWS will be in Edison, NJ at the Herbert Hoover Middle School Gym and on Saturday, NWS will be in East Hartford, CT at Eat Hartford Middle School both headlined by Matt Hyson (aka Spike Dudley). For information visit www.nwswrestling.com and for tickets call 732-888-1704