NWA news and notes




BOOKINGS SITE www.sbibookings.com

BILL BEHRENS ON FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/bill.behrens.52?ref=ts

BILL BEHRENS ON TWITTER https://twitter.com/WilliamBehrens



Classic NWA Wildside Episodes are now being posted at


Episode #96 taped in 2002 is online.

SHOW #96





Multimedia section at www.nwawildside.com  or http://twnworldwide.tv/nwawildside.html

NWA Wildside featured stars like Current TNA Heavyweight Champion, “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles (TNA/WCW), Ron Killings (WWE/TNA), Abyss (Justice) (TNA), Jimmy Rave (TNA), Amazing Red (TNA), Tony Mamaluke (WWE/WCW/TNA), Air Paris (WCW), Hotstuff Hernandez (TNA), David Young (TNA), Kenn Phoenix (Kenn Doane/Dykstra) (WWE), Luke Hawx (Altar Boy Luke) (WSX), Matt Sydal (Evan Bourne) (WWE), Delirious (ROH), Mike Posey (WWE/TNA), “The Original Gangsta” New Jack (ECW/TNA) and many more.  NWA Wildside served a development promotion for WCW and featured stars like The Beast (Bob Sapp), David Flair, Tank Abbott, Shannon Moore, Shane Helms, Mark Jindrak, Sean O’Haire, Elix Skipper, Jimmy Yang and many more.  Wrestling legends like Dusty Rhodes, Dory Funk, Jr., Terry Taylor, Larry Zbsyzko, James E Cornette, The Rock & Roll Express (Ricky & Robert), Abdullah The Butcher, and many more all appeared on NWA Wildside TV.

The NWA Wildside announce team featured Dan “The Dragon” Wilson, Steven Prazak, Scott Hudson, Steve Martin, Bill Behrens, Al Getz, Chris Cruise & others.

Classic NWA Wildside DVD’s are now available at www.sbibookings.com.  Relive the excitement of one of the most talked about independent promotions in professional wrestling, NWA Wildside!

All DVD’s may be purchased by using your PayPal account and using the “Send Money” option to showbis@aol.com. Each LAST RITES 2005, FREEDOM FIGHT 2004 or HARDCORE HELL 2005 PT 1 or 2 DVD is only $10, shipping included!

And WILDSIDE TV episodes are available for $5 each or 3 for $10 on DVD with shipping included for free.

Write to Show Business, Inc at ShowBis@aol.com  for info on how to order by mail and on how to order any of the over 300 episodes of NWA Wildside TV, or write to PO Box 941787 Atlanta, GA 31141.



Recent Sarah Darling interview:


Behind the Scenes video  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwd-7qEO9S8&feature=youtu.be&a

This week a VERY special episode of IN THE ROOM on WEXP 1600 AM Philly and www.thebradyhicks.com, as Brady Hicks welcomes TNA stars AJ Styles (for the second time) and Crimson IN THE ROOM to talk all about the progress TNA has been making, as well as to hype up their appearances at Lockdown this past Sunday night in Nashville. In addition, Brady, Derrick, and Mr. Akbaz talk lots of Brock Lesnar, TNA Lockdown, WWE bringing up young stars to Smackdown, and so much more. Special thanks to TNA for allowing its talent to once again step IN THE ROOM … and to AJ and Crimson for being candid and outspoken. And thank you to the listeners … as always … for the support!

For a direct link to the show:


Want more AJ? Be sure to check out his prior 45-minute shoot for IN THE ROOM, in which he talked at length about TNA’s good and bad points, what TNA needs to do to catch WWE, and goes on at length about stars such as Flair, RVD, Batista, Christian, and Michelle McCool, among so many others. Check it out at: http://thebradyhicks.com/uploads/August%209.mp3.

http://ring-rap.com/articles/aj-styles-comments-on-when-he-will-retire-and-more–2 AJ INTERVIEW



MIKE POSEY pinned JEFF LEWIS after the Alabama Jam at the ROH House Show in Charlotte, NC


Mike Posey also wrestled Tomasso Ciampa on the 9-8-12 ROH TV Episode online at http://www.rohwrestling.com/tv/watch-now available for viewing by myROH Ringside Members. Match is approx 28 minutes into the episode.

Posey teams with Corey Hollis as Alabama Attitude in ROH.

BENT (Patrick Bentley) pinned SLIM J after hitting the Destroyer at the TNA House Show in Gainesville, GA on 9-8-12. Both men also participated in the TNA Gut Check earlier in the day, and are attached to a M3-Creative reality show called THE RINGMASTER being shopped to networks. Mike Posey & Jimmy Rave are also attached to the reality show.





Congratulations to JOHN JOHNSON who was named BEST ANNOUNCER for 2011 in the Georgia Wrestling History Awards


ANARCHY TV at http://anarchy-wrestling.net/

SHOW #676-347








4236 Level Grove Rd.  Cornelia, GA


Oct 13

Oct 27 – Fright Night

Nov 10

Nov 24

Dec 8

Dec 22

Dec 29 – Christmas Chaos





9-22-12 TV Taping REPORT

With only one more show to go before Fright Night 2012, the frightening revelation coming out of the September 22 taping was an alarming lack of momentum at Anarchy Wrestling.

The combination of a thin roster and a small (85), flat crowd made for a mostly lackluster night at the Anarchy Arena.

It didn’t help matters any that the creative team had to re-book the show due to unplanned absences of Se7en, the returning Bryan Casanova and Jeff G. Bailey.

Attendance has been moving in the wrong direction since Hostile Environment in July. They drew almost the identical number for the September 8 taping, but that lousy house could have been viewed as a one off due to stiff competition from a number of events in the area.

There was but one match set for Fright Night — Slim J & Azrael defending the tag titles against Urban Assault Squad in a match of their choosing.

Several other matches have been teased. Foremost among them is Brodie Chase challenging Shaun Tempers for the Anarchy Heavyweight Title. The elder statesman of Anarchy is a sentimental favorite but an unlikely choice to become champion. It’s pretty clear that Chase is a placeholder and sooner or later, the real challenge will come from Azrael.

Some sort of NWA Elite vs. Team Anarchy match seems likely. In March, Jerry Palmer’s shocking heel turn at Hardcore Hell sparked a run of magical shows with better attendance. The bitter former owner wanted his company back. The battle lines were drawn, and virtually anyone that mattered had to pick a side. But the feud isn’t clicking like it was. Team Anarchy has been beaten down so badly that the fans may be starting to lose faith in them, and they’re getting beaten down by a weaker Elite that has lost the twin towers of Lane Vasser (quit) and Bryan Casanova (relocated) along with recent addition Jagged Edge (injury).

And there’s the question of pure starpower that even geat booking is not capable of manufacturing. Since the early days of days of NWA Wildside and R Truth and AJ Styles, Cornelia wrestling has traditionally been a place where fans could count on seeing future national stars cut their teeth. Gunner has moved on to TNA. They still have Mikael Judas, but there’s no one else of that caliber on the roster.

You will note that this the promotion is no longer billing itself as NWA Anarchy. Wrestling in Cornelia has been promoted under the NWA banner since 1999. As of this writing, the company through owner Franklin Dove, is still technically a member of the National Wrestling Alliance. However, all references to the NWA have been quietly dropped from the advertising and the Anarchy titles.

Miss Rachael opened the show. She was the bearer of the bad news that neither hated general manager Jerry Palmer or his partner in crime, Jeff G. Bailey were in attendance. Rachael said Palmer was still recovering from Granny’s malicious attack and would not return until Anarchy’s horrible standard of personal safety was rectified. Rachael said Anarchy should have had her arrested so she could rot in jail forever. This was the first time Rachael has handled a talk segment on her own at Anarchy, and she carried it off well.

Rachael introduced Tempers as the one person that in her estimation cared as much about the fans as Palmer. Tempers said the fans thought they saw number one contender Brodie Chase pin his shoulders to the mat last time, but that wasn’t the truth. Tempers said before Chase got in the ring, he was the victim of an extended double team (by Gunner and Mikael Judas) that went well beyond the five count (true). Then, they stayed in the ring and forced Senior Official Brent Wiley to count the pin (also true), and due to the injustice, the match should be stricken from the record books.

Tempers said he was worried that Chase’s inflated ego was now swollen to enormous proportions. Tempers said wrestling him would be the biggest mistake of Chase’s life, and he may as well make it his retirement match, because he was going to break Chase’s neck.

Tempers called out his “brotege” Bo Newsom, and said that going forward, all TV title matches would have a 10 minute time limit, although he had it on good authority that Bo could go much longer than 10 minutes.

(1) Bo Newsom defeated Joey Rhymer to retain the Anarchy TV Title in 7:35.</B> After some back and forth, Rhymer stunned Newsom with a springboard back elbow (hey, that’s Adrian Hawkins move) and went on offense. Newsom cut Rhymer off with a backbreaker and worked the body part. Crickets were chirping save some half-hearted pleas for a Rhymer comeback. Newsom got distracted by the presence of Billy Buck out observing from ringside. Rhymer caught Newsom off guard and rolled him up for a very near fall. Bo immediately drilled Rhymer with a spinebuster for a clean win.

Afterward, Buck hit the ring and hoisted the TV title over his head while Newsom fretted at ringside.

Anarchy Young Lion’s Champion Adrian Hawkins was set to take on former champion Anthony Henry, but Jacob Ashworth attacked Henry as he was on his way to the ring.

Anarchy’s “Talent Coordinator”, John Johnson, said maybe there was no competition for Hawkins because everyone was afraid to face him in submissions only.

“Reverend” Dan Wilson said it wasn’t the wisest of ideas to make open challenges in Devil’s Rejects territory, because we know how to deal with a poser like Hawkins. Out came Stryknyn.

(2) Stryknyn defeated Anarchy Young Lion’s Champion Adrian Hawkins via DQ in 4:15.</B> Hawkins ducked a flying knee causing Stryk to ram it into the turnbuckle. Hawkins was all over the knee, until Stryk hit a uranage and slapped on the Anaconda Vise. CB Suave and Tommy Penerelli attacked Stryk for the DQ.

Najasism and Vandal made the save and were joined by Henry with his shoulder taped up. Ashworth joined Penerelli and Suave.

Rev said Anarchy means unity and if you’ve got anything swinging down there, let’s make it an 8 man tag.

(3) Stryknyn & Anthony Henry & Vandal & Najasism (with The Rev) defeated Adrian Hawkins & Jacob Ashworth & CB Suave & Tommy Penterelli in 11:45.</B> Lots of good action in this match with Penerelli taking the brunt of the punishment. At one point, Naja hit a springboard stunner on Penerelli and and cleared the heel corner with a rolling thunder double dropkick. Henry got the cloverleaf on Penerelli, but Hawkins interfered. The heels trapped Henry in their corner and worked on his bad shoulder. Stryk took the hot tag and got Hawkins in the Anaconda Vise again, but Hawkins hooked the ropes with his feet. Hawkins applied the sharpshooter on Styrk, but Henry broke that up. A frenetic sequence of dives and big moves concluded with Stryknyun fighting off the sharpshooter and spearing Hawkins for the pin.

Johnson came to ringside blithering about how Stryknyn didn’t make Hawkins tap.

(4) Kameron Kade defeated Bobby Moore via count out in 8:20.</B> Kade had things going his way when Moore swept him off the turnbuckles, dropping him on the back of his head. Moore said the fans didn’t care about Kade. Moore was correct. Kade rallied and shouted “c’mon!” in an attempt to fire up the crowd. If the babyface’s actions don’t get the crowd going, shouting at them rarely does. Moore couldn’t get the job done with legitimate methods, so he started to load up the elbow pad. Seth Delay ran down and absconded with the foreign object. It turned into a track meet with Moore getting blown up as he chased Delay around the ring trying to get it back.

Delay enticed Kade into joining him for a “sexy party” swivel hips dance.

Shadow Jackson was greeted with a you suck chant. Jackson said the fans had once again mistaken a lollipop for the greatest star to ever step through the curtain at Anarchy. His t-shirt read “I never cease to amaze myself”. Jackson said Urban Assault Squad were role models for today’s youth, as opposed to the Anarchy tag champions, Slim J and Azrael, who were slimy individuals. Jackson said it was time for the tag titles to come home to the fan favorites. Jackson said his partner, Nemesis, was off having a good time with Palmer at the strip club, and the Rev had Azrael put up in his cave, so he was challenging Slim J to a match, and the winner could make any match they wanted at Fright Night. Jackson let it be known that if won, it would be a hangman’s match. Jackson’s work as a heel continues to be one of the bright spots.

(5) Slim J defeated Shadow Jackson in 7 minutes, earning the right to the gimmick match of his choosing at Fright Night.</B> They fought outside the ring for several minutes. J was taking it to Jackson. Once inside, a major hotshot turned the tide in Jackson’s favor. The lack of heat was appalling.  Slim made a spirited aerial comeback and tried for a northern light suplex, but Jackson cut him with the 1031. Jackson has finished many opponents with that move and there was silence when Slim kicked out. Weird. J connected with a roundhouse kick and hit the northern lights for two. Jackson was quivering. J applied an inverted STF, but Jackson managed to get to the ropes. Jackson shoved referee Dee Byers into the ropes to crotch J on the turnbuckle and brought him crashing to the mat with a stunner. J kicked out again. They battled on the ropes. Slim knocked Jackson off and hit his flying reverse DDT for the win. Good match and at least the crowd reacted to the finish.

(6) Seth Delay defeated Brandon Parker in 7:25.</B> Nothing wrong with match except it was devoid of heat. Parker dominated but it’s not like anybody thought Delay was losing, which left the people waiting for the inevitable. Parker tossed Seth by the do rag he was had around his neck. Serves him right. Why would a wrestler wear something his opponent could choke him with? Silly me. It’s fake so what does it matter? Delay blocked Parker’s backpack stunner and got the pin with a leg trap sunset flip.

Afterward, Parker shoved Delay down in frustration. Delay retaliated by putting his lights out with the brass knucks. Moore sneaked in behind Delay and cleaned his clock with the loaded elbow pad.

(7) Bo Newsom retained the Anarchy TV Title vs. Billy Buck via a 10 minute draw.</B> Bo worked on Buck’s knee for most of the match. When Bo got a single leg crab, the crowd got behind Buck, urging him to make the ropes. Buck’s leg was in bad shape, but he managed to make a comeback. Superkick coming…Bo bailed…and the time limit expired. Buck’s selling of the leg was first rate. You know it’s a bad night at the Arena when a Billy Buck match gets a mediocre response.

Postmatch, Buck superkicked Newsom and took a long look at the title before dropping it on Bo’s sorry carcass.

(8) Mikael Judas & Brodie Chase defeated Shaun Tempers & Jacoby Boykins (with Miss Rachael) in 14:33.</B> The crowd came to life when Judas teased a double choke slam. The Elite fought it off, but Judas mowed them down with a double clothesline. Somewhere along the way, Boykins potatoed Judas and gave him a mild black eye. Chase softened up Boykins’ arm and applied a cross armbreaker. Boykins got a ropes break and tagged out. Tempers declined to lock up with Chase. Boykins caught Chase with a sucker punch, and Tempers gladly wanted in. Chase quickly got the upper hand on the champion, but Boykins made a blind tag and cut him off. The Elite gave Chase an extended beating. Tempers was talking trash. Chase leveled Boykins with a desperation clothesline and tagged Judas, who promptly chokeslammed Tempers. Judas tagged Chase back in. One wonders why. Chase hit a swinging neckbreaker on Boykins. Judas grabbed Boykins and rammed him into the announcer’s booth. Meanwhile, Tempers blindsided Chase and went for the hangman’s neckbreaker, but Chase reversed it into a backslide for the three count.

Boykins ran Judas into the post to take him out, and Newsom hit the ring to help the Elite decimate Chase. Buck got beaten down trying to make the save. Slim hit the ring and he was beaten down as well. Jackson came out. He put J in the tree of woe and wrapped a noose around his neck. Before Jackson could do irreparable damage, Judas returned to the ring brandishing a steel chair, and the Elite took a powder. Judas was the only babyface left standing.

NOTES: Fright Night 2012 takes place on October 27…The final TV taping prior to Fright Night will be on October 13…Three weeks of television will be produced from this taping. The Steven Walters/John Skyler match from the previous taping has not been used and will be added in to fill out three weeks…Se7en missed due to a medical situation involving his girlfriend. Casanova, who now lives in Ohio, was riding in with Se7en and got stranded in Nashville. Anarchy had booked a special surprised singles match between Casanova and Judas…Bailey missed due to illness. I can’ recall Bailey ever missing an Anarchy show where he was scheduled to appear…Jagged Edge suffered a torn bicep at the last taping…Azrael, Nemesis, Palmer and Andrew Pendleton III were planned absences.

JEFF G BAILEY (NWA ELITE) YOU TUBE page http://www.youtube.com/user/NWAElite

Anarchy star, Slim J, announces the launch of his new website www.slimj.com   .

The website features pics & videos of Slim J, plus very soon fans will be able to purchase Slim  J T-Shirts & DVDs.   Slim J also create original music & beats that are available for purchase using paypal.

If you want to get trained as a professional wrestler you will find info on the NWA Anarchy Wrestling School at www.slimj.com   too.

Dan “The Rev” Wilson podcast:

Thursday at 11:30 PM EST at www.blogtalkradio.com/dragonsrejects

The Rev’s Midnight Black Mass – bringing you the most in unique and sinister coverage of all entertainment “On The Fringe” (Pro Wrestling, Music, Horror Films, TV, Comics, Stand Up Comedy and More)






Oct  7

Oct 28 Doctoberfest




Rampage Pro Wrestling Press Release….results from Sunday, September 23

Another tremendous crowd witnessed an outstanding Sunday of Wrestling at Johnny G’s Fun Center in Warner Robins, GA on Sunday, Sept. 23. In the “Next Chance Rampage Rumble” Cru Jones from the Hot Like Lava team was victorious over 22 other men and defeated Kyle Matthews in the final challenge of the rumble. This gives Cru the RPW title match of his choice and while initially it appeared that Hot Like Lava would be challenging for the RPW Tag Team gold held by the Cash Vault, Cru’s actions at the end of RPW Champion Luke Gallow’s successful title defense, seem to point towards a possible future Luke Gallows/Cru Jones match-up for the RPW Heavyweight title in the near future.

In one of the dark matches, not taped for RPW TV, The Big LG, Luke Gallows with Charlie Cash was victorious in his RPW Heavtweight title defense over the challenging Micah Taylor, and in the other Miss Al

lie’s own “ADONIS” won by count out over Charlie Cash’s “Hit for Hire” Bobby Moore, Adonis’ former tag team partner. The problems between Miss Allie and Mgr. Charlie Cash are far from over.

In other action filmed for tv, the new Mexican sensation Re’Lampago scored an impressive high flying victory over the “Real Deal,” Jake Slater; Adonis with Miss Allie won a handi-cap match over Leon McMichaels and Drew Adler; Kyle Matthews pinned PAIN; and in an RPW TV title bout, the champion Mike Posey went to a fifteen minute time limit draw with challenger Chip Day, who had Corey Hollis at ringside.

RPW returns to Johnny G’s with a special “Benefit Event for Super Fan Lynn Helms” on Sunday, Oct. 7 at 3 pm. In addition to some RPW proceeds going to assist Lynn, we will also feature a Silent Auction featuring some exciting prizes. Already signed for Oct. 7 is a six man tag team battle between the teams of Doc Gayton, AJ Steele, and Micah Taylor and the tandem of Murder One, J-Rod and their mystery –partner. PLUS….the EXOTIC ONES Simon Sermon and Tommy Too Much will return to action!!! Come on out and be a part of the NEW “People’s RPW!!


Watch RPW TV each Saturday on Macon’s Fox 24 at 9:00AM and MY41.2 at 10AM and Cox Communications Cable 11 in Middle Georgia Thurs 8PM & Sat noon or anytime at www.rampageprowrestling.net , plus Rampage Rewind on Cox Communications Cable 11 M, W, & F 5PM Fri & Sat 11:30PM & My41 Sat noon and at  http://highspots.tv/category/video/free-videos/

NWA Rampage Website:


NWA Rampage Facebook:



The Championship Wrestling Alliance, based in the Tri-Cities area of Northeast TN, has presented top quality wrestling events for the last 7 years. Their television show, Championship Wrestling TV has aired consecutively in their home market for over 6 years. The show’s current timeslot is at Noon on Saturdays on Tri-Cities CW 4. The show is posted online at ChampionshipWrestlingTV.com every week and has been available in the past in national syndication via AMG-TV.

The NWA Smoky Mountain Event Center is Now Online at http://youtu.be/8QOkrRZCwAw

NWA Smoky Mountain returns to the Civic Auditorium in Kingsport, TN on Saturday, October 13. The featuring Chase Owens once again challenging NWA World Junior Heavyweight Champion Kevin Douglas… This time, Owens is going to let Douglas pick the style of match and if Owens doesn’t win, he says he will never wrestle in the Smoky Mountain area again.

NWA Smoky Mountain’s Tradition Rises DVD

From the ashes of chaos, Tradition Rises… The event is filled with great in-ring action from start to finish! Check out all the excitment with 4 Title Matches and 4 other competitors vying to earn contendership into the Contenders Ring… The Epic Main Event of this car features our own NWA Mountain Empire Champion, Chase Owens taking on former ROH and TNA Star, Jimmy Rave in an instant classic.

NWA Mountain Empire Title Match

Chase Owens (c) vs. Jimmy Rave

NWA Tennessee Tag Team Title Match

The Illuminati (Tony Givens & Chris Richards)vs. Jeff Connelly & Keith Knox

PWF Heavyweight Title Match

Josh Crawford (c) vs. Daniel Mulligan

PWF TV Title Match

Johnny Knieval vs. Matt Conard

Contenders Rings

Alyx Winters vs. Thorn

Contenders Ring

Skylar Kruze vs. Zac Vincent

Saturday, October 13, 2012 – NWA All or Nothing
Kingsport, TN at the Civic Auditorium
Bell Time – 8:00 PM

Saturday, November 24, 2012 – PWF Thanksgiving Thunder
Rogersville, TN at the National Guard Armory
Bell Time – 7:45 PM

Saturday, December 8, 2012 – PWF
Rogersville, TN at the National Guard Armory
Bell Time – 7:45 PM

Tuesday, December 25, 2012 – PWF Christmas Chaos
Rogersville, TN at the National Guard Armory
Bell Time – 7:30 PM

Check it out now at www.NWASmokyMountain.com


New Main Event TV EPS #16 THE LONELIEST NUMBER SINCE THE NUMBER ONE at http://www.nwame.com&http://www.blip.tv/file/4113227




MID-AMERICA TV CHAMPION: Vacant (last held by Tommy Mercer)

MID-AMERICA TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS: Vacant (last held by Jeff Daniels & Steve O)


Main Event Wrestling

Thursday Sept. 27, 2012 8 PM Belltime

Main Event Wrestling Arena & TV Studios

1056 E. Trinity Lane @ Gallatin Rd.

Nashville, TN. 37216

Main Event – No DQ No Time Limit – Ordered by Commissioner Victor Van Glorius

David Knox -vs- Se7en w/Prince Omar Al Kazen

Return Grudge Battle

Lee Condry -vs- Brian Lee w/Larry Cooter

J. P. Magnum -vs- Jeremiah Plunkett seconded by Mike Jones

Psycho Medic -vs- Shawn Fatal

Lightening Bolt Kid -vs- Larry Cooter

$8 Ringside $5 General Admission. All kids 5 & Under FREE with paid adult!

Best concession stand in Nashville

Main Event Wrestling, Inc.

Saturday Oct. 6, 2012 8 PM Belltime

Expo Center

Westmoreland, Tn.

Main Event

Explosive Tag team Match – Falls count anywhere is Westmoreland!

“Elements of Wrestling” Matt Madison & Kaden Sade -vs-

“Expendables” Larry Cooter & Shawn Fatal

Johnny Richards -vs- Vic the Bruiser w/Prince Omar Al Kazan

Psycho Medic -vs- Apollo

Lincoln Mosley -vs- Chad Stallings

David Knox -vs- Michael Kaden

$10.00 Ringside $8 General Admission Kids r & Under Free with paid adult.

Card subject to change.

Thursdays 8 PM Belltime.

Arena and TV Studios

1056 E. Trinity Lane at Gallatin Rd. Nashville, TN 37216.

Best Snack Bar in Town!

Main Event – http://www.nwame.com

Main Event Television can also be seen on the internet at www.nwame.com

Main Event Wrestling School:   We still have a few spots open and if you are interested in joining the NWA Main Event Wrestling School.  You can get in touch with us through our web site http://www.nwame.com




Main Event Wrestling was notified that their application for a Promoters License in Kentucky has been approved by the Kentucky Boxing and Wrestling Authority with Mike Porter the promoter of record. Also  Main Event Wrestling has been approved by the Indiana Dept of Military to run shows at the any of the National Guard Armories in Indiana.