Now Online: PRIME TV #155: Dream vs. Nightmare

PRIME Wrestling TV airs each and every week on our official YouTube page at with new episodes premiering each Tuesday! Don’t want to wait for your PRIME fix? Each episode of PRIME TV premieres Sunday nights at 10:00 Eastern on SportsTime Ohio. Not sure if you get SportsTime Ohio. Visit the “TV” section of our website, or consult your local listings. Scheduled for this week…

PRIME Tag Team Title Match:
Krimson & Kirst vs. Zach Gowen & Gregory Iron
Krimson, Kirst, & Gory, the Dead Wrestling Society, have made “Handicapped Hero” Gregory Iron the primary target of their abuse and message of misery over the months, most notably ending the career of Greg’s best friend & tag team partner, Hobo Joe. But after months of bravely fighting the DWS in his honor, Greg realized he could not win this battle alone, so he called on a friend, mentor, hero, and idol. Zach Gowen lost one of his legs to cancer at age 8, yet despite a tumultuous life of many highs and lows, has accomplished his dreams and lives a happy and prosperous life in and out of the ring. Zach was eager at the opportunity to help out a friend in need, while Greg saw a chance to live out two more dreams – 1) Revenge on the DWS and 2) Tag team gold with the man he credits as the reason he got into professional wrestling. It’s two dreams come true vs. two living nightmares for the PRIME Tag Team Titles.

“M-Dogg” Matt Corss vs. “Megastar” Marion Fontaine
Two former PRIME Champions looking for a path back to the PRIME Championship do battle one-on-one. Matt Cross has been upset over the circumstances surrounding his title loss to Jimmy Jacobs and is determined to climb back to the top to become the first-ever three-time PRIME Champion. Marion Fontaine finds himself in much hotter water – under probation due to striking Commissioner Justin LaBar with a steel chair. While we still aren’t positive if the act was done intentionally or not (though we have our suspicions), the fact remains, Fontaine is being watched with a close eye. Both LaBar AND Upper Management rep. Aaron Maguire will stand guard ringside to ensure a fair battle. If Fontaine is caught trying to cheat to win, he could find himself suspended or possibly worse. Will Fontaine be on his best behavior or will the questions and manipulation continue to mount?

Johnny Gargano & Jimmy Jacobs Speak Out!
One week ago, Johnny Gargano returned to PRIME Wrestling after a months-long absence, immediately targeting the reason behind his disappearance, “Zombie Princess” Jimmy Jacobs. What has been on Gargano’s mind? What message does he have for the man who has caused him untold grief over the past year and a half? How does Jimmy Jacobs feel about Gargano’s return? And when might we see these two men finally meet one-on-one? We’ll get some answers this episode!

“Natural” Brian Bender vs. “BatDan” Dan Arkham
Brian Bender told his apprentice Bryan Castle to find someone to look up to – a hero, if you will. Castle took things a bit too literally and, after hearing Arkham discuss some of his favorite superhero characters, Castle began to think Arkham himself might be a caped crusader. Bender is frustrated at the nonsense and has challenged Arkham one-on-one to show who is (and isn’t) super. Castle will be at ringside watching his two closest friends do battle, so where will his loyalty lie?

All this plus much more including the very first installment of the PRIME Wrestlelution 5 Control Center!

PRIME Wrestling is the next evolution of professional wrestling programming on SportsTime Ohio – official cable television home of the Cleveland Indians, reaching nearly 5 million cable homes and available nationwide via satellite. PRIME Wrestling is all about young on-the-rise wrestling stars hungry to reach the top. Our athletes are in the prime of their careers and we present them in a prime example of what a professional wrestling television show should be – an emphasis on action, athleticism, and drama – not constant skits and video packages. Our stars include such talents as “The Whole Shebang” Johnny Gargano, Jimmy Jacobs, “M-Dogg 20” Matt Cross, “Handicapped Hero” Gregory Iron, Jason Bane, Krimson, Marion Fontaine and Michael Facade. We are also a community-conscious organization, and frequently do fundraisers to support worthy causes.

You can watch PRIME Wrestling TV every Sunday night at 10:00 PM EST on SportsTime Ohio or every Wednesday on For more information, please visit Pro wrestling on SportsTime Ohio has finally hit its PRIME!