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The Katz Files – Arnie Katz
Nobody Asked Me , But…
The Kingfish Arnie Katz revives a “Katz Files” tradition with answers to some ticklish questions that no one asked him and some observations about things that stuck in his mind as he watched a whole lot of wrestling..

I was watching wrestling this week and Nobody Asked Me, But…

… Don’t you think that if the TNA announcers couldn’t explain why Hernandez cashed in the case at that point, they shouldn’t have done it? He needs to work notches that spotlight him, not bury him in a cluster schmazz.

.. Wouldn’t it have been funny if, after Steiner’s vicious attack on non-Americans, Booker T had done his African Prince voice?

… I still don’t see how Kevin Nash earned the bounty on Abyss. The Masked Monster lost a match, but he didn’t seem incapacitated. I would’ve preferred to see Abyss bash himself in the head repeatedly with a chair, collect the bounty and end the angle.

… Let’s not call Lashley “The Boss” unless he’s gonna sing “Born to Run.” Let him light up the arena before we go hyperbolic with nicknames,

… Isn’t Booker T getting lost in the shuffle? Yes, he’s co=holder of the tag titles, but he’s rapidly becoming TNA’s invisible man. Maybe he ought to turn face and feud with Steiner and, in the process, reclaim the Legends Championship.

… Wasn’t the Suicide-Pope match a good addition to the pay per view? It had a good backstory and exciting ring action. The only thing is, Suicide should have won to make continuing the feud easier.

That’s all for today. I’ll be back tomorrow with a fresh installment of the Internet’s fastest-rising wrestling column. I hope you’ll join me then – and, please, bring your friends. A few doughnuts would be nice, too.

— Arnie Katz