NJPW Announces its return and issues new guidelines for fans

After 110 days of no shows, New Japan Pro Wrestling (NJPWannounced Monday evening that the promotion will return June 15. During a special online broadcast, NJPW chairman Naoki Sugabayashi thanked the fans for their patience, and said the wait for new NJPW matches is almost over.

NJPW issued new live event guidelines as safety measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19. The following was noted when it comes to fans attending shows…

Measures taken for spectators

We will ask spectators for their cooperation with following measures before the event. If they are unable to cooperate with us, action will be taken that may include being removed from the venue.

? Request for cooperation before entering the venue

If the following matters apply to a spectator, we will not allow them to enter the venue
– When one experiences the symptoms which are mentioned in the list of “pre-screening” above within two weeks prior to the event (in principle, if he/she has already purchased a ticket, we will provide a refund).
– When we cannot get cooperation from a spectator with respect to this policy.

? Request for cooperation at the time of visit

– In the case of entering with a paper ticket, we will ask a spectator to write their home address, name, contact details, etc. on the back of the ticket (please do so in advance to prevent crowding).
– In the case of entering with an E-ticket, we will ask a spectator to submit a form with the seat number in addition to the above information. (again, please do so in advance). * This personal information shall be stored in the company for about one month after an event. It shall be appropriately managed in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Spectators will be asked to:

– Wear a mask that completely covers the mouth and nose.
– Consent to a temperature check (Thermometers brought by a spectator can also be used).
– Disinfect their hands with alcohol.

? Request for cooperation in the venue

At the venue, we request cooperation with measures below. If NJPW judges that the act of a spectator jeopardize the safety of people in the venue, such as not being able to cooperate with us running an event in accordance with this policy, they will be asked to leave the venue (in principle, refunds will not be granted after entry to the venue, even if matches have not yet started)
– Hand washing and disinfection with alcohol must be done frequently (we recommend all spectators to bring hand sanitizer or disinfectant sheets, etc. if possible).
– All visitors in the venue must wear a mask.
– No loud cheers.
– No intentional physical contact with wrestlers is allowed.
– Conversations and physical contact with other visitors must be limited to a minimum.
– Be conscious of infection controlling the venue.

? Request for cooperation after leaving the venue

– Hand disinfection must be done when leaving the venue.
– If COVID-19 symptoms present themselves within two weeks after an event, please promptly report this information to NJPW.

credit NoDQ.com