Nikki Bella takes top position in PWI Female 50 List


Nikki Bella has ranked No.1 on Pro Wrestling Illustrated’s 2015 PWI Female 50 list.

“It’s an honor for me … In our industry, PWI is like our Sports Illustrated, our Forbes Magazine,” Bella said on the PWI podcast, which was transcribed by “It truly is an honor to be number one. It’s a dream come true and it’s a huge accomplishment.”

“When I came into this industry over eight years ago, I was simply looked at as arm candy and it was like, ‘Oh, don’t worry. You don’t have to learn to wrestle that good’ and I was like, ‘No, that’s the reason why I’m here—because I want to be a wrestler. I don’t want to just be a Diva that’s on some guy’s arm or valeting them down to the ring…’ I wanted to be a female wrestler.”

“I didn’t come from the independents, and believe me I wish I did … For Brie and I—we were just ‘model tired.’ I was told to get a boob job, I was told to lose weight. Brie and I had a big struggle… Brie and I legit hopped in our cars, went to Georgia, jumped in a ring, and said, ‘Hey, you’re going to sign us. We want to be here.’ I know everyone thinks it was really easy for us, but it wasn’t.”

Read more of this article here!