Negative backstage reaction during RAW

Raw 3Credit:

The entire script for the January 5, 2015 dition of WWE RAW was re-written at 3pm EST on Monday.

Regarding the creative for the show, it was noted backstage that a lot of the lines that Stephanie McMahon and Triple H did were something that sounded like it was straight out of Vince McMahon’s mouth. There was a feeling that Vince took the script at 3pm, tore it up and re-write it. The belief was that the promos from The Authority were Vince’s vision, and they were executing it, and not the voice of Triple H and Stephanie.

There was a lot of people backstage unhappy with the show. The feeling was Ryback, Erick Rowan and Dolph Ziggler were left in a bad spot with the “firing” angle at the end of the show, especially Ziggler.

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