My Sacrifice Predictions

HeadLocker — Jay Shannon
My Sacrifice Predictions
Our resident philosopher makes his choices for Sacrifice. He also throws in a few future predictions, as well.

It’s time for another monthly TNA Pay Per View. This time around, it’s Sacrifice. The main event is almost unique. Four men put something important up for a chance to earn or keep the World title. Sadly, the main event is incredibly predictable. As for the other matches, I won’t really need fresh batteries in the ol’ crystal ball to figure them out. Let’s take a look.

Kevin Nash v Samoa Joe

Backstory: There has been bad blood between these two since Joe insulted Scott Hall for no-showing a PPV. Prior to the birth of the Main Event Mafia, Nash even served as a coach/manager for Joe. Since the Mafia has come along, Joe has been a cornerstone of the Anti-Mafia faction, the Frontline. Upon returning from a beatdown by the Mafia, Joe has undergone a complete personality change. He now embraces this strange Nation of Violence mantra.Joe wants to destroy the entire Mafia…and everyone else, for that matter.

Predictions: I see a couple of paths that this one can go. The most likely is that Joe will end up getting himself DQ’d by the ref for failing to listen (or striking the ref). That will really tick off the crowd..The second option is that Nash does the old Finger-poke of Doom scenario from the 90s and then reveals that he has been the force in the black car, all along. Joe could then be announced as the newest member of the Mafia. Maybe I’m getting a little too deep in my thinking. I have to remember who the writers are. Ok, putting on Dunce cap. D’uh, Joe kicks butt and then punches da ref and loses. Ouch, that hurts to think at such a level.

Predicted Winner: Kevin Nash (by DQ)
Predicted Grade: C

A.J. Styles v Booker T
TNA Legends Title Match (I Quit rules)

Backstory: Booker T created the Legends title for himself. He dropped the belt to A.J. Styles. Styles wants to show the world that he, too, is a Legend in the business. This match was created to end their feud. It is the ultimate ending of a feud…having someone quit.

Prediction: This one is going to be a catalyst for a major feud between Booker and Kevin Nash. This one is going to flashback to the old Arnold Skaaland screws Backlund scenario. Jenna will grab the towel that Sharmell is holding and toss it in the ring. The ref won’t see it and figure that Sharmell threw it in. There will be a Catfight from Hell and Booker and Kevin will pull them apart. Kevin and Booker will then yell at each other, setting the stage for a future confrontation. I expect a Booker face turn, soon.

Predicted Winner: A.J. Styles
Predicted Grade: B

Taylor Wilde v Daffney
Knockouts Monster’s Ball Match

Backstory: Daffney was brought in as a Sarah Palin (remember her?) imitator. She gave the Beautiful People a hard time. The Governor, as she was then known, had her long locks sheared by Angelina Love and Velvet Sky. Daffney then had a mental meltdown, augmented by the pathetic Dr. Stevie. Daffney has turned her anger and hostility towards a former ally, Taylor Wilde. It’s not clear as to why, but it likely has to do with the whole hair cutting thing. Dr. Stevie set Daffney in the Monster’s Ball match to get out her inner aggression (you mean she has more?).

Prediction: This is such a vehicle to push Daffney. With Roxxi gone, Daffney has become the resident Hardcore Honey in TNA. She is going to annihilate Taylor in this one. Taylor has been on a steady declined since she dropped the Knockout title back to Kong. I’m thinking Wilde may be nearing the end of her contract and this could provide her exit from the company. Expect a lop-sided battle where Wilde ends up a bloody mess.

Predicted Winner: Daffney
Predicted Grade: B (for Bloody)

Suicide v Daniels
X-Division Title Match

Backstory: Suicide showed up in the TNA video game (a decent game, by the way). Life imitated art as someone (Kaz) became the masked man. Daniels also did a run under the hood when Kaz was injured. Daniels also worked as Curry Man for quite awhile, following Daniels’ losing in the Feast or Fired match, a year ago. When Curry Man lost in the Feast or Fired, this year, Daniels showed back up. He was brought in by Jeff Jarrett to help in his battles. The Motor City Machine Guns and Lethal Consequences were convinced Daniels was the skeleton-faced grappler so they tried to unmask him. Daniels came from the back to protect Suicide. Daniels told Suicide that the masked man “owed me one”. This title match is what he was talking about.

Prediction: This is the only one that has me puzzled. Suicide isn’t working to the level that TNA had hoped. Daniels seems a little lost since he returned. Both men stand in line to battle Lethal Consequences, the Motor City Machine Guns, Kiyoshi and Bashir. It really isn’t going to matter who holds the belt. It’s always a risky idea to have two faces square off. The match is going to be outstanding but the crowd is going to be split. This could actually really hurt Suicide. If he wins, he gets to be a heel with few faces to defend the X-Strap again. If he loses, his disappearance from the ring could be a permanent one. Kaz would come back and all would be as before. It simply depends on if TNA is ready to get rid of the masked man or not. I kind of think they will milk Suicide for every drop possible. Sadly, I think this match will go to a No Contest, when the Guns and/or Lethal Consequences rush the ring and attack both men. It will be a lousy ending to a show-stealer match, but it’s the writers M.O.

Predicted Winner: No Contest (Suicide retains)
Predicted Grade: A+ (Action), B (Ending)

Angelina Love v Awesome Kong
Knockout Title Match

Backstory: Love tied Kong’s dreadlocks to the cage at Lockdown and escaped the cage to win the Knockouts title. Kong has gone on a rampage, eliminating all the members of The Beautiful People/Mi Pi Sexy (including Kute Kip). Kong has stated, through Raesha Saeed, that she’s more interested in hurting Love (for taking the title and cutting her hair) than winning the Knockout title.

Prediction: This one’s going to be seriously easy to predict. Much like Samoa Joe, Kong is out of control. She is going to most likely get herself disqualified on Sunday. There are, of course, other options. Saeed could turn on Kong, so she can lose the Burka and become a Beautiful People member (as Cheerleader Melissa, her alter ego). That’s really not likely to happen. Madison Rayne, Velvet Sky and/or Kute Kip could rush out to attack Kong for putting them out. Again, I’m not expecting that as the way this one goes. I just think Kong is going to rip into Love like a California Wildfire. Love will keep her belt, by DQ, but she’s going to come out of this one in much worse shape than she went in. Love has been battling an injury. This might give her a chance to surrender the belt and recover. It could set up a Knockout tourney for the belt, with the finals at Slammiversary. There I go, thinking above the writers’ heads again. Oh well, Kong isn’t leaving the PPV with the belt, due to a DQ.

Predicted Winner: Angelina Love (by DQ)
Predicted Grade: C+

Beer Money, Inc v The British Invasion
The Finals of the Team 3D Tag Team Invitational Tag Team Tournament

Backstory: Team 3D created the tag tourney to help push tag team wrestling in TNA. They opened the door for several teams to compete for a trophy, $100,000 and a future title shot. The Brits came out of nowhere to work their way to the finals. Beer Money, the second best team in TNA, worked through several teams to get to the finals. Beer Money came to the aid of Team 3D when the Brits tried to beat down the tag champs.

Predictions: I’m going out on a limb with this one. With the attack on Team 3D by the Brits, it seems obvious that the Brits are going to win. British Invasion has a 3-on-2 advantage on Beer Money, going in. They should be able to use Big Rob Terry to tip the balance in their favor. This PPV needs one good swerve. I think this is the match where it is going to happen. Team 3D will likely be at ringside for the match. Ray and Devon are going to be the deciding factor. They will take out Rob Terry to even the sides. They will also distract the Brits, allowing Beer Money to take out Williams with the DWI.

Predicted Winners: Robert Roode and James Storm, Beer Money
Predicted Grade: A

Mick Foley v Sting v Kurt Angle v Jeff Jarrett
Ultimate Sacrifice Match with the following stipulations:

If Mick Foley gets pinned, he loses the TNA Heavyweight Title
If Kurt Angle gets pinned, he gives up leadership of The Main Event Mafia
If Sting gets pinned, he has vowed to never wrestle again
If Jeff Jarrett gets pinned, he gives up his power in TNA

Backstory: Mick Foley survived a brutal cage match to take the title from Sting at Lockdown. Foley did get “25 big ones” in his head, just in case you hadn’t heard. Each person has put up something to be in this match (see above). Jarrett’s going in with a partially torn hamstring. Kurt has been pretty inactive, as of late. Sting has barely worked since dropping the belt.

Prediction: This one is far too easy, which means I will probably get it wrong. The signs are as clear as crystal. Jarrett and Foley are fighting over power in TNA and suddenly Jeff puts up his control of TNA. Kurt and Sting are mere red herrings in this match. They will cancel each other out. Sting doesn’t want or need to be in charge of the Mafia. No one really has an issue that would want them to send Sting into retirement, with the possible exception of Foley. I think it all comes down to Foley v Jarrett. If Foley takes Jarrett’s power, it could lead to a fantastic match at Slammiversary. I’m really waiting for Kurt to side with Foley to take out Sting and Jarrett. It could be revealed, later, that Foley is the newest member of the Mafia. He would replace Sting, who was booted from the group. Sting would get a full face turn to finish out his career. Jarrett would then go on a crusade to get back his power. Creative could even set it up where Jarrett would have to defeat each and every member of the Mafia to get to Foley. Once he did that, he would get to try and take back his power. Jarrett could surprise everyone with Bobby Lashley, who would be on Jarrett’s side. All this based on Foley gaining control, for the moment, of TNA. That’s how I would book it.

Predicted Winner: Mick Foley (pins Jeff Jarrett)
Predicted Grade: A

Final Grade: B+
Final Thoughts: This PPV is a set-up for Slammiversary. I expect a huge X-division match with Jay Lethal, Consequences Creed, Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley, Daniels and Suicide, plus adding Homicide, Eric Young, Kiyoshi, Bashir, No Limit and/or Amazing Red. Jeff Jarrett will likely be in the middle of battling the Mafia to get back his power. He might end up facing all of the members in a Gauntlet Match or some kind of multiple person tag team, using Sting and Bobby Lashley as his partners. A.J Styles is likely going into a feud with Samoa Joe. Beer Money, The British Invasion and Team 3D are heading for a Triple Tag Team war over the World Tag straps. Sunday is going to be a passingly good show but it’s just part one of a two-parter. To be continued…at Slammiversary.


— Jay Shannon