My iMPACT (4/30) Notebook

The Katz Giles – Arnie Katz
My iMPACT (4/30) Notebook
The Kingfish Arnie Katz highlights the major developments and discusses what they mean.

A Note from the Kingfish
Trying new things is part of the fun of doing a column like that. As an experiment, I am overhauling the format of the Notebooks to highlight the key points instead of embedding them in a recap.

There are lots of recaps, so no one who wants one will go without,. On the other hand, there’s very little intelligent analysis; that’s the aspect I’ll stress in the Notebook series.

Mick Foley Gets It from All Directions
The short scene in which first Jeff Jarrett and then Mick Foley exited a board meeting very effectively portrayed the difference between Foley and one of his two looming adversaries, Jeff Jarrett,

Fans saw a tight-lipped Jarrett and a relaxed and affable Foley. The implication was clear; the Board of Directors wouldn’t fire Mick or aggressively back Double J.

While fighting the Tweenish Foley, Jarrett is also battling the thoroughly heelish Kurt Angle. This restores Jarrett to the position that makes him most comfortable, a Tweener. It gets a little confusing for the fans, who keep wondering whether Jarrett is a good guy or a villain, but it gives him the basis for working two programs like this at the same time.

Jenna Morasca Meets the Wrestling World
The attempt to start a feud between Sharmell and Jenna Morasca may be the last try at getting the former Survivor winner over in the pro wrestling world.

Up to this point, she has failed to connect with the audience. She doesn’t project a character and, honestly, her looks are not exactly spectacular for a non-wrestling participant in the show. She’s not ugly, but she fades into the woodwork when posed next to a really vivid woman like Sharmell.

It’s too soon to write off Jenna Morasca, but there’s going to have to be some major progress. Sharmell can carry the feud in its early stages, but Jenna has to display more mic skill than she has exhibited to this point or Sharmell’s best effort will fall short.

Everybody has to Sacrifice
The concept behind the four-way match at Sacrifice is very appealing. On a show called Sacrifice, each combatant will have to put something on the line that he will lose if he could lose in the match.

The actual stip will probably work out to be that the person who wins is the champion and the one who is pinned or submitted will sacrifice what it important to them. That way, only one person will actually lose anything and they can make the other three stips without worrying about actually having to implement them.

Kurt Angle’s potential sacrifice sounds good until you think about it. Let’s say that Foley got Angle with Mr. Socko or something of that sort; what would it actually mean for Kurt to stop being the Godfather of the Main Event Mafia? What is he going to do, just stand in the background while Booker and Steiner jump into the breach? It’s just not credible. It might’ve been better to make Angle’s sacrifice having to give up his Olympic Gold Medal for a charity auction.

Why not extend the concept to the entire card? Think what it could mean for TNA! A few examples:
— Sting could give up the Crow-like face paint. He is revamping his character away from imitating the Crow, so it could go for a pain job a little more reminiscent of classic Sting.
— Abyss could give up Dr. Stevie.
— Samoa Joe could have his facial tattoo removed.
— PDM could give up that new hairdo – and maybe throw in Cody Deener.

That’s all for now. I’ll be back tomorrow with a fresh installment of the Internet’s fastest-rising pro wrestling column. I hope you’ll join me then and, please, bring your friends. (You, too, Nic Farey.)

— Arnie Katzenjammer Executive Editor