The latest Mouthpiece Wrestling Show

Mouthpiece Wrestling Show
Mouthpiece Wrestling Show with Sheldon Goldberg & Sean Gorman

“The Mouthpiece Wrestling Show” with Sheldon Goldberg and Sean Gorman returns this Friday afternoon from 5 to 6 PM EST on WWZN, Boston ‘s Sport’s Station, 1510 The Zone.

With Sean Gorman absent from the show for the next several weeks due to a medical issue, Sheldon Goldberg will be joined in the studio this week by “Mad Dog” Matt Storm and “The Gorgeous Greek” Elektra Arion. Mike Johnson of, will also be on board to talk about the week’s top stories in the world of pro wrestling.

This week will be a theme show. We will be talking about your favorite Boston wrestling memories – moments that took place in Boston that impacted you as a wrestling fan. Everyone has that one person or one incident that stuck with them as a favorite, and we want to hear yours. For those who live outside of Boston and New England, feel free to share your favorite memories of wrestling where you grew up.

“The Mouthpiece Wrestling Show” is now available on iTunes, Podcast Alley and other podcast sites as a free download.

1510 The Zone’s “Mouthpiece Wrestling Show” airs live every Friday afternoon from 5 to 6 PM . WWZN is a 50,000 watt AM station and is streamed live on the Internet at