Mick Foley on Between the Ropes

Between The Ropes
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
ESPN Florida AM 1080 and AM 1060
Simulcast online at BetweenTheRopes.com

 On Tuesday night, September 9, the newest member of TNA Wrestling Mick Foley joined hosts Brian Fritz and Dickerman live for an entire hour on Between The Ropes on ESPN Florida AM 1080 and AM 1060 to discuss the circumstances around his departure from WWE, confronting Vince McMahon on how he was being produced while doing commentary, what his future in TNA might hold, and much more.



Mick kicked off his first official post WWE interview by describing his feelings on WWE taking his profile off their website’s alumni page and being removed as a character from the upcoming Legends of WrestleMania video game. Mick said that “in a way it’s kind of flattering, because if they didn’t think my leaving was noteworthy then I don’t think they would have taken any steps.”


Mick then discussed the circumstances around his leaving the WWE. Mick said that the specific reason he left WWE was that Vince’s approach towards his commentary actually made him care less about the job, causing him to under perform. “At a certain point when you stop thinking about it and you stop being as good at it as you could be you’re doing a disservice to the guys you’re supposed to be putting over. So, I thought it was having a negative effect on me and I wanted to get out while I was still credible.”


Mick also talked about the conversations he had with Vince regarding how he was treated while doing commentary, telling Vince that he didn’t sleep on cots, sleep in his car, and save his money over the years to be treated in the way he was being treated. Mick did say that in spite of the negative aspects of his run as a commentator he did love his last promo with Edge and his onscreen exit from WWE in that segment.


The interview then turned towards Mick’s future role in TNA. Mick confirmed that his contract is short term at the moment, but if things go well he will stick around longer. He also said that there are no definite plans for him to wrestle yet, but he certainly hopes to get into the ring during his time there.


Regarding who he might face for an in ring return, Mick noted that Sting appears to have an increased passion for wrestling lately and it would be cool to do a storyline playing upon their matches in WCW since Mick feels they helped put him on the map.


To listen to the entire Mick Foley interview, including more details on the topics above, his negotiations with TNA and WWE back in 2005, whether he ever thought about walking off a broadcast, and much more, as well as the entire September 9 edition of Between The Ropes in streaming audio, visit the show online at www.BetweenTheRopes.com. In addition to listening to this week’s show you can become a site member and access hundreds of previous Between The Ropes shows and interviews. Join us for Between The Ropes for two hours every Tuesday night at 6:00pm ET on ESPN Florida AM 1080 and AM 1060 and worldwide on BetweenTheRopes.com.