Mae Young on giving birth to a hand!


–Press Release For 10/31/08

Tommy Fierro opens the Halloween Party episode this week on Who’s Slamming Who talking about an upcoming independent show he will be involved with on December 6th featuring former WWE Diva Cherry vs. TNA Knockout Roxxi. Tommy runs down the WWE Cyber Sunday PPV and gives you his opinions on the show. Tommy questions whether or not it was the right choice taking the title off of Chris Jericho this quick.

Tommy reviews last week’s live TNA Impact from Vegas and talks about: Main Event Mafia angle, Mick Foley as new TNA owner, crowd being super hot for the show, Awesome Kong regaining Knockout title, Christian entertaining doing Lil’ John spoof on Booker, new Legends title, Matt Morgan/Abyss as best friends, Sheik Abdul Bashir’s push, not knowing what to do with Rhino, and more.

Tommy goes over a ton of news from around the world of profesional wrestling last week, including: Upcoming American Wrestling Rampage tour of Ireland and France, Jerry Lawler 35th Anniversary show, ratings, Miz on Ghosthunters, Bret Hart undergoing surgery, Paul London return, Terry Funk in FCW, Sports Publishing update, Candice Michelle news, WWE instructs talent to drop weight, Umaga’s son star high school football player, Mickie Henson taking leave of absence, Scott Armstrong promoted, Reid Flair making pro wrestling debut, new TNA DVD releases, Brock Lesnar walks off interview on ESPN, WWE resigns two former wrestlers, ROH main event set for their PPV next month, Lance Cade update, Lia Maivia passes away, WWE performers now to be called entertainers, TNA house show results, Mr. Hughes update, Blue Demon Jr. wins NWA Heavyweight title, Stacy Keibler update, Gabe Sapolski fired as ROH booker, Kurt and Karen angle divorce finalized, ECWA Super 8, Ron Simmons doing seminar, Dos Caras Jr./WWE update, Chris Hamrick opening wrestling school, Bret Hart finished with wrestling business, Umaga & Charlie Hass open business, Mr. Perfect’s daughter wins title, Scott Hall update, and more.

2008 WWE Hall of Famer Mae Young joins the main show this week on the Who’s Slamming Who Halloween Party episode. Mae talks about giving bith to a hand, getting powerbomed off a stage by Bubba Ray Dudley, whether or not she ever slept with Vince McMahon, what she thinks of the current womens division, TNA, advice to any women breaking into the business, and much more. Very entertaining stuff here!

Outback Jack joins Who’s Slamming Who for the special Halloween Party episode and talks about: Being trained by Les Thorton, debuting in the WWF, the current WWE product, how different the road schedule was like back then, how big the WWF marketing machine was back then, and plays name association with Hulk Hogan, Andre The Giant, Vince McMahon, British Bulldogs, Killer Khan, Randy Savage, Iron Mike Sharpe, Ted DiBiase, Pat Patterson, Rick Rude, Jake Roberts, Jim Duggan, George Steele, Tito Santana, Junkyard Dog, Bret Hart, and more.

Ox Baker has got those old time, he’s got those old time, he’s got those old time rasslin’ blues. Ox Baker joins the main show this week for the Halloween Party episode and talks about his long career. He talks about never having a WWF run, how he was going to be Randy Savage’s manager, how he wanted to put a wrestler in boiling water, his cook book, doing color commentary for IWCCW, his CD, and much more. To say this one is entertaining in an understatement.

Gillberg joins Who’s Slamming Who for the special Halloween Party episode and talks about: How be broke into the wrestling business, who trained him, being a job guy for years in WWF, making his return against Mick Foley at Survivor Series, JOB Squad, being the longest WWF Light Heavyweight champion ever, meeting Goldberg for the first time, being a part of the Raw 15th Anniversary show, would he like another run in WWE, doing a new character based off of Steve Austin, whether he still follows the WWE, TNA, and much more.

Danny Inferno joins the main show this week for the Halloween Party episode and talks about breaking The Boogeyman’s teeth when he was in OVW. He talks about whether or not he was a hired hitman to take out Boogeyman. Danny also tells a really funny story involving an old New Jersey indie wrestler named Mr. Puerto Rico that involved himself, Ace Darling, Crowbar, and Tony Rumble. Tommy and Danny also tell a funny story about sleeping at Jimmy Snuka’s house, bringing Jimmy Snuka to the Meadowlands Fair, switching a WWE title at an ISPW show, and much more.

This week on All Things Are Possible, Jerry Jarrett returns with a funny Halloween rib he pulled on Jerry “The King” Lawler many years ago. Jarrett talks about how much Lawler loves Halloween and how he dresses up and scares the children every year. Jerry talks about all the different characters Lawler would create in Memphis and why they wouldn’t last very long.

The Doc is back in this week with another episode of Shoot Talk From Doc. This week, Steve Williams starts off his segment putting over Bill Demott and talking about how WWE missed the boat on Deep South Wrestling with Bill and Jody Hamilton. Doc says that Demott is a great trainer and great hand in the ring. Doc talks about how new guys in the business don’t know who paved the road for them and how they don’t respect the business. He talks about how when he went down to OVW he handed out 30 books to the talent and told them he’d be back in a month. When Doc returned, he gave them a 10 question test about the book and only 4 people passed the test. He talks about how Ray Gordy was one of the guys that never opened the book, which surprised him considering he spoke a lot about his father Terry in the book. Doc also talks about how bad WWE books Big Show and how Andre The Giant would never need to use a chair. He also talks about Jim Ross, his first week back in the gym, and how his segment from last week got back to Triple H.

The Iron Sheik is back with another edition of Make You Humble. This week, Sheik starts off his segment talking about he will be going to a school on Halloween to speak to the kids. Sheik also talks about going back on the Howard Stern show, the Iron Sheik Roast DVD coming out in December, how Scott Hall is his new target, how he’s forgiven Brian Blair, shooting a movie in December, and more.

Bill Behrens returns with an all new episode of Inside The Behrens Bubble. This week, Bill starts off talking about last week’s live Impact and gives his opinions on the Mick Foley and Main Event Mafia angles. He then turns his attention to ROH and looks at ROH letting Gabe Sapolsky go from the company. Bill puts over Gabe for the job he did while in ROH. Bill talks about how the ROH product isn’t as strong as it once was, how the loss of stars to WWE and TNA hurt ROH, how bringing in stars from Japan didn’t build up ROH’s product, overkill on many different levels, how ROH getting a TV deal would put them out of business, how they should focus on the Northeast, how they need to execute their booking, and much more. An excellent segment as always.

Kenny Bolin returns with another entertaining edition of The Bolin’ Alley. This week, Kenny starts off his weekly rant once again on Tommy Fierro. He questions how not one person that listens to this show couldn’t support him and purchase one of his DVDs. He quickly turns his attention back to Jim Cornette and continues his weekly attack on him. This week he might have gone too far. He talks about Cornette’s wedding from last Halloween night. He said how he’s never once missed an OVW TV taping prior to Cornette’s wedding, which last year fell on the same night as an OVW taping. Kenny talks about a TON of different things from that night, including: how it was three days until the wedding and he still hadn’t received his invite, how people were surprised when he showed up, how it was the worst food he had ever ate, how he kicked Cornette’s best man out of the wedding so he can step in as Cornette’s best man, how people almost got burnt, how he saved the wedding, how Cornette’s wife always had an eye for him, how she would have rather have married him, how terrible Cornette kisses, how he slipped his wife the tounge on their wedding night, how he stole money from Cornette and gave some of it back as his wedding gift, and how he even got trans money to come to Jim’s wedding.

Jody “The Assassin” Hamilton returns with another excellent edition of Wrestle This. This week, Jody looks at what it takes to produce a first class wrestling TV program. He starts off by saying he’s not totally against everything from today’s era and how he thinks it’s actually improved from what it was back in the day. He gives key points for producing a first class TV show, including: wrestling being the base of the match, excellent talent, sincere interviews, characters that are really themselves, not oversaturating any one ingredient, and much more.

This week on No Laughing Matter, Bill Demott wonders to himself if he’s becoming one of the guys that talks negative about the wrestling business. He wonders if he’s becoming the person he’s talked about in past segments. Bill says he loves and respects the wrestling business and urges everyone to sit back and learn to enjoy it. Bill and his wife are due to have a baby within the next week.

John Cena Sr. is back with another edition of You Can’t Hear Me. This week, John takes an in-depth look at the Killer Kowalksi Memorial Show he took part of this weekend that included Justin Credible, Spike Dudley, Ox Baker, Idol Stevens, J.J. Dillon, and several others. John gives his take on this past Sunday’s WWE Cyber Sunday PPV. Once again, John gives us his best Santino Marella. He also talks about independent shows, some talent to keep your eyes on, and more.

“The Genius” Lanny Poffo is back with another episode of Poetry in Motion. This week, Lanny looks back at a poem he wrote a long time ago and explains why it’s such good advice to take. Very interesting stuff here. Lanny also talks about the Tom Hanks movie Charlie Wilson’s War. Poffo also puts over Jody “The Assassin” Hamilton’s segments here on Who’s Slamming Who.

Michael Modest returns with another entertaining episode of Modest’s Joint this week. Modest returns with his weekly Top 10 list, this week’s being the top 10 things in wrestling that doesn’t make any sense. He comes up with some pretty funny names for new start up independent promotions. Speaking of the independents, Michael talks about problems on the indies including promoters, set up, booking, announcers trying to get themselves over, play-by-play guys, no boots, no gear, and more. Modest talks about how Goldberg was a great entertainer and how WCW hid his weaknesses well. He also talks about how wrestling needs to return to the jobber format, the champion not always being on TV, taking title belts more seriously, DVD/Movie review, ghost story, and more.

This week on Shut Up & Wrestle, Brian Solomon talks in-depth about WWE changing the name of it’s talent from wrestlers to entertainers. Brian talks about when he worked as the editor for WWE Magazine he’d get E-Mails all the time about certain words he couldn’t use, including belt, strap, and squared circle. He says they’d have to refer to the Cruiserweight title as the “Cruiserweight Championship of the World.” He talks about how WWE sweats the small stuff. He also talks about how wrestling fans don’t want WWE rubbing it in their faces all the time that’s not real. Excellent segment as always be B-Sol.

Whatcha Gonna Do Danny Bonaduce, when The Funkster runs wild on you!?!? The Funkster returns with an all new episode of Whatcha Gonna Do this week and continues his rant on Danny Bonaduce, one of the stars of the new Celebrity Championship Wrestling on CMT. He talks about how Bonaduce sticks a needle up his ass and how he’s a red headed stepchild to him. Funkster also talks about how he’s going to dress up as Kwee Wee for Halloween this year.

Mike Quackenbush is back with another edition of From Bell to Bell. This week, Mike takes an in-depth look at Ring of Honor. Please note that Mike recorded this segment before the breaking news of Gabe Sapolsky being let go as the booker of the company. He talks about how current and cutting edge ROH is compared to TNA, how ROH is the largest independent company in the country, how it is facing some of the same problems the original ECW faced, why they are a distant third, advantages ROH has over TNA and WWE, how ROH has one vision, and much more.

This week on No More Bumps, Ace Darling begins his segment very SPOOKY! Ace talks about how much he enjoys bad wrestling and uses Rocky Mountain Thunder from AWA as a prime example. He tells a story of how he was snowed in at Crowbar’s house for two days and turned Crowbar on to just how entertaining watching bad wrestling could be. He asks anyone out there listening to his segment to send him links to bad wrestling. Ace also asks where all the managers in the business today are and how they will never return to the current product again. He also puts over Johnny Devine for stepping away from TNA.

Rob Feinstein comes into his own this week on Inside The Ring with RF Video. This week, Rob takes a look at last week’s live TNA Impact and looks at: how TNA dropped the ball on Mick Foley’s big announcement, how he uses the FF button when watching TNA, wonders when Sting became a heel, how the fire is not lit under Samoa Joe’s ass, how TNA should use the creative minds of Mick Foley and Jim Cornette, how it’s time for a change in TNA, and more. By far Rob’s best segment yet here on Who’s Slamming Who.

The unpredictable Judas Young is back with another weekly adventure of Tuck Your Chin. Please note that you shouldn’t press stop or turn off the segment at the beginning as their is nothing electronically wrong. It’s not static that you hear, it’s Judas being possesed by a demon. This week, Judas looks back at doing an extra spot in the WWE with Danny Inferno in a bar. The skit involved The APA, Big Bossman, and Bull Buchanan. The bar they did the segment at was called Paulie G’s and it was owned by Tony Garea’s son. Judas talks about how he once hanged out at the same bar when he was in College. Brace yourself.


JIM CORNETTE THIS MONDAY NIGHT ON WHO’S SLAMMING WHO: Jim Cornette will be appearing on Who’s Slamming Who this Monday night at 6 PM on Kenny Bolin has been running his mouth for months now bashing Jim Cornette on his segment The Bolin’ Alley. What will Cornette’s reaction be when he finds out everything Bolin’s been saying about him these last few months? Find out this Monday night. Shit is about to hit the fan on Who’s Slamming Who!

BILL BEHRENS JOINS THE MAIN SHOW MONDAY NIGHT TO PREVIEW TNA TURNING POINT PPV: Bill Behrens will once again join the main show and preview the TNA Turning Point PPV with Tommy Fierro this Monday night at 6 PM on

MODEST’S JOINT WITH TOMMY FIERRO THIS MONDAY NIGHT: Be sure to tune into the modern day Piper’s Pit this Monday night at 6 PM as Michael Modest will have Tommy Fierro on Modest’s Joint. Modest’s Joint is quickly becoming one of the most entertaining segments on Who’s Slamming Who and if you want to sit back and be entertained, this is the place to go. Be sure to listen to it on

PRO WRESTLING ACTION LIVE: December 6th, 2008 at 3-2 Count Athletic Training Facility in Freehold, NJ with former WWE Diva Cherry vs. TNA Knockout Roxxi, Former WWE Superstar Nunzio vs. Rob Eckos (managed by “Mr. Main Event” Ace Darling); plus Crowbar, Danny Doring, HC Loc, Josh Daniels, Danny Inferno, Bonecrusher Sampson, Mr. Personality, Flash, and more. For more information, E-Mail: