M.V.D. – Most Valuable Divas – Week of November 3, 2013: Nikki Bella & Cameron

MVDOWW Women’s Wrestling Columnist Eric Holt chooses his M.V.D.- Most Valuable Diva(s) of the week, based on television matches, promos, and/ or segments.

Just when you thought Brie Bella was the only diva that’s been showing signs of improvement, two other divas step in and show that they have been bettering their wrestling craft as well. The two divas I’m talking about? Nikki Bella and Cameron.

Nikki Bella competed in two matches this week: a tag team match on RAW, pitting herself, her sister Brie, and Eva Marie against Alicia Fox, Tamina, and Divas Champion AJ and a one-on-one match against Alicia Fox on Main Event. In both matches, Nikki showed signs of improvement instead of ring rust. After watching both of Nikki’s matches this week, I’m beginning to believe that her recent shin injury may have been a blessing in disguise. Why? While I don’t ever wish injury upon anyone, ever since Nikki returned to in-ring action after being unable to compete for a while due to a shin injury, she has stepped her game up in the ring. It’s almost as if her injury served as motivation for her to improve her craft in the ring. If she continues to do well with her in-ring performances, she could be next in line for a shot at AJ’s Divas Championship. Keep up the good work Nikki, because just like your sister Brie, you’ve been improving with each and every match you compete in.

On Smackdown, Cameron teamed up with fellow Funkadactly Naomi to face AJ and Tamina in tag team action. Cameron’s performance in this tag team match showed that she’s been improving and getting better in the ring. While Cameron certainly took a beating from Tamina, she also fought back and brought a lot of fire to the match. Every move she hit in the ring was nailed to perfection. I don’t know about any of you, but for Cameron being a rookie diva, she’s not a bad wrestler, and in this match, Cameron was spot on with everything. And to think: this was the girl that was not taken seriously, especially after she said her favorite match was Melina vs. Alicia Fox on Tough Enough. Cameron has certainly proved her naysayers, including WWE Legends, wrong and has shown that she is someone people should take seriously. If Cameron was not passionate about wrestling, she would not be with WWE and she would not be showing signs of improvement like she did in her tag team match this week. Cameron, your performance this week was Dabomb.com.

Come back next week to see who will be the Most Valuable Diva of the week.

Did you agree/disagree with my pick for M.V.D.? Who do you think should have been this week’s M.V.D.? Give me your thoughts in the comments section below, or tweet me your thoughts @_ericholt_ .

– Eric Holt