M.V.D. – Most Valuable Diva – Week of September 29, 2013: Brie Bella

MVDOWW Women’s Wrestling Columnist Eric Holt chooses his M.V.D.- Most Valuable Diva(s) of the week, based on television matches, promos, and/ or segments.

For the second week in a row, Brie Bella is the Most Valuable Diva of the week.

Brie had a drama-filled, action-packed week, which began on Monday Night Raw. To start off with, it was announced that Brie Bella would be facing AJ for the Divas Championship at Battleground. Brie has the opportunity to become a two-time Divas Champion if she can beat AJ at Battleground. Brie and twin sister Nikki once again had a backstage segment with Randy Orton. Randy Orton’s words left Brie feeling intimidated by The Apex Predator. I would have loved to have seen Brie slap Randy, but I think Brie’s going to be saving that for another time. Despite being left intimidated by Randy Orton, Brie did not let that stop her from competing in her match against Alicia Fox. Both girls put on a great match that was given plenty of time. Brie continued to show off her recent improvements in the ring during the match, and she ultimately won after hitting Alicia with the Bella Buster. Although Brie is this week’s MVD, I wanted to also take a moment and compliment Alicia Fox on how great she did in the match as well. Alicia put her legs to great use during the match, and she had amazing chemistry in the ring with Brie. It makes me wonder why WWE doesn’t use Alicia Fox more often. In my opinion, she is one of the most underrated divas on the roster today. Anyways, let’s get back to talking about Brie. Brie took part in the last segment of RAW, where she looked on as her boyfriend Daniel Bryan took a nasty beating from Randy Orton, including an RKO on the announce table. Brie played the part of a distressed girlfriend to perfection. Everything about her part of the segment was great, from her facial expressions to her acting. Brie had a standout performance on RAW.

On Smackdown, Brie looked to continue to build momentum when she faced Aksana. Going into this match, I wasn’t sure how this match was going to turn out. I’m not going to lie, but I did have some doubts about it. However, the match between Brie and Aksana was better than I expected. The match was given a pretty decent amount of time, and for the most part, Brie and Aksana had good chemistry. Brie won the match after nailing the Bella Buster to Aksana from the top turnbuckle. Can I just say how impressed I was with Brie that she switched things up with her finisher a bit? It came off really well and she nailed it to perfection. After the match, AJ came out and taunted Brie and bashed her boyfriend Daniel Bryan about having future goat babies after AJ beats her at Battleground. Ummm…okay then.

All in all, Brie had a great week that consisted of two great matches that she competed in and won and two segments where she shined with her acting. To add to all that, she gets to face AJ for the Divas Championship at Battleground. The outcome of the Divas Championship match at Battleground is so unpredictable because there are so many options of outcomes that WWE could go with for this match. I like that the outcome’s unpredictable because the unpredictability is what’s going to make the fans invested in the match, and feel excited & anxious about who’s going to win. Plus, depending on the outcome of the match, WWE could go with so many storyline options for AJ and Brie that could possibly involve Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan, HHH, Stephanie McMahon, and even Nikki Bella. I know one thing, I’m excited about the Divas Championship match because I can’t wait to see what the outcome of the match is going to be, and I can’t wait to see how this storyline will play out in the coming weeks after Battleground.

Once again, congratulations to Brie Bella for being the Most Valuable Diva for the second week in a row!

Come back next week to see who will be the Most Valuable Diva of the week.

Did you agree/disagree with my pick for M.V.D.? Who do you think should have been this week’s M.V.D.? Give me your thoughts in the comments section below, or tweet me your thoughts @_ericholt_ .

– Eric Holt