M.V.D. – Most Valuable Diva – Week of October 6, 2013: Stephanie McMahon

MVDOWW Women’s Wrestling Columnist Eric Holt chooses his M.V.D.- Most Valuable Diva(s) of the week, based on television matches, promos, and/ or segments.

Stephanie McMahon was in full Boss Lady bitchiness mode on RAW during her segment with Big Show. She began by calling out Big Show for his inexcusable actions at Battleground. From there, she insulted him by calling him worthless, heartless, soulless, and a poor excuse for a human being. Stephanie went as far as even throwing it up in Show’s face that her and HHH saved him from being evicted and did everything they could for Big Show. Big Show laughed and made a joke out of everything Stephanie was saying, but at the same time, he got serious with her when he called her out for telling him to knock out Daniel Bryan. Things got really heated between the two when Big Show called Brad Maddox Stephanie and her (to quote Big Show) her “son of a bitch” husband, prompting Stephanie McMahon to slap Big Show multiple times (OUCH!) and fire him. Although Stephanie was hoping Big Show would leave crying, he instead left laughing. Mission accomplished Stephanie? I don’t think so. In all seriousness, I was in love with this segment. This is the Stephanie McMahon that I remember watching from the Attitude Era days. Stephanie was such a bitchy boss, and it made the segment that much greater. She knows how to intimidate and put people in their places. It is always great for me to see Stephanie back on WWE TV, even if it is for a once in a while appearance. Ever since she has been on TV more often, I have been entertained by her bitchy, boss lady heel character that she plays to perfection. She completely owned Big Show throughout their entire segment with each other, and everything about Stephanie’s heel character was spot on, from her bitchy facial expressions to her mic skills. Stephanie’s Bossy Lady bitchiness and her segment with Big Show are why she is this week’s Most Valuable Diva.

Come back next week to see who will be the Most Valuable Diva of the week.

Did you agree/disagree with my pick for M.V.D.? Who do you think should have been this week’s M.V.D.? Give me your thoughts in the comments section below, or tweet me your thoughts @_ericholt_ .

– Eric Holt