M.V.D. – Most Valuable Diva: Week Of June 9, 2013


M.V.D. – Most Valuable Diva” is a weekly column where a WWE Diva or TNA Knockout is named the Most Valuable Diva of the Week based on their overall performance. The divas/knockouts that compete in matches and/or take part in segments automatically get nominated for Most Valuable Diva.

This week’s nominees for M.V.D. are:

AJ: On RAW, AJ shocked Kaitlyn and the WWE Universe when she revealed to them that she set up the “secret admirer” thing. AJ went on to explain why she did it: Kaitlyn was busy chasing the Divas Championship, while AJ was busy getting her heart broken. The resident Crazy Chick got into Kaitlyn’s mind, causing Kaitlyn to break down.

Kaitlyn: On RAW, Kaitlyn’s secret admirer was finally revealed. Unfortuntately, it was revealed that AJ had set up the “secret admirer” thing. AJ went on to explain why she did it: Kaitlyn was busy chasing the Divas Championship, while AJ was busy getting her heart broken. The resident Crazy Chick got into Kaitlyn’s mind, causing Kaitlyn to break down. Kaitlyn continued to show signs of being upset and letting AJ get to her on Smackdown. When Aksana laughed at the footage from RAW of AJ revealing that she was the secret admirer, Kaitlyn snapped and attacked Aksana. She even slapped the referee in his face. AJ makes people go crazy!

Bayley: On NXT, Bayley was shown to have FINALLY been given a character of being the awkward girl that just wants to be everyone’s friend, or at least I think that’s what her gimmick is. Anyways, we got to see Bayley’s gimmick come into play during her match against Alicia Fox to determine who would advance to the semi-final round of the NXT Women’s Championship Tournament. Bayley tried to make friends with Alicia, but Alicia was not having it. This sparked a fire in Bayley and pushed her to wanting to win the match. In the end unfortunately, Alicia Fox got the win after a sick axe kick and advanced to the semi-finals.

Alicia Fox: Did I really see Alicia Fox compete in a WWE match? Are my eyes deceiving me? Nope, it’s true! Alicia Fox was in a match this week on NXT, where she competed against Bayley to determine who would advance to the semi-final round of the NXT Women’s Championship Tournament. Alicia Fox had a great showing in this match and won after nailing Bayley with her signature axe kick. I just hope that Alicia doesn’t disappear on me again after winning this match.

Aksana: On Smackdown, Aksana was set to compete against Divas Champion Kaitlyn. However, before the match could even begin, Aksana was attacked by Kaitlyn after she laughed at the footage from RAW of AJ revealing that she was the secret admirer.

Velvet Sky: On Impact, Velvet Sky revealed to Mickie James a doctor’s note that stated that she was clear to compete. Velvet declared that she wants her rematch for her Knockouts Championship. That didn’t set too well with Mickie James, and Mickie went after her knee with a painful submission hold. Velvet might want to get the date on that note changed since her knee is pretty banged up now.

Mickie James: On Impact, Velvet Sky revealed to Mickie James a doctor’s note that stated that she was clear to compete. Velvet declared that she wants her rematch for her Knockouts Championship. That didn’t set too well with Mickie James, and Mickie went after her knee with a painful submission hold. Mickie James has officially turned heel and has forced Velvet to extend the date of her knee clearance to a later date.

This week, we have TWO MVDs!

This week’s MVDs are…

AJ & Mickie James!

AJ cut a great promo on RAW when she revealed that the secret admirer thing was all a set up by her to play mind games with Kaitlyn. Not only did she cut a great promo, but she also got some major heat from the crowd. AJ’s a crazy chick, and she’s a damn good one. Speaking of crazy chicks, Mickie James has officially turned heel! When she attacked Velvet Sky and went after her knee, I saw glimpses of Psycho Mickie James circa 2005-2006. I absolutely loved it. WWE’s top heel diva and TNA’s current top heel knockout stole their perspective shows this week by being badass, psychotic, crazy bitches.

Come back next week to see who will be M.V.D. of the week. Thanks for reading!

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— Eric Holt