Lashley once again wears the gold…with a little help


On tonight’s brand new TNA IMPACT on Destination America, Lashley defeated TNA world heavyweight champion Bobby Roode to recapture the title belt.  MVP and several wrestlers interrupted the match and caused things to get out of control, only to see Roode’s friend Eric Young jump in to make the save.  Only Young double-crossed the champion with a steel chair and helped cost him the title!

The X Division championship also changed hands tonight as Austin Aries defeated Low-Ki to win the belt.

Read all of the results of this exciting show below!

TNA IMPACT Wrestling (debut on Destination America)
Location: New York, NY
Date: January 7, 2015
Commentators: Josh Matthews and Taz

Full Report by Jason Powell of

[Q1] At a hotel, a wrestler (his face wasn’t shown) picked up a card that told him his limo would pick him up outside and that tonight Destination America would become Destination Impact…

There was a slick video that focused on the wrestlers in various hotel settings and getting onto their limo bus. It also included a great shot on New York City. James Storm was shown talking on the bus about it being a year of revolution. Bobby Roode told the wrestlers that it’s a new day, a new beginning, and a fresh start. MVP gave his own pep talk.

The wrestlers were shown getting off separate tour busses. Roode and Lashley came face to face. They threw punches and then all the wrestlers started brawling. Josh Mathews and Taz checked in on commentary as the wrestlers all brawled into the Manhattan Center. The fans chanted “this is awesome” as the brawl continued and cameras cut to the various brawls that were occurring.

Eventually, Kurt Angle came out saying, “Whoa, whoa, whoa.” He called for security and asked, “what are you doing?” He said this is New York City, the Manhattan Center, and Impact Wrestling. He asked the fans if they wanted the fight to continue. The brawling continued.

Angle entered the ring and said Low-Ki will defend the X Division Championship, Taryn Terrell will defend her Knockouts Title, and James Storm and Abyss will defend their tag titles. Angle said all the titles will be defended.

MVP entered the ring and asked Angle when he was going to announce that he’s no longer the director. The fans chanted “Shut the f— up” loudly and had to be edited. MVP turned his back to Angle and dared him to hit him. “Nothing?” MVP asked. He recalled Angle nearly being fired because he put his hands on him once before. MVP said Angle isn’t the man he once was.

MVP said 1996 Angle was a gold medalist. He said 2015 Angle has no balls. Angle said he did step down as executive director and he’s done. However, he’s been activated as a wrestler again. Angle booked himself in a street fight with MVP. Mathews said the match would start after the break…

Kurt Angle vs. MVP in a ‘street fight’

The men fought in their street clothes. The bell rang to officially start the match. MVP went after Angle’s arm. Angle hit a few German suplexes. MVP came back and targeted Angle’s leg. Angle countered into the ankle lock briefly, but MVP escaped. Angle applied the hold again and the fans chanted “tap.” MVP missed a charging kick in the corner. Angle performed the Angle Slam and got the three count. MVP kicked out near three and protested the count with the referee briefly. The fans chanted “you’ve still got it” at Angle…

Winner: Kurt Angle

A shot aired of the various champions backstage as the broadcast team hyped that all the titles would be on the line tonight…

Backstage, MVP asked Kenny King where he was when he needed his help. An upset MVP told King that he was going to remind Lashley why he became champion in the first place…

The broadcast team was shown for the first time. Mathews introduced himself and Taz, then spoke about how Dixie Carter stated that cameras will be everywhere. They cut to various backstage shots, including one of John Gabrurick, Al Snow, and other backstage workers.

EC3 and Tyrus (Brodus Clay) cut in front of horn honking Crazy Steve. EC3 complained about all the cameras and yet none of them had shown him yet. EC3 spoke about taking apart Rockstar Spud piece by piece, as Tyrus held up a bag containing some hair. “Tonight, I’m coming for the whole thing,” he said. He told Tyrus to secure the target…

[Q3] The broadcast team checked in again. Mathews spoke about how thankful he is to sit next to Taz and “accepting the reigns from longtime voice of TNA” Mike Tenay. Josh said Tenay isn’t going anywhere, and introduced Tenay, who hyped Grandpa Mike’s TNA Playhouse, er, TNA Unlocked for Saturday mornings. He set up footage of him interviewing James Storm about The Revolution…

Storm, Abyss, and the rest of the crew made their entrance. The Wolves made their entrance and were going to challenge for the tag titles. Just as the match was about to start, Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy made their entrance… [C]

TNA tag team title match: TNA tag team champions James Storm and Abyss (w/Sanada and Manik) vs. The Wolves

The Hardyz watched from ringside. The Wolves had matching makeup claw marks on their chest, and red, white, and blue tights that are sure to please the network. The Wolves performed crowd pleasing suicide dives early on.

[Q4] Sanada and Manik ran in, but The Hardyz were there to hit them with a side effect and a Twist of Fate. Jeff and Abyss had a brief tug-o-war over the bullrope that Storm brought to the ring. Hardy ended up accidentally bumping into Eddie Edwards, who then ate a Last Call superkick from Storm, who pinned him to win the match…

Winners: James Storm and Abyss to retain the TNA tag team titles

Mathews hyped the main event, then footage aired of Lashley beating Roode to win the first of their two matches… Backstage, EC3 said he has unfinished business and invited the cameraman to follow him… [C]

The broadcast team narrated footage of the opening brawl, and Angle beating MVP in the street fight, then hyped the main event again…

Backstage, MVP told Lashley that “there is no Lashley without me.” MVP said he calls the shots. Lashley shoved MVP against the wall. Kenny King started to talk, but Lashley shot him a look that shut him up. Lashley said this is about him getting his title back. MVP wasn’t happy about Lashley putting his hands on him. He wished him luck getting his belt back and left the room…

Jeremy Borash stood in the ring and mentioned that it’s their first show on Destination America. He started an introduction, but he was interrupted by EC3’s entrance music. EC3 delivered some “facts” as he walked to the ring. He did the “you can’t wrestle/I’m very good” routine. EC3 entered the ring and said, “You’re a rowdy bunch, eh?”

EC3 said he’s happy Borash was out there. There were dueling “you can’t wrestle” and “yes, he can” chants in the crowd. Rockstar Spud was shoved into the entrance area. Tyrus walked out behind him and picked him up and carried him by the back of his pants to ringside. Spud fought back, but Tyrus no-sold everything he did and body slammed him.

EC3 said he took a little of Spud’s hair last year, and was going to finish the job. “Let the scalping begin,” EC3 said. He led a one-man “scalp” chant. “Don’t you think you’ve done enough,” Borash said. EC3 told him to stand down. Borash apparently took a shot at EC3, but the camera was focused on the clippers for God knows what reason.

[Q5] Tyrus grabbed Borash and threw him into the corner and then splashed him. Spud stood over Borash and pleaded with Tyrus to stop. Tyrus quickly subdued Spud. “Change of plans, Tyrus,” EC3 said. Tyrus forced Spud to watch while EC3 shaved two strips down the middle of Borash’s head…

Backstage, Kenny King and MVP vented about how Lashley treated them when they made him. The audio was a little rough and even the closed captioning didn’t pick up what they said at the end… [C]

The broadcast team recapped the head shaving and hyped the main event… A video package aired on the X Division…

TNA X Division title match: TNA X Division champion Low-Ki vs. Austin Aries

Mathews mentioned that Low-Ki was the first ROH Champion. He also promoted Taz’s podcast and mentioned that “WWE Hall of Famer Edge” is his first guest. There were dueling chants for the wrestlers. A few minutes into the match, Aries sent Low-Ki to ringside and went for a suicide dive, but Low-Ki caught him with a kick. Mathews said this is the type of match that he signed up for when he agreed to call Impact Wrestling.

[Q6] Aries hit a missile dropkick at 5:00, then followed up with a running dropkick in the corner. Aries set up for the brainbuster, but Low-Ki caught him with submission hold that Aries broke by reaching the ropes. They fought on the ropes and Ki knocked Aries down with a kick. Aries got right up and caught Ki with a dropkick, and followed up moments later with a brainbuster for the clean win… [C]

Winner: Austin Aries to win the X Division Title

The Beautiful People made their entrance with DJ Z and Jessie for the Knockouts battle royal. Z took the mic and introduced reality television “megastar” Robbie E. Robbie made his entrance and said “I’m back.” He said he didn’t win a million dollars, but he still looks like a million dollars. He said it wasn’t his fault they lost, it was his ex-girlfriend “The Amazing Loser Brooke” who was to blame for them losing. Taryn Terrell made her entrance..

Battle royal for the TNA Knockouts title: The participants included TNA Knockouts champion Taryn Terrell, Angelina Love, Velvet Sky, Madison Rayne, Gail Kim, Havok, and Rebel

Rebel was eliminated first, but she didn’t appear to break anything this time so there’s that. Rayne was out next.

[Q7] Velvet took Eat Defeat from Kim clumsily and stayed down while Love was eliminated. Kim and Terrell teamed up on Havok, who got the better of both women as Sky continued to lie on the mat. The babyfaces came back with a double missile dropkick on Havok. Velvet got up and hit both women with a clothesline.

Brooke ran out and attacked Robbie E at ringside. No one seemed to care. Velvet was out next and was still holding her face. The match came down to Terrell, Kim, and Havok. Terrell eliminated both women back to back to retain the title…

Winner: Taryn Terrell to retain the Knockouts title

After the match, Havok attacked Terrell from behind and eventually slammed her down. The lights went out in the building. When they lights came on again, Awesome Kong was standing nose-to-nose with Havok. “No frickin’ way, Awesome Kong,” Mathews said. “It’s a fantasy booker’s dream come true.” Two referees stepped between the women. Kong smiled at Havok, who backed away and left the ring. The bald referee jawed at Kong until she chokeslammed him… [C]

Ring entrances for the main event took place…

TNA world heavyweight title match: TNA world heavyweight champion Bobby Roode vs. Lashley

Roode entered the ring and traded punches with Lashley to start the match. The crowd was pro-Roode with a few counter chants for the challenger. Lashley performed a delayed vertical suplex at 1:15. Roode came back with a hip toss and followed up with a crossface.

[Q8] Lashley reached the ropes to break the hold. Roode took the fight to ringside by pulling himself over the ropes and performing a cross body on Lashley. A bad pop-box appeared in the lower left corner and showed Kenny King and MVP walking with two men in dead president masks. A security guard said he didn’t know who they were so he couldn’t let them in. The masked men attacked the security guard. Lashley was in control of the offense heading into the break. [C]

Lashley was still in control coming out of the break. Lashley was bleeding from the mouth. Roode came back and performed a neckbreaker off the second rope for a two count at 14:05. Roode followed up with a spinebuster. At 17:00, MVP, King, and the masked men walked to ringside as Roode locked Lashley in the cross face.

Lashley powered out of the crossface, but Roode caught him with the Roode Bomb for a two count. Roode went back to the crossface. The fans chanted “tap.” The referee was punched out by Kenny King. Kurt Angle ran out and was quickly outnumbered. The masked men stood on the apron and removed their masks to reveal Low-Ki and Samoa Joe.

[Overrun] Eric Young ran out with a chair to back the heels down. Suddenly, Young jabbed Roode in the gut with a chair. Lashley speared Roode. Magically, the referee recovered just in time to count the pin. Lashley didn’t look like he was in on “The Family” plan…

Winner: Lashley to win the TNA world heavyweight title
