Kevin Nash on In Your Head Online

Kevin Nash Interview Highlights
by Andrew Pritchard

Kevin Nash a former five time WCW Champion and one time WWE Champion made an appearance on In Your Head, Wednesday September 25th 2008, with hosts Jack, One Inch Biceps and Barbie! To listen to the entire interview head on over to


The Interview starts off with Jack asking Kevin Nash about his health. Kevin states “I am actually probably as healthy as I have been in 10 years”.

Jack then asks how many more years does Kevin have left active in the ring, to which Kevin replies “It depends on how many times I actually wrestle”. Jack then asks if the schedule was a part in him re-signing with TNA “We are close to getting everything down, but it’s still not official” “They pulled me off the web page so I would call someone and complain”.

A caller asks about Scott Hall no-showing TNA Turning Point 2007 and Kevin’s feelings on it “I was just more worried about him”.

Barbie then asked a fan of In Your Head who Kevin preferred working with Shawn (Michaels) or Scott (Hall) “Scott’s probably the best big worker I’ve ever worked against” “But by far Shawn is the best worker I’ve ever worked with”.

Barbie asks a question from a fan of In Your Head who asks if he thinks TNA could have taken the Paparazzi Productions gimmick with Alex Shelley further “As long as he’s not dead and I’m not dead, we can take it further”.

A caller then asked Kevin’s thoughts on what Kurt Angle said in an Interview with the UK Sun about TNA being too gimmicky Kevin Replied “Nobody on this planet works harder than Kurt and I can understand his frustration”.

Jack asks Kevin his views on the current TV Angle with Samoa Joe “I think it’s good, there needs to be a pay-off of some sort”.

Jack wraps up the interview by plugging Kevin Nash’s appearance on the XWE Show on October 9th, Kevin Nash finishes off by telling the viewers that if you are not registered to vote to please register to vote.

These are just some highlights of the over 1 hour Kevin Nash interview.

To hear the full one hour uncut interview go to and don’t forget to check out the show live every Wednesday at 8PM Eastern, Upcoming guests include, La Resistance’s Sylvain Grenier, AWA’s Larry Nelson, Simon Dean (aka bWo’s Nova, Mike Bucci), Kevin Sullivan and many more. also has a 3 year archive which consists of interviews from people such as Mick Foley, Steve Corino, Eric Bischoff, Goldberg, Terry Funk and more, Be sure to check for all of your In Your Head news.

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