Katz Files: Nobody Asked Me, But…

The Katz Files – Arnie Katz

Nobody Asked Me, But… Smackdown Edition

The Kingfish Arnie Katz continues a “Katz Files” tradition with answers to some ticklish questions that no one asked him.

I was watching Smackdown and
Nobody asked me, but…

… Why should anyone have cared that Hawkins, Ryder and Neely are gone? No one cared that they were here.

… Isn’t Edge developing the scariest face in pro wrestling. He even scared me a little when he loomed over Vickie Guerrero and began grimacing like a nut job.

,,, Wouldn’t you have rather seen Jeff Hardy versus Shelton Benjamin, the match on the 8/16 Smackdown? MVP-Hardy was exciting, but Jeff and Shelton tore it up on SD and I’d like to see what they would do going all out at a pay per view for the title.

… Isn’t Natalia surprisingly attractive for someone who has Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart as her poppa? She continues to impress in the ring, too.

… I liked Brian Kendrick a lot better before he started talking. I guess an annoying voice is a plus for a heel. If so, he’s well-equipped.

.. Why subject Kenny Dykstra to a squash loss to Triple H in his first match back on TV? You have to wonder if this wasn’t some kind of punishment, because it was so unnecessary. Triple H had to look impressive in his win, looking forward to the PPV, but they could’ve let Dykstra put up more of a fight before showing that HHH is clearly superior. The illusion of competition excites the fans; a lopsided slaughter generally doesn’t.

… Why did another debuting wrestler, Ryan Braddock, also take a demeaning loss in his very first match? Wouldn’t it make more sense to start him with a competitive match, perhaps even a victory, against another bottom-of-the-card guy – and then have him do a job to one of the main event or mid-card guys to pin his status for the fans. This way, he’s a loser from “go,” and he can’t enhance anyone in the ring.

… Doesn’t MVP look a lot better in his new gear? Those horrible jumpsuits make him look like an animated tube of toothpaste.

… Isn’t it hard to believe that the same card that had those two hard-to-watch squashes also features the much more subtle Koslov-Festus match? I’m not fond of Festus’ gimmick, but the two big guys put on a decent match.

I’ll be back tomorrow with another installment of the Internet’s fastest-rising wrestling column. I hope you’ll join me – and I’d be especially grateful if you tell your friends about it.

— Arnie Katz