Katz Files: My Destination X Preview & Predictions!

The Katz Files – Arnie Katz

Destination X: Preview & Predictions

The Kingfish Arnie Katz gets you ready for TNA’s March pay per view event!.

Destination X is TNA’s celebrating of the dynamic athleticism of the X Division. The promotion has recently made statements, and even done a few things, that indicate a renewed interest in this X Division. Whether this is a true change in direction or only the annual upswing to coincide with this pay per view will only be determined by how things go after the March event.

There are some excellent matches, at least on paper. The Ultimate X match promises some thrills and the Sting-Angle, Samoa Joe-Scott Steiner and AJ Styles-Booker T should be fairly dramatic, too.

Let’s look at the card match by match…

Samoa Joe vs. Scott Steiner

The Story: The Main Event Mafia put Samoa Joe on the sidelines with a vicious attack, but they neglected to finish the job. Joe has returned, more intense than ever, with only one thing on his mind; revenge. He has attacked Big Poppa Pump a couple of times, but now they will have a showdown in the ring!

My Prediction: The best way to propel Samoa Joe right back into the Respect War after his lay-off is for him to get a smashing victory against Scott Steiner. He took his lumps and now ought to get some payback to go with the new face paint. Ideally, this match should lead to Joe’s next program, probably in a tag team match. But TNA has got to be working toward Joe-Angle.

Predicted Grade: B

Awesome Kong vs. Sojo Bolt
Knockouts Championship

The Story: Sojourner Bolt was a member of the dreaded Kongtourage until she grabbed for a shot at Awesome Kong’s title. This will be Sojo’s first chance to prove that she can back up her words by winning the Knockout Championship from the seemingly invincible Kong.

My Prediction: The outcome hinges on what TNA perceives is Sojo Bolt’s future value to the promotion. If she’s worthless, then a straight squash would be right; if they think she can work a program against Kong, they’ll have to keep her creditable. That doesn’t mean that she has to beat Awesome Kong, which would be a tough sell. More likely is that Rhaka Khan and Raisha Saeed will interfere, Saeed will get the better of Khan and the Masked Manager will help Kong gain an unfair victory. This would set up a Sojo Bolt-Awesome Kong cage match at Lockdown.

Predicted Grade: B

Team 3D vs. Beer Money, Inc.
Off the Wagon Tag Team Title Match

The Story: Beer Money has gotten some off-the-wall ideas in the past, but none was more mean-spirited than the “Off the Wagon” Challenge It gained several teams a shot at the title, but there was a catch: the man who was pinned lost his TNA spot! Petey Williams and Sonjay Dutt found that out the hard way. Beer Money’s campaign has roused Team 3D to action. Brother Ray and Brother Devon will go for the gold, even at the risk of ending one of their TNA careers.

My Prediction: I don’t think the concept was presented as well for this match. For one ting, there should’ve been a stip on this match that the Off the Wagon Challenge will end if Team 3D wins. Personally, I’d like to see Devon lose and come back under a hood on the next iMPACT. More likely is that the beer-spitting will backfire and Devon will get the tables.

Predicted Grade: B+

The Finals Of One Night With ODB

The Story: Wrestling fans and even wrestlers are vying for the opportunity to win a night with ODB. What will actually happen on that night is not established, but a fellow can dream, can’t he?

My Prediction: The inclusion of Shark Boy among the suitors raises the possibility that he will win and that TNA will then subject us to a series of videos in which the “happy couple” spends an evening together. It is my fervent hope that this is not the plan. Let one of the fans win to give this contest the credibility that will be necessary of they ever want to run another one.

Abyss vs. Matt Morgan
10,000 Thumbtacks Match

The Story: Once they were friends and partners. Now they are enemies. While abyss seeks psychiatric help for his fixation on weapons, Matt Morgan has descended into the hardcore realm where Abyss once reigned unchallenged. The Blueprint has harassed Abyss at every turn and now will confront him in the ring with the bag of tacks in legal play.

My Prediction: On the iMPACT on the Thursday before the pay per view, Brutus Magnus acted a bit like a face in turning down Kurt Angle’s proposition. That could mean they’ve decided to match him against Morgan rather than tea, them (or it could be bad writing). Lauren will spell the difference in this match. She will come to ringside against Abyss’ orders and, when Morgan menaces he again, it will give the Blueprint the edge he needs to defeat the Masked Monster. It will be an obvious screwjob to justify the final showdown between the two at Lockdown.

Predicted Grade: B+

Alex Shelley vs. Chris Sabin vs. Suicide vs. Jay Lethal vs. Consequences Creed
X-Division Championship
Ultimate X Match for the title

The Story: TNA doesn’t trot out the Ultimate X match once a month or even once a season. This dangerous match, which calls upon the participants’ great athleticism, only takes place once a year and always for the X Division championship. Now it’s time to see whether anyone can haul down the X and dethrone Alex Shelly.

My Prediction: My first thought, like that of my compatriot Jay Shannon, was that suicide will demonstrate his superiority by blasting everyone in sight and taking the “X” down from the scaffolding. That’s not a bad way to go, but it does leave the Mysterious Masked Man as champion, when it would be more exciting to see him challenge for the belt than defend it. With that in mind, a better finish might be to have Suicide about to win when the Machine Guns combine against him so that Shelly can claim victory and retain his title. It would have to be gross double-teaming, though, to preserve Suicide’s mystique.

Predicted Grade: A-

AJ Styles vs. Booker T
Legends Championship

The Story: AJ Styles is done taking crap from Booker T about his upbringing, his family and whatever else the self-anointed Legends Champions cares to say about him. Styles stole the belt, but gave it back under pressure from, Jim Cornette (and the police). Cornette return the belt to Booker, but he then cajoled Booker into putting it on the line against The Phenomenal One.

My Prediction: The Legends belt makes no impact on fans, because Booker T created it and has kept it ever since he introduced it. What would make the belt sit up and sing as a gimmick would be if he lost it to someone like AJ Styles. I have o idea if they plan to just plod along with the belt on Booker, but I’m predicting a Styles win (and a big-time rematch).

Predicted Grade: B+

Mi Pi Sexy (Angelina Love, Velvet Sky & Madison Rayne) vs. Taylor Wilde, Roxxi & The Governor
Six-Knockout Tag Team

The Story: Roxxi and Taylor played an extended trick on the Beautiful People, using the Governor to make them look and act foolish. Then the Beautiful People turned the tables b6y introducing the perfidious Madison Rayne and having her immediately turn on Taylor Wild. The jokes and tricks are done; now it’s time for these two trios to clash.

My Prediction: The feud won’t end here, but it’s time to give the three heels a chance to dump all the baggage they’re carrying after looking like idiots weeks after week. The Governor will suffer the pin after Cute Kip paves the way to an unfair win.

Predicted Grade: B+

Kurt Angle vs. Sting
TNA World Heavyweight Championship
Special Referee — Jeff Jarrett
Special Enforcer — Mick Foley

The Story: Dissension has ruptured the harmony and unity of the Main Event Mafia. To the delight of the TNA Frontline specially Foley and Jarrett, Sting and Angle must now clash in the ring with the championship at stake.

My Prediction: Kurt Angle will take the title (and perhaps move on to battle Samoa Joe), but Sting will feel he has lost it unfairly. The presence of Jarrett and Foley suggests that one or the other will “cross the line” and cause Sting to either lose by DQ or actually give up the belt, I consider the former more likely than the latter, so I expect Sting to leave with the belt – and a chip on his shoulder.

Predicted Grade: A-

Predicted Grade for Against All Odds: B+

That’s it for today. I’ll be back on Monday with another installment of the Internet’s fastest-rising daily wrestling column. I’ll have the recap and analysis of Destination X and you’ll be able to laugh at my predictions.

— Arnie Katz