Katz Files: My Bound for Glory Preview & Predictions!

The Katz Files – Arnie Katz

Bound for Glory : Preview & Predictions

The Kingfish Arnie Katz gets you ready for TNA’s October pay per view event!.

TNA’s hype machine touts Bound for Glory as the promotion’s biggest show of the year. That’s the first time TNA has made that claim for its annual October pay per view, but the line-up, which features some epic confrontations, does lift Bound for Glory above solid, but unspectacular shows like No Surrender.

The Kingfish Comments: Anyone can understand why TNA initially pushed Slammiversary as its flagship event. But it makes more sense for TNA to put its answer to WrestleMania a half-year away from that annual colossus.

Let’s look at what’s in store – and what might actually happen at the show:

Rhino, ODB & Rhaka Khan vs. The Beautiful People (Angelina Love & Velvet Sky) & Cute Kip
Knockouts Bimbo Brawl

The Story: When Rhino rushed to Taylor Wilde’s rescue a few weeks ago, the War Machine probably didn’t expect to be sucked into an extended feud with The Beautiful People and their “fashionist,” Cute Kip. He and the two women, Rhaka Khan and ODB, have made common cause against the arrogant bimbos and their boy toy. Will Rhino help the women get revenge or join them as paper bag victims?

My Prediction: This could very likely be the opening match, a lot of movement in the ring while fans settle into their seats. A loss wouldn’t really hurt either team, because only the Blondes are likely to continue as a team. Since Love and Sky have already had their shot at Taylor Wilde, my prediction is that TNA will give fans a “feel good” victory by6 having Rhino beat Cute Kip. The Beautiful People will stay clear of a loss, but Rhino gets the rub.

Predicted Grade: B-

Sheik Abdul Bashir vs. Consequences Creed
X-Division Title Match

The Story: The Middle Eastern Nightmare and the popular rookie represent opposite poles of the political spectrum. Bashir spits on America while Creed’s costume features its red, white and blue. The confrontation has been building for months. Now Consequences Creed gets another shot at capturing the gold – and maybe giving the Sheik a little payback for his anti-American rants.

My Prediction: This match won’t end what has shaped up as a very respectable mid-card feud. The storyline calls for a match in which Creed looks like a credible challenger, but Sheik Abdul Bashir hangs onto the X Division belt. The fan favorite will be right on the edge of victory when Bashir goes wild and gets himself disqualified.

Predicted Grade: B-

Taylor Wilde vs. Awesome Kong vs. Roxxi
Knockouts Championship Triple Threat Match

The Story: Taylor Wilde and Roxxi have battled Awesome Kong both together and separately. Now Taylor must defend her championship against both the single most intimidating woman in TNA and an ally with a taste for hardcore action.

My Prediction: I’m starting to think that TNA has made a decision to keep the belt off Awesome Kong. If so, it makes a certain amount of sense in that it is very hard to justify Kong losing to any of the other women in TNA. Keeping her away from the title means that they don’t have to book a match in which she loses the gold in some unlikely and unsatisfying way. I’d put the title on Kong anyway, because TNA has several good opponents for her, but I don’t think TNA will do it. Most likely, Roxxi and Awesome Kong will savagely attack each other and Taylor Wilde will pick up the pieces and make the pin. Roxxi and Awesome Kong may then have a feud that highlight’s Roxxi’s hardcore style.

Predicted Grade: B-

Steel Asylum Match

The Story: If you build it, they will come. That’s the TNA philosophy. The re-named Steel Asylum, last seen in the finals of the World X Cup, is back for a match that will include most of the X Division. Oddly, it is not a Number-One Contender Match, but still, escaping will give the winner increased visibility and… Well, who knows>

My Prediction: All hail the monthly Cluster Schmazz! A lot of guys will get paychecks, so I don’t want to know it, but this match is not the way to pump life back into a division that has languished for the last couple of years.

Maybe that’s not the intent. TNA could be trying to push one guy forward as a force in the X Division. A surprise winner would be instantly vaulted into the upper ranks of the X Division, somewhere around the middle of the TNA card, but with a chance to follow in AJ Styles’ footsteps and become a star.

While reading Headlocker — and you should read Jay Shannon’s column, too – I took note of his list of possible participants. The fact that there is no definitive list suggests that something may be a-foot.

I believe we are going to see the debut of Suicide, who will win the event. (Since prevailing wisdom has Kaz portraying this character from the game, he’ll know how to do it.)

Predicted Grade: A-

Booker T (with Sharmell) vs. “The Instant Classic” Christian Cage vs. “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles
Three-Way Dance Match

The Story: There’s a war raging in TNA, the struggle between the Veterans and the Young Lions. Booker T and AJ Styles have been on the front lines of the hostilities, so this match is just an opportunity to renew their existing animosity. Christian Cage is another matter. He has stayed on the fence, committing to neither side. This match puts him squarely in the middle of the fighting. Will the Instant Classic side with Styles or Booker – or will he somehow walk a road that puts him in neither camp.

My Prediction: Christian Cage is always portrayed as a smarter-than-average man who is very good at manipulating others. In this match, he will work both sides of the street and emerge as the winner and still the biggest non-aligned wrestler in the promotion.

The finish will see Cage and Styles mop up the ring with Booker. Just as Styles is about to close in for the pin, Cage will do something that gives him the victory. This will cause dissension between AJ and Christian which can only be cleared away with a subsequent match.

Predicted Grade: B+

Beer Money vs. Team 3D vs. LAX vs. Abyss & Matt Morgan
Tag Team Title Match:
Monster’s Ball World
Special Referee: Steve “Mongo” McMichael

The Story: The hotly contested tag team division has built up a lot of feuds among the four teams in this match. They’ll have a chance to revel in their aggressions in a match environment that puts a premium on extreme violence.

Fans must also wonder what Abyss is going to do when faced with the temptation to revert to his old, ultra-violent persona. Will he resist when his adrenalin is pumping during the closing minutes of this hellish contest?

My Prediction: This is the kind of semi-chaotic match that often leads to swerves and surprises. The announcers will follow Abyss’ every move as he struggles with his violent past. James Storm will clout Abyss with a beer bottle (and probably a lot of other things), but Abyss will go down to defeat rather than use weapons. Matt Morgan and Abyss will have harsh words. Team 3D will put people through tables and LAX will get some revenge against Beer Money, but the champs will retain when all is said and done.

Steve McMichael’s function will be to shoo Johnny Devine and other hangers-on away from ringside.

Predicted Grad: A-

Samoa Joe vs. Sting
TNA World Heavyweight Championship

The Story: This is one of the two matches that results directly from the Respect War. Sting has denigrated Samoa Joe as a champion and the Samoan Submission Machine has reciprocated by characterizing Sting as someone who is no loner worthy of his exalted spot.

My Prediction: I don’t think TNA wants to put the belt on Sting, but they might be willing to let him have it for a month if that’s the angle they want to do. My crystal ball is a little foggy here, but I think Sting will win the match, though perhaps not the title, due to outside interference. Kevin Nash would be a possible candidate for that, unless they’ve decided to spring Ric Flair on us as the show’s biggest unexpected attraction.

Predicted Grade: A-

Jeff Jarrett vs. Kurt Angle
Special Enforcer: Mick Foley

The Story: It’s the founder of TNA versus the man whom he now regrets hiring two years ago. Mick Foley, the special guest referee, has praised Angle lavishly, but that doesn’t say hop he will actually call the match. This is the other battle in the Respect War and figures to be no-holds-barred on both sides, so Mick will definitely have a hard time controlling the intense hatreds seething in the ring.

My Prediction: Jarrett didn’t return to lose his first match, though they wouldn’t want to make Kurt Angle look too bad. Possibly, Angle will do something to Foley that causes him to retaliate by giving Double J a helping hand.

Predicted Grade: A-

Predicted Grade for Bound for Glory: B+

That’s it for today. I’ll be back on Monday with another installment of the Internet’s fastest-rising daily wrestling column. I’ll have the recap and analysis of No Surrender and you’ll be able to laugh at my predictions.

— Arnie Katz