Jeff Peterson Cup 2009 Interview: Sean Davis

This weekend’s 2009 Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup will see 16 competitors battle for the most prestigious trophy in wrestling. Heatbreak Enterprises will have some of its clients involved, FIP World Heavyweight champion Davey Richards will be in the tournament and the FIP Tag Team champions the British Lions will be in action. Plus the group’s founder “Superstar” Sean Davis will also be competiting in a Texas Bullrope match with Florida wrestling legend “Outlaw” Ron Bass. Alan Wojcik sat down with the brash competitor to talk about HBE Inc. , his clients, Ron Bass and a little trip to Panama.

“Superstar” Sean Davis
Height: 5 Ft 11 In
Weight: 320 Lbs
Hometown: Every Woman’s Dreams
Website/Myspace/Facebook: or
Pro Debut: February 1997
Where you have seen him: AWA, Full Impact Pro, Pro Wrestling Riot, Pro Wrestling Fusion, Ring of Honor, UXW, SCW Florida, NWA Florida (defunct), Divison 1 Pro Wrestling, Vintage Wrestling, I Believe in Wrestling, CHIKARA, IWA-Puerto Rico, Revolution Xtreme Wrestling (Panama), USCW, New Breed Pro Wrestling,
Championships held: AWA World Tag Team champion, New Breed Pro Wrestling Tag Team champion, UXW Tag Team champion, SCW Florida Tag Team champion, 2x FIP World Tag Team champion, Caribbean Island Tag Team champion, USCW Tag Team champion, D1PW Tag Team champion, World 1 Southern Tag Team champion (all w/”Fabulous” Phil Davis as the Heartbreak Express)
Alan Wojcik: It’s been a while since I have been able to get interview time with you so thanks for taking time out of your super busy schedule.
Sean Davis: Well it’s all your pleasure Alan. I want to first of all congratulate you on finding a woman willing to reproduce with you. I have had the pleasure of laying my seed across many a nation and it is a fulfilling experience that I am glad even a mutant such as yourself has been able to experience.

Alan Wojcik: I expected stuff like this but I shall remain professional. One of the things that has kept you busy is Heartbreak Enterprises which you and your brother Phil operate. Let’s begin with what led you to set HBE up?
Sean Davis: For most of the past decade Phil and myself have traveled all over this and many other countries destroying countless numbers of tag teams proving to ourselves and anyone that matters that we are THE standard bearers of tag team wrestling in the world today. Now I am not saying that our days as a tag team are anywhere near coming to an end but I believe in diversifying and planning for the future as we all know that no one can wrestle forever at the level we have competed. As your athletic abilities begin to decline with age you either have to step down to lower levels of competition and begin to be happy wrestling in flea markets and used car lots again as when you first break into wrestling or you have to find other ways to stay on the very top of the wrestling business and that is what I have begun to do as a I have started to spread my enormous talent into other areas. First I have become one of the leading broadcast journalists in all of wrestling. In the role of color commentator I have used my advanced intelect to provide never before imagined insight into the sport of professional wrestling for top promotions such as Pro Wrestling RIOT and even FIP. I have heard from countless fans and experts that the level of entertainment has been increased greatly any time I have been allowed behind the microphone as that Lenny Leonard character while passable at what he does can’t ever give that extra insight that only someone with my years of in ring experience could give. The other path I have started on is by taking my 13 years of in ring wrestling knowledge and passing that on to some of the best up and coming talents in all of wrestling as their business manager, coach and all around leader which is the role I fill so well as the CEO of Heartbreak Enterprises, INC. We have quickly become the most powerful and influential force in the South’s top wrestling promotion FIP. The entire promotion literally revolves around ME….and Phil of course and all of our wonderful stars who allow me to teach them and dictate what they do in the ring which is what has made us so damn successful. I am truly the KING of FIP. Hmmmm, maybe I should start wearing a crown to ringside.

Alan Wojcik: One of your clients is a former Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup competitor, let’s talk about “Addicted to Love” Rhett Titus.
Sean Davis: Ahhhh, my tasty treat Rhett Titus. He has been SUCH a pleasure to have around in so many ways. First of all this kid has so much talent it is hard to imagine him not becoming one of the top ten stars ever in the wrestling business. I am SO proud of him and all he has accomplished for ME. Wow, he must really appreciate me as I led him to being the greatest Florida Heritage Champion of all time. I used my knowledge to control him like I was playing a video game as he did everything I told him to do so that he could bring that gold belt back to my mansion where it was so prominitely displayed in my trophy case. Of course Rhett has been handsomely rewarded for how well he has done for me. You see Rhett has an ENORMOUS…….appetite for the finer things in life so I have spared no expense when it comes to giving him all of the luxuries that only I could provide him. The finest wines, the most expensive restaurants and the sexiest and most willing women you have ever seen. When he told me he was in the mood for something a little aged but with lots of great experience in the bedroom I brought to him a very special gift in the legendary Baby Doll. Let’s just say she worked him out in ways Rhett never thought were possible until he eventually had no more use for her so we sent her packing back to North Carolina. Just think Tully Blanchard, Gino Hernandez and Ric Flair all in their primes couldn’t last with Baby Doll but my boy Rhett literally took her to the limit. Since then I replaced her with the world famous actress and model Amy Vitale who is currently giving all she has for the cause of keeping Rhett a happy boy.

Alan Wojcik: At an event earlier this year a $25,000 bounty you had placed on then FIP World champion Tyler Black was claimed, by current HBE and 2009 JPC competitor Davey Richards. Was this something that was planned all along or were you in shock when Richards came out to ringside?
Sean Davis: I guess you haven’t really been listening to what I have been saying and that is that NOTHING happens in FIP and especially when it comes to Heartbreak Enterprises, INC. that I am not in full control of. Bottom line Tyler Black was a huge thorn in my side and I had to do something serious to eliminate him so I enlisted the most dangerous man in wrestling today, the one and only Davey Richards. To not only take out Tyler Black for good but to be the center piece of Heartbreak Enterprises, INC. He truly did his job in a magnifcent way earning every cent of that $25,000 bounty and earning his place as the pride and joy of my most prestegious organization.

Alan Wojcik: HBE has had a relationship of sorts with the newly crowned FIP World Tag Team champions the British Lions (Christopher Grey & Tommy Taylor). What is the current status of the relationship and what do you think of the duo?
Sean Davis: Relationship??? The British Lions are signed members of Heartbreak Enterprises, INC. You see Christopher Grey is not just one of the most talented men in the sport but also one of the smartest. He knew that if they signed a contract with me that is would only be a short matter of time before they would eb the FIP World Tag Team Champions and alas the inevitable has come to pass! As for Tommy Taylor…well he is tough and rugged and…well…thank God for him he has such an intelligent tag team partner that can make all of the right decisions for him. All he has to do is what Chris and I tell him to do which I know he is happy with as thinking is not his strong point.

Alan Wojcik: On May 2nd Mr. Richards was awarded the FIP World Heavyweight championship due to injuries to Tyler Black inflicted by your group over several months and the same evening he defeated Kenny King. You claimed it was always his championship and when I asked Mr. Richards about it he called me a racist. Shouldn’t he have defeated Black in the ring like all championship decisions?
Sean Davis: Kenny King called you a racist?? Well that doesn’t surprise me I mean as he did vote for Obama and has been known to hang out with the Rev Sharpton type of crowd. As for Davey Richards winning the FIP title. As far as I’m concerned he won that belt when he put Tyler Black out of wrestling at the Battle of the Belts event and obviously the FIP Board of Directors felt the same way. Then just to prove that he is a true fighting champion he beat up poor Kenny King in the middle of the ring, fair and square to show everyone in FIP that he is the undisputed FIP World Heavyweight Champion.
Alan Wojcik: Sad to say but on October 3rd Rhett lost the FIP Heritage championship to 2009 Peterson Cup competitor Brad Attitude. During that evening Florida wrestling legend “Outlaw” Ron Bass figured in that decision. Let’s break this down into a couple of questions. First your feelings on Rhett losing the championship.
Sean Davis: Rhett Titus was RIPPED OFF!!! As far as I’m concerned he is still the Florida Heritage Champion and Brad Attitude is nothing but a pretender, a false hero and a complete wannabe!!! He would have never been able to get out of Crystal River with Rhett’s title belt without help from that twisted old man “Outlaw” Ron Bass!! I mean his name says it all..he’s a damn outlaw and he’s proud of that!!! Ron Bass didn’t like that fact that I pointed out that fact that he is a HAS BEEN and he was wasting my precious time by running on at the mouth about the “good ole days” back in the 1940’s and 50’s when he was a big star in wrestling. No one cares about him. They only care about what’s happening now and that’s Heartbreak Enterprises, INC.
Alan Wojcik: Next we need to address “Outlaw” Ron Bass who factored into the match. After things settled you and the HBE laid him and Attitude out. Somewhere in this fracas he challenged you to a match….did you have any clue on November 21st you would be part of Texas Bullrope Match!?!??!
Sean Davis: It is very clear to me that this old dude obviously has some sort of dementia and he was having flashbacks to when he was feuding with the Dirty Yellow Dog. I mean he had NO idea what he was doing when he challenged ME to not just a normal wrestling match but to a Bullrope Match on November 21 in Crystal River at the Peterson Cup 2009. Bottom line is I must be at least fifty years younger than this guy. He might have been tough back in the day and I am sure that if a game of Bingo on Friday night gets out of control that you might have to watch out for him hitting you with his walker but this is 2009 and I am one of the toughest guys in the sport. Hey I am the guy who made matches like Cage of Pain 1 and 2 famous so do you really think I am worried about this old man?? I hear he is taking this real serious and he is driving his lark to the gym every day and is really working up a sweat getting ready for this match and I think that’s kind of cute to be honest. I am ALMOST gonna feel bad when I bust his old head open with that rusty metal cow bell and I make him bleed all over the Crystal River Armory. Then as he takes his last breath in the middle of the ring he won’t be saying his “I Love You’s” to family members but will be saying “You were right Sean Davis…I should have bowed at your feet and proclaimed you the King of FIP like I know you are…it is my honor to now die at your feet knowing I was beat by a much better man”. HEHEHEHEHE that is gonna be so much fun!!!!

Alan Wojcik: Seemingly every high profile match I watched online with you and Phil saw you bleeding. Do you ever have your family and friends say, “Sean you need to stop doing this before it kills you?”
Sean Davis: Alan you would know nothing about being an athlete and a warrior like Phil and I are. Blood, Sweat and Tears baby!!! That’s just part of being a professional wrestler. We’re not covered head to toe in thick pads like football players and hockey players are. We don’t have our matches stopped due to a little cut like in boxing or MMA. Pro Wrestling is a sport for REAL men which is why YOU would never survive!
Alan Wojcik: I couldn’t end this without bringing up a 2008 trip you, Phil & protege’ Nick Fame made to Panama where you were almost arrested for stomping on the Panamian flag. Do you regret the incident and were you ever afraid for your personal safety?
Sean Davis: HELL YEAH we were afraid! Of course when you have an entire country wanting to kill you and the president of the country gets on national television promising your punishment it is a little frightening but that’s just part of being who we are. When you are in The Heartbreak Express you learn to live with a little fear at all times as you know there are so many people around the world that are jealous over our success in wrestling, in finance and with their wives and girlfriends. I mean do you know how many little kids are running around the world right now dressing in pink and purple and telling their friends “You’re Just Jealous” all the while these suckers that think they are the dads are wonderng how their kids ended up with Platinum Blonde Hair..HAH!! I guess that’s just gonna stay a secret between The HBX and their women!!!
The 2009 Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup will be held this Friday in Brooksville and Saturday in Crystal River, FL. To see information on the entire weekend log onto