JJ Dillon interviewed by In Your Head Online

JJ Dillon IYH Recap –  By Andrew Pritchard

JJ Dillon returned to In Your Head (www.inyourheadonline.com) to join the In Your Head crew of Jack, One Inch Biceps and Barbie Richards.

Jack starts off the Interview by reminding everyone that JJ Dillon is on to promote the NWA Legends Fanfest in Charlotte North Carolina, August 6-9. Jack asks JJ if he enjoys meeting with the fans and wrestlers he might not of seen for a while, JJ says he enjoys it very much and hasn’t missed one, and runs through a few names he hasn’t seen in a long time. JJ Dillon says they tried to get all the Four Horseman together for the second reunion in 25 years but due to commitments Ric Flair has in Egypt theres no way he can make the Fanfest.

For more information on th NWA Legends Fanfest & Hall of Heroes August 6th-9th in Charlotte, NC please visit:


Jack says Ole Anderson will also be at the Fanfest and says he always sees Ole chatting to the fans in the lobby. JJ says that he likes to have a whole court and that he’s know Ole since he broke into the business, and that Charlotte, NC was the beginning for him and he got there in 1971, and Ole had been there prior to this, and JJ thinks maybe its because he understood Ole from the beginning and knew him as someone who could be opinionated and a lot of times people are rubbed the wrong way, but JJ says at least with Ole you know where you stand.

JJ Dillon talks about Jim Cornette and how he’s a great spokesperson for wrestling and is one of the all time best, Jack asks if he has a collection like Jim Cornette’s wrestling collection, JJ Dillon says that he didn’t save a lot from his own career. He says he has a poster from his first wrestling match in 1962 even though the match was an add-on.

Jack takes the time to plug the Jim Cornette Shoot Interview series with Ring of Honor and JJ says he only made one appearance with Ring of Honor, and Cornette called him and pitched an idea and he appeared at the one show and Dillon was there they did a sit down interview and JJ says it went well and there were a lot of things they didn’t talk about , JJ says they both expressed an idea that they would like to do a second interview another time but says it just hasn’t happened yet.

A caller asks JJ’s opinion on Ric Flair wanting to continually work. JJ says one of the things he’s admired about Flair is his work ethic when the bell rings, he says he’s been on the road with Ric so he knows about the travelling which is always the toughest part of the business. JJ says no matter how big the arena or the city was or how many people in attendance there were, you would get the same effort from Ric. JJ says he was in a plane on his way to Orlando last year when Ric and Shawn had their match, and JJ says he watched the match the next night and thought it really was amazing, he says if a guy was going to end his career in grand style there is no better place than WrestleMania, and to go out on that level with Shawn Michaels, and to get a send off the next night like Ric Flair had, there could be no greater send off, having said that JJ says its tough for any athlete to draw a line for the day to walk away. JJ says he would hate to see Ric after the send off to go back.

On the Four Horseman JJ says they were a head of their time, It was a group of individuals who came together spontaneously all of who were already established within the wrestling world. He says the original horsemen were already great stars within their own right and he says he thinks its part of the mystique. JJ says the Four Horsemen helped to open the door for factions like it.

Barbie asks if JJ knows why Vince McMahon phased out Male managers, JJ thinks it has to do with the changing of the business, he says back in the day there were diverse characters which aren’t seen anymore. He says the profession has evolved and you can’t find those diverse characters anymore, Vince went the direction of eye candy. JJ acknowledges that the sad part in Professional Wrestling is once you go down a certain path you can’t go back pretending it never happened, he says once McMahon went down that root with the Women who were more Valets than Managers, plus there are no real diverse it made the Male Managers obsolete.

This is only a few highlights from the 1:25:29 interview, please head on over to http://www.inyourheadonline.com for the full interview where you can also check out the D-Massive 4 year archive including such names as Eric Bischoff, Bill Goldberg, Kevin Nash, Danny Bonaduce and many many more. Be sure to check out In Your Head’s official message board where you can leave your questions for upcoming guests, and also get all your official In Your Head news, http://www.inyourheadboard.proboards27.com/index.cgi and you can also subscribe to the IYH Blogspot for the latest In Your Head Podcasts at http://iyh.blogspot.com future In Your Head guests include Bob Caudle, Magnum TA and WCCW‘s Mikey Grant.