Jimmy Hart on Monday Night Mayhem

Courtesy: www.MondayNightMayhem.com

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WWE Hall Of Famer & one of the judges on CMT’s “Hulk Hogan’s Celebrity Championship Wrestling,” “The Mouth Of The South” Jimmy Hart was a special guest on this week’s live edition (10/06/08) of Monday Night Mayhem, hosted by The Big Mosh, Blade, & DFL. “Your Home Of Wrestling Radio” is officially presented by Sweet Sunshine Sauces, “the official finishing sauce of The Mayhem” (purchase three or more bottles, type in the word AWESOME, & get 25% off your purchase), and is also sponsored by: Custom Muscle, The Monster Factory, Old Time Wrestling, The History Of WWE.com, & TicketRelief.com.
You can feel The Mayhem live & in streaming audio every Monday night (at 8PM ET/7PM CT), exclusively on The Monday Night Mayhem Radio Network (www.MondayNightMayhem.com, www.OnlineWorldOfWrestling.com, & www.ITunes.com).
Jimmy’s return appearance on The Mayhem is now available for FREE in Windows Streaming Media, or via the official Monday Night Mayhem podcast on ITunes:
October 6th MNM Streaming Audio: www.mondaynightmayhemarchives.com/waxfiles/100608.wax
October 6th MNM Podcast On ITunes: www.mondaynightmayhemarchives.com/oct08/100608.mp3 
Here are some of the highlights from Jimmy’s interview on the show, provided by The Mayhem’s senior show correspondent, Dan Kriegbaum:
The Mayhem Crew welcomed Jimmy back to the show for his second MNM appearance this year, as the days are counting down to the debut episode of “Hulk Hogan’s Celebrity Championship Wrestling” next Saturday night, October 18th (@ 8PM ET/7PM CT) on CMT. Jimmy joked with Mosh, Blade, & DFL that he feels like “the Paula Abdul of professional wrestling” as a judge on the new Hulk Hogan’s CCW program. As a possible foreshadowing of what’s to come in this new reality show, Blade asked if Dustin “Screech” Diamond will get knocked out by Jimmy’s infamous megaphone, and Jimmy said he cannot give any secrets or spoilers.
With somewhat of a WCW reunion on “Hulk Hogan’s Celebrity Championship Wrestling,” The Big Mosh asked Jimmy what the loyal fans of World Championship Wrestling would get out of the new venture. Jimmy said right off the bat that fans that miss WCW can simply catch some of their favorite memories/matches & action on the WWE 24/7 programming, saying that he is still involved with World Wrestling Entertainment (with 24/7), as well as some autograph signings & “The Road To WrestleMania” tour every year.
Jimmy said that he got to do a lot of the music/production work for various wrestlers & promotions over the years, and added that he just got a call from CMT saying that they want to use nine of his songs on “Hulk Hogan’s Celebrity Championship Wrestling,” so it is somewhat like being “back home” for him — with his music being used & being around his close friends. He said with the cast of celebrities & special guest appearances (by Goldberg & Rob Van Dam), the show ended up being a lot of fun.
Speaking of celebrities, Mosh asked Jimmy what celebrity stuck out the most for him. Jimmy said that working with Eric “Butterbean” Esch thrilled him the most, and reminded him of guys like John Earthquake” Tenta, Fred “Typhoon” Ottman, & King Kong Bundy. He said everybody did a tremendous job, and he strongly believes fans will be excited to see what takes place.
Jimmy said that all of the celebrities worked especially hard, being at the gym every morning to train & get ready, and mentioned some words of wisdom that the legendary Dick Clark gave him personally many years ago when he was touring with The Gentrys, that he put into “Hulk Hogan’s Celebrity Championship Wrestling” as well.
Mosh & Blade then mentioned The Honky Tonk Man & his recent “appearances” in an indirect way on WWE Monday Night RAW, with Santino Marella’s “Honk-A-Meter,” and asked Jimmy for his thoughts/comments on it. Jimmy said he talked to The Honky Tonky Man about a month ago after he sustained his finger injury which Jimmy saw on YouTube, and then again about a week ago. Jimmy said that he is going to a specialist now for the injury, and because it was not put in a cast right away, it started healing over the scar tissue. Jimmy said that he has not seen the “Honk-A-Meter,” and thinks both Santino & the writers do a good job with his character. He then added that in one of the conversations, The Honky Tonk Man asked Jimmy if he would come back & manage him, just like the old days, if he were to come back — which Jimmy agreed to.
Mosh then said that Jimmy has been just about everywhere when it deals with professional wrestling & asked Jimmy if he sees “Hulk Hogan’s Celebrity Championship Wrestling” growing & expanding into something bigger, like a national promotion. Jimmy then took listeners through his early career, and then said if Vince McMahon did not have a dream, “nothing would be here today.” Jimmy said that in all of his interviews, whenever he left a company, he was never bitter about anything, which could be why he has such a good relationship with all of the companies around today. Jimmy added that people that have knocked on Vince in the past always end up back there anyways. He said that both the WWE & TNA do great jobs, and if Eric & Hulk “wanted to start something else, I think there’s room for three companies.”
Mosh & DFL asked Jimmy for his thoughts on the recent reports of Vince McMahon wanting his wrestlers to become better actors, along with the recent addition of Freddie Prinze Jr. to the WWE Creative Team. Jimmy said that it was hard for him to read what other people wanted him to say, and said that back in the “heyday,” Vince or the writers would just tell them what the interview was for & let them run with it. He said guys like The Rock, Triple H, & “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels do not need to have things written word for word for them, and he likes it better that way. He said with all of the injuries, people leaving, & other things these days, the writers seem to be working seven days/week, 52 weeks/year.
More “Mouth Of The South” goodness is contained in this 30+ minute interview, including a typical day in the life of Jimmy Hart (even though none are the exact same), what the XWF is up to today (and where you can see some of their footage), & so much more!
Monday Night Mayhem will have you fans covered throughout the duration of the program, beginning this week & into the season finale of the show: our special interview with the co-executive producer of “Hulk Hogan’s Celebrity Championship Wrestling,” Eric Bischoff is now available for download (
October 3rd MNM Streaming Audio: www.mondaynightmayhemarchives.com/waxfiles/100308.wax & October 3rd MNM Podcast On ITunes: www.mondaynightmayhemarchives.com/oct08/100308.mp3), plus former WWE/WCW World Tag Team Champion & one of the coaches of the program, “Nasty Boy” Brian Knobbs, will feel The Mayhem LIVE this Monday night (October 13th) — beginning at 8PM ET/7PM CT. In addition, Eric’s business partner & the former star of ABC’s “Wonder Years,” Jason Hervey, will join Mosh, Blade, & DFL for an exclusive interview…which will be available on The Monday Night Mayhem Radio Network on Tuesday, October 14th. And could an appearance from “The Immortal One” be close behind? Plus, tune into The Mayhem every Monday night (beginning October 20th), as the voted-off cast member of CMT’s “Hulk Hogan’s Celebrity Championship Wrestling” will step into the squared circle of “Your Home Of Wrestling Radio.” Head on over to  www.MondayNightMayhem.com & www.MySpace.com/MondayNightMayhem for all of the latest news, as we are your official source for the latest…brother! Plus, check out www.cmt.com/shows/series/hulk-hogan-celebrity-wrestling/series.jhtml, www.HulkHogan.com, &  www.BHE.TV  for even more details on “Hulk Hogan’s Celebrity Championship Wrestling.”
*All new & old Mayhem listeners can still check out the archived programs/shows of “Your Home Of Wrestling Radio” from our six+ years of audio excellence…featuring our worldwide exclusive with the cast of VH-1’s hit show, “Brooke Knows Best” (Brooke Hogan, Glenn Douglas Packard, & Ashley Menendez), plus the official Monday Night Mayhem WrestleMania XXIV Countdown Special (w/J.J. Dillon, The Orlando Sentinel’s Andrea Adelson, SLAM Wrestling’s Bob Kapur, The Baltimore Sun’s Kevin Eck, Pro Wrestling Illustrated’s Dan Murphy, & many more), in addition to the Monday Night Mayhem 2007 Dream Reunion II On-Location Special from Kokomo, IN — featuring: former WWE Diva search contestant Jessica Hatch, Al Snow, Marty Jannetty, Chavo “Classic” Guerrero Sr., “Nasty Boy” Brian Knobbs, Greg “The Hammer” Valentine, Rosey, The Midnight Express (“Loverboy” Dennis Condrey & “Beautiful” Bobby Eaton), “The Genius” Lanny Poffo, & The Orient Express’ Pat Tanaka, as well as The Mayhem’s WrestleMania 23 Countdown Special from Detroit’s Hilton Garden Inn. All of this audio goodness, plus current WWE superstars (Chris Jericho, CM Punk, Candice Michelle, Charlie Haas, & D-Lo Brown), WWE Hall Of Famers (Jesse “The Body” Ventura, Jim Ross, Bret “The Hitman” Hart, Bobby “The Brain” Heenan, “Superstar” Billy Graham, “The Mouth Of The South” Jimmy Hart, The Iron Sheik, Tito Santana, “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff, Harley Race, Greg “The Hammer” Valentine, & Don Muraco), the finest from Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA President Dixie Carter, Jeff Jarrett, Terry Taylor, Jim Cornette, Kevin Nash, “The Instant Classic” Christian Cage, “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles, Team 3-D, Scott Steiner, Kip/BG James, “The Notorious 187” Homicide, Beer Money’s Robert Roode, “Black Machismo” Jay Lethal, Kaz, Eric Young, Tomko, & Lance “Rock” Hoyt — along with TNA Knockouts Taylor Wilde, Angelina Love, Velvet Sky, Christy Hemme, So-Cal Val, & Traci Brooks), Ring Of Honor’s warriors (ROH Champion Nigel McGuinness, “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson, Austin Aries, Claudio Castagnoli, & ROH head booker Gabe Sapolsky), ECW originals (ECW’s founder Tod Gordon, Rob Van Dam, “The Franchise” Shane Douglas, Raven, The Sandman, Francine, 2 Cold Scorpio, New Jack, Axl Rotten, Jerry Lynn, Lance Storm, Mike “Nova” Bucci, “The Pitbull” Gary Wolfe, & Danny Doring), the most-beautiful some of the greatest managers in the history of our business (Percy Pringle III/Paul Bearer, “The Doctor Of Style” Slick, JJ Dillon, & the late Gary Hart), the voices that have called the sport/sports-entertainment for years (World Class’ Bill Mercer, the Mid-Atlantic/NWA’s Bob Caudle, & WCW/AWA’s Lee Marshall), the beautiful managers/valets that have graced the squared circle (Missy Hyatt, Terri Runnels, Lisa “Ivory” Moretti, Dawn Marie, Nora “Molly Holly” Greenwald, Jackie Gayda Haas), wrestling legends/personalities from over the years, past & present (Bruno Sammartino, Jerry Jarrett, Terry Funk, Dory Funk, Jr., Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat, “The Taskmaster” Kevin Sullivan, “The Living Legend” Larry Zbyszko, Sid, Tully Blanchard, Jake “The Snake” Roberts, “Dr. Death” Steve Williams, “Bushwacker” Luke Williams, The Honky Tonk Man, Barry “Smash” Darsow, Virgil, Diamond Dallas Page, Vader, “Nasty Boy” Brian Knobbs, Konnan, Bruno “Harvey Whippleman” Lauer, “The Wildman” Marc Mero, Scotty 2 Hotty, David “Gangrel” Heath, Chris Kanyon, Nick “U-Gene” Dinsmore, Chris Nowinski, Low-Ki, Tomko, & The Highlanders), & some of the most well-known athletes & entertainers from the football gridiron, the basketball court, stage, & screen (including: Dennis Rodman, NFL Hall Of Famer Jim Kelly, former NFL Defensive Tackle/Nebraska All-American/author of “Hero Of The Underground,” Jason Peter, Dave Coulier of TV’s “Full House,” VH-1 “Best Week Ever’s” Greg Fitzsimmons of VH-1’s “Best Week Ever,” Dustin “Screech” Diamond of TV’s “Saved By The Bell,” Howard Stern’s Gary The Retard, Erin “Steel” Toughill & Dan “Nitro” Clark from “American Gladiators,” “Mad TV’s” Aries Spears, & Comic Relief founder Bob Zmuda). All this & so much more…now available on The Monday Night Mayhem Radio Network. World Wide 365 — www.MondayNightMayhem.com & www.MySpace.com/MondayNightMayhem!