Full Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup Results

Courtesy of Alan J. Wojcik and http://alanwojcik.com

In November, 2002 independent wrestling phenomenon Jeff Peterson lost his long battle with cancer. May 16-17, 2003 saw the beginning of the Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup, a sixteen competitor tournament in honor of the fallen star. Each year the event has grown to international levels. Previous winners of this prestigious tournament are “Reckless Youth” Tom Carter, Justice, Chris Sabin, Milano Collection AT and Chris Hero.


This year the proceeds go to Devin Deschaine. Devin is a 2 yr old Port Richey boy with stage 4 Neuroblastoma. His form of cancer is one of the most rare & aggressive pediatric cancers. Only about 600 kids in the USA will be diagnosed with Neuroblastoma each year. About 70% of them will NOT survive. Devin is very close to our hearts & there is no other option for him but to SURVIVE. He’s a born fighter. He was a little fighter long before he was diagnosed. Neuroblastoma shouldn’t be any different. He just needs a little help with this fight.

On Friday September 26th The 2008 Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup was held at The New Lakes in Regency Park Civic Center 8330 Civic Drive – Port Richey, FL 34668. The event was sponsored by Pro Wrestling Riot, the Tammi Hamaoui Foundation and floridawrestlingfans.com

Short Version of the results:
(1) Sweet N’ Sour Inc.’s Larry Sweeney defeated Tommy Taylor of the British Lions.
(2) Jaison Moore of Pro Wrestling Riot defeated “Addicted to Love” Rhett Titus of Ring of Honor.
(3) In a triple threat showcase, the YRR’s Chasyn “Not Cocky” Rance defeated “Mr. 630” Jerrelle Clark and Chikara’s Icarus.
(4) Jon Davis of the Dark City Fight Club/911 Inc. defeated CJ O’Doyle of Pro Wrestling Riot.
(5) Chikara’s Gran Akuma defeated Big Japan’s Craig Classic.
(6) In a non-tournament match, Club Vitale’s Heartbreak Express (“Superstar” Sean & “Fabulous” Phil Davis) & Scott Davis (w/ “the Princess of Wrestling” Amy Vitale & Raymond Snow) defeated The Lifeguards (Wade Koverly & Daron Smythe) & Austin Amadeus.
(7) “the Campus Legend” Brad Attitude defeated GEAR’s Nooie Lee.
(8) The YRR’s Sal Rinauro defeated Chris Gray of the British Lions.
(9) In a non-tournament match, 911 Inc.’s Francisco Ciatso, Kory Chavis & Shawn Osborne (w/”Hardcore Giant” Ron Niemi) defeated Sideshow & “The Marquee” Bruce Santee.
(10) Kenny King of the YRR defeated Ring Of Honor’s Jigsaw.
(11) Erick Stevens of Full Impact Pro defeated Chris Jones of Pro Wrestling Fusion.

The long and I do mean long version:
As tradition with the tournament, Naphtali introduced the sixteen competitors to the fans and gave them medals for participating.

Before the tournament began, 911 Inc. members Francisco Ciatso, Shawn Osborne and Kory Chavis along with their leader the “Hardcore Giant” Ron Niemi made their way out to the ring. Niemi ran down how they have dominated Pro Wrestling Riot since day one and made everyone’s life a living hell. Niemi brought up the news Dany Only of Dogmatika was unable to be at the show. He demanded a referee come to the ring and declare the match theirs by default. But when they got a referee in the ring he was interrupted by Sideshow who said he was ready to fight no matter what. They were also joined by “the Marquee” Bruce Santee who said since Sideshow had been there for him, he was going to join forces tonight making Chavis join the match.

(1) Sweet N’ Sour Inc.’s Larry Sweeney defeated Tommy Taylor of the British Lions.
Sweeney didn’t make friends with the fans at ringside and they let him know it as he stalled for several moments before ever locking up with Taylor. When they did Taylor was hit with a hiptoss and Sweeney celebrated like he won the Super Bowl. Sweeney followed with a questionable low blow and he talked to the fans. Taylor made him pay for turning his back with several moves that made Sweeney seek higher ground, milking the referee’s count. When he did come back Sweeney begged for forgiveness from Taylor but he got none as Taylor went to work on Sweeny’s left arm and wrist. Sweeney got free and set Taylor up in the corner for Shattered Dreams but referee Richie Rich got in the way and it allowed Taylor to free himself and get Sweeney on the mat. But Taylor took his eye off Sweeney for a moment and he got hit with an axe handle to the back. Taylor fought back with European style forearms but Sweeney avoided a cross bodyblock and Taylor got his neck wedged in between the ropes. Sweeney let Taylor get free and then pounced on the injury using all the dirty tricks he could to wear Taylor down. Sweeney went for a corner whip but Taylor avoided the contact and flipped over the charging Sweeney to land several shots before heading to the top rope. Taylor came off with a cross bodyblock but Sweeney was able to roll through and get the pin with the help of the ropes.

(2) Jaison Moore of Pro Wrestling Riot defeated “Addicted to Love” Rhett Titus of Ring of Honor.
Moore wanted a handshake but Titus decided to adjust his tights instead. Titus used some mat wrestling along with some sexy time action mixed in. Titus hit a slam but missed an elbow and was hit with a leg lariat and ended up on the mat in an armbar. Titus freed himself the old fashioned way, two hands full of hair. Titus hit a boot to the face and kept it there going to a chokeout. Titus hit a sexy suplex for two and locked Moore in a submission hold but Moore got to his feet, only to end back on the mat thanks to a cheap shot. Titus went for another sexy suplex but Moore countered into a small package for two. Moore fought to his feet with stiff kicks to the legs only to have Titus fire back with some of his own. Titus locked in an abdominal stretch with some leverage from the ropes as referee Pez Merriweather asked for the submission. Moore got free and hit a senton for two. Moore went for a corner move but ran into Titus’ crotch. He recovered and hit Rolling Thunder into the corner for two. Titus hit a kneelift and a dropkick but Moore countered the pin attempt into one of his own to advance to the second round.

(3) In a triple threat showcase, the YRR’s Chasyn “Not Cocky” Rance defeated “Mr. 630” Jerrelle Clark and Chikara’s Icarus.
In the opening moments the triple threat match seemed more like a handicap one with Clark fighting off both men. That alliance faded as Rance took Icarus to a corner for some bodyshots. Clark got back in the match taking Rance out with an armbreaker. Clark got locked in an abdominal stretch/octopus style hold only to see Rance break the hold up. Icarus went for a superplex but Clark blocked it and was ready to come off but the charging Rance was tripped by Icarus and it made Clark fall off. Rance hit Clark with a superkick and went for one to Icarus but got hit with a small package for two. Icarus went up top hitting a splash for two when Clark broke up the count. Clark hit Icarus with a springboard clothesline but Rance stopped that pin. Rance’s superkick was blocked and Clark hit a modified neckbreaker for two. Icarus got back in the match but Clark hit a brainbuster but his one and a half splash hit only canvas. Icarus went for a pedigree but Clark dumped him to the floor but Rance snuck up and dumped Clark to the floor. Rance grabbed Icarus and hit the Chasyn Driver to win.

(4) Jon Davis of the Dark City Fight Club/911 Inc. defeated CJ O’Doyle of Pro Wrestling Riot.
Davis and O’Doyle traded hard hitting shots until Davis hit a spinebuster which changed the momentum big time. Davis followed up with forearm shots and shot wearing down O’Doyle’s back. Davis got cocky and O’Doyle made him pay with several chest chops and a boot to the face. But his offense was stopped by a Davis powerslam for two. Davis took his focus off O’Doyle talking to the fans. When he turned around O’Doyle leveled him with a clothesline and was followed Davis to the floor with a tope’. Back in the ring O’Doyle countered a suplex into a inverted DDT for two. O’Doyle went to end the match but Davis fought back with a neckbreaker into a pin for two. Davis went for a running slam but O’Doyle slid off into a power bomb for two. O’Doyle went for a power move but Davis powered out and hit “3 Seconds Around the World” to advance.

(5) Chikara’s Gran Akuma defeated Big Japan’s Craig Classic.
Both men started with armbars and armdrags until Akuma hit several kicks only to be hit with chops and a dropkick from Classic. Akuma blocked a hiptoss but didn’t block a second rope sunset flip. Classic let the hold got and paid for it with a kick to his face. Akuma took Classic to the mat with a chinlock but let it go to inflict more pain. Akuma hit a takeover followed with a kick to the face of Classic. Akuma hit a gordbuster for two and thought he had the match won. Akuma kept on the offense with kicks to the upper body but Classic fought back. Akuma went back to the mat with a bodyscissor but Classic refused to submit, instead fighting to his feet. Akuma ended up on the ring apron and Classic hit a lariat followed by a top rope dive onto the prone Akuma. The fight went to the floor with Classic chopping Akuma around the ring before coming back to the ring with a running forearm and suplex for two. Classic kept on the attack with a DVD but only got two. Akuma countered a waistlock and hit a wheel barrel into a facebuster for two. The two men traded shots in the middle of the ring and it ended with Akuma hitting a kick to the face. Classic went for a full nelson but Akuma countered into a German suplex followed by Victory Roll that dropped into a piledriver like hold.

(6) In a non-tournament match, Club Vitale’s Heartbreak Express (“Superstar” Sean & “Fabulous” Phil Davis) & Scott Davis (w/ “the Princess of Wrestling” Amy Vitale and Raymond Snow) defeated The Lifeguards (Wade Koverly & Daron Smythe) & Austin Amadeus.
This match has history dating back several months in Pro Wrestling Riot recently revolving around Vitale and Amadeus. Hopefully tonight it will end the conflict. However all six men jumped each other before the bell and took the fight all over ringside. The Express and Davis bailed to the floor only to be hit with triple body blocks. The fighting continued as referee Chuck Aurin tried to retain some order. Finally Koverly and Phil Davis made their way into the ring but Scott Davis got the referee’s attention long enough that his team dumped Koverly to the floor where Snow was waiting to inflict pain. The Davis trio took turns beating down Koverly for several minutes but none of them got the victory. Instead Koverly managed to avoid Scott Davis’ top rope elbow drop and tag in Amadeus who was ready to fight, taking on all three men. But Amadeus went after Vitale and ran into Snow. All six men got involved again with Amadeus taking Scott Davis back in the ring hitting a suplex but his top rope move was stopped by Vitale’s interference. With the referee tied up by Snow, the Davis’ hit Amadeus with a triple team spike piledriver to end the match.

(7) “The Campus Legend” Brad Attitude defeated GEAR’s Nooie Lee.
Early on it was the speed of Lee against the power and cockiness of Attitude, which was briefly won by Lee with a counter of the wheel barrel into an armdrag. Attitude bailed to the floor but Lee followed out with a baseball slide and back in with a spingboard splash for two. Lee went for corner punches but Attitude pushed him off and then shoved him into the corner buckles out of control. Attitude went to work on Lee’s neck with a mare and a chinlock. Attitude followed with another neckbreaker but his power bomb was countered into head scissors by Lee. But Lee’s neck move was blocked and countered into a Samoan Drop for two. Attitude went back to the chinlock but Lee fought to his feet hitting a jawbreaker. Lee hit a series of kicks wearing out Attitude but not getting the pin. Lee went to end it with a top rope double knee to the neck but Attitude survived the pin attempt. Attitude fought back with a pin attempt of his own but nearly fell to a Code Red. Lee went for a cross bodyblock but was caught by Attitude who hit an Attitude Adjuster like move to advance.

(8) The YRR’s Sal Rinauro defeated Chris Gray of the British Lions.
Rinauro spent the opening minutes running his mouth and doing Hindu Squats before locking up with Gray. Rinauro entered the ring hitting himself with a cross body block. When Gary went to lock up Rinauro hit the floor. Rinauro finally came into the ring where Gray went right on the attack working on Rinauro’s arm. But after a chicken wing hold and a chicken dance, Rinauro went to the floor. Rinauro grabbed the house mic and ridiculed the fans for mocking his ring attire. Rinauro got back in the ring but ended up in an overhand wrist lock which Gray switched to top hand before Rinauro got to the ropes and the floor once more. Gray grabbed Rinauro by the hair and dragged him into the ring where he hit a series of moves but Rinauro got out of a corner punch fest and dropped Gray on the turnbuckle. Gray fought back but the duo ended up wiping out the referee. Rinauro used this time to reach in his tights and use a foreign object and he used it on Gray’s lower region to advance via controversial pinfall.

(9) In a non-tournament match, 911 Inc.’s Francisco Ciatso, Kory Chavis, Shawn Osborne & Hardcore Giant” Ron Niemi defeated Sideshow & “The Marquee” Bruce Santee.
Santee and Sideshow ran right into the ring not allowing the ring intro to take place and surprisingly they took control of the bout, keeping Ciatso isolated in their half of the ring. Niemi took a place on the ring apron as Sideshow got a pin attempt after a leg lariat and Santee followed with an armlock but Ciatso raked the eyes and he tagged in Osborne who was hiptossed to the mat. Osborne escaped and tagged in Chavis who walked right into a hip toss followed by an elbow for two which only made the frustration on Niemi’s face grow stronger. But Santee took his focus off Chavis by going after the 911 corner and Chavis made him pay with a clothesline and several punches to the face. Niemi tagged in with Santee on his back laying in kicks but as Santee made his way up, Niemi ran to Osborne for a tag. Osborne’s backdrop was countered into a Santee backslide for two and Chavis tagged back in, choking out Santee. Sideshow didn’t help his partner out by trying to enter the ring, which only kept the referee’s back turned on 911 Inc’s triple teaming. Niemi tagged back in to choke out Santee but tagged in Chavis who was hit with a chokeslam which allowed the exhausted Santee to tag in Sideshow who was ready and raring to go. Sideshow was in control but the numbers were too many as Chavis pulled the referee to the floor stopping the count. 911 Inc. kept Santee busy on the floor as Ciatso and Osborne hit Sideshow with a double team backbreaker into a legdrop. To add insult they let Niemi get the pinfall. After the match Santee said his mouth may have cost him a victory but tomorrow night the odds would be even inside the WarGames match.

(10) Kenny King of the YRR defeated Ring Of Honor’s Jigsaw.
King was a ’07 participant until a knee injury forced him to withdraw and he was ready to show the fans he deserved to be in this year’s tournament. Both men traded armdrag takeovers but it was King who bailed to the floor to regroup. King came back in only to be on the mat in an armbar. King fired back with forearms but Jigsaw hit some of his own. King got control after a head shot and some kicks to the chest. King grounded Jigsaw with a rear chinlock as the fans cheered for Jigsaw who fought back with kicks and chops. But King dropped Jigsaw on the top rope and hitting a spinning kick to the ribs which sent Jigsaw to the floor. King followed out and laid in the chops which echoed through the building. Finally the match came back to the ring taking Jigsaw to the mat with a body scissor. Somehow Jigsaw fought off defeat even as King used the ropes for leverage. Jigsaw got a quick two count but King got on the attack with a clothesline and a headbutt. King went for a move but Jigsaw slid off the shoulders and hit an enziguri. Both men fought to their feet and it was Jigsaw who controlled the pace hitting King with body shots and a tope’ to the floor which sent Jigsaw’s face into the ring barrier, opening up a cut. Jigsaw went up top hitting a cross bodyblock for two. Jigsaw went for another bodyblock but King countered into the Coronation for two. King was shocked Jigsaw kicked out and nearly fell to a double stomp to the head and a swinging DDT for two. King and Jigsaw fought over control and it ended with King hitting the Coronation a second time to advance.

(11) Erick Stevens of Full Impact Pro defeated Chris Jones of Pro Wrestling Fusion.
Stevens tried to intimidate the smaller Jones but it seemed to have little effect. Stevens asked for a test of strength which Jones responded with a dropkick but Stevens grabbed both hands and drove Jones to the mat. Jones countered out into a take down and eventually head scissors which led to an armbar. Stevens fought out of a hammerlock and back Jones to a corner but Stevens got caught in a huricurana and was sent to the floor where Jones hit him with a tope’. Stevens made his way into the ring where Jones hit a top rope bodyblock into an armlock. Stevens escaped and after running the ropes, he hit Jones with a Samoan Drop. Stevens went right into his power attack which grounded Jones for several minutes. Stevens delivered several knee shots to Jones’ ribs and then pulling Jones’ head back into a submission hold. But a corner whip briefly helped Jones who hit Stevens with an elbow to the jaw. Stevens recovered and hit several bodyslams in a row before locking in a stretch. Stevens let it go to inflict more pain but his choo choo missed the mark and Jones’ bodyshots knocked Stevens down to size. But Stevens went for the TKO only to be blocked by Jones who hit a kick to the chest and the hamstrings. Jones went up on Stevens shoulders and came down with a reverse huricurana for two. Stevens fired back with a lariat for two and Jones kicked out which stunned the fans. Stevens called for the Doctor Bomb but Jones countered into his own version of the Code Red for two. Stevens went to the ring apron and Jones followed where Stevens went for a suplex but Jones blocked it and hit a inverted DDT on the apron. Jones went up top to end it all but hit his splash hit both of Stevens’ knees and Stevens locked in a body vise which he refused to let go until Jones couldn’t stand the pain and tapped out. After the match Stevens addressed the fans saying Chris Jones earned his respect, which is hard to have in this business.




On Saturday, September 27, 2008, the Brooksville National Guard Armory hosted night two of the 2008 Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup. The event was sponsored by Pro Wrestling Riot, the Tammi Hamaoui Foundation and floridawrestlingfans.com

Short version of the event:
(1) In a second round match, “the Campus Legend” Brad Attitude defeated Jaison Moore.
(2) In a second round match, “Sweet N Sour Inc’s.” Larry Sweeney defeated The YRR’s Sal Rinauro
(3) In a second round match, Chikara’s Gran Akuma defeated Jon Davis of the Dark City Fight Club/911 Inc.
(4) In a second round match, FIP/ROH’s Erick Stevens defeated The YRR’s Kenny King.
(5) In a non-tournament TLC match, Bums R’ Us (Ray Beez & Milo Beasley) defeated House of Vitale’s Lou the Fixer & “the Killing Machine” Raymond Snow (w/ “the Princess of Wrestling” Amy Vitale).
(6) In a non tournament match; Jigsaw, J-Rod, Craig Classic & CJ O’Doyle defeated the YRR’s Chasyn “Not Cocky” Rance, “Addicted to Love” Rhett Titus, Icarus & Moonshine McCoy.
(7) In a semi-final match, FIP/ROH’s Erick Stevens defeated “Sweet N’ Sour Inc’s” Larry Sweeney.
(8) In a semi-final match, “the Campus Legend” Brad Attitude defeated Chikara’s Gran Akuma.
(9) In a non-tournament tag team Gauntlet: The British Lions (Chris Gray & Tommy Taylor) defeated the Loggers (“Lumberjack” Manley & the Mighty Dagon), The Lifeguards (Wade Koverly & Daron Smythe), Club Vitale’s the Heartbreak Express (“Superstar” Sean & “Fabulous” Phil Davis), House of Vitale’s Damballah/Mad Man Mandrake (w/ “the Princess of Wrestling” Amy Vitale), “Mr. 630” Jerrelle Clark/ Nooie Lee and Fantastic Dantastic/K-Dizzy.
(10) In the finals, Erick Stevens defeated “the Campus Legend” Brad Attitude.
(11) In the WarGames Steel Cage match; Sideshow (w/his sister Danielle), “the Marquee” Bruce Santee (w/Amy Love), Sedrick Strong & The Black Market (Joey Machete & Shawn Murphy) defeated 911 Inc’s Kory Chavis, Shawn Osborne, Francisco Ciasto, Mike Shane & “Hardcore Giant” Ron Niemi.

Long version of the event.
Previous JPC competitors Rod Steel, Mikey Tenderfoot and Steve Madison were among those in attendance.

(1) In a second round match, “the Campus Legend” Brad Attitude defeated Jaison Moore.
Attitude made few friends sporting a Miami Hurricanes football jersey in the introductions. Moore made the fans cheer by hitting Attitude with several armdrags and hiptosses which sent Attitude to the floor to confer with himself. Moore didn’t feel like waiting so he chased Attitude around the ring and back in where Attitude thought he was going to drop an elbow. But instead of Moore’s head he met the solid ring canvas and Moore went to work on the elbow until Attitude hit a cheap shot to Moore’s head. Attitude went right on the attack and also right on the “let’s break the rules” tangent. He nearly had the win after a chest first corner whip allowed him to hit Moore with a neckbreaker. Attitude went for the chinlock submission with some assist from the bottom rope but Moore fought to his feet only to be sent back down after a hair pull. Attitude kept going back to the neck area of Moore, this time using Moore’s left arm to choke himself. Moore got a second wind and hit Attitude with several clotheslines and forearms. Moore hit a chest first style facebuster and a senton for two before going up top. When he came off Moore landed on the ropes after Attitude ran into them. From there Attitude hit an inverted Acecrusher like hold to advance.

(2) In a second round match, “Sweet N Sour Inc’s.” Larry Sweeney defeated The YRR’s Sal Rinauro.
To the shock of many the 21-time ICW/ICWA Texarkana TV champion was cheered when he hit the ringside area. That could be due to the utter hatred of the YRR. Sweeney called for a test of strength and after Rinauro went through some calisthenics he was close to locking up when Sweeney backed to the ropes for some personal time. Both men called the other chicken and did the chicken dance. Finally we had a lockup with a mid-ring shoulder collision following. Both men kicked the other with a below the belt kick and actually shook hands. Next came double eye gouges and Rinauro getting a side headlock. The shoulder tackle fest continued in between a muscle pose down to see which had the best body. Sweeney bailed to the floor and seemed to be ready to fight. Actually both men dropped to the mat for an arm wrestling contest that turned into an overhand wristlock. That was followed by some rope criss-crosses and Rinauro getting the better of it. both men had small package pins and backslides but neither could score the wine despite tights being pulled. Another criss-cross took place but this time Sweeney bailed to the floor leaving Rinauro running for several moments. Sweeney actually had crawled under the ring so Rinauro went up top and jumped to the center of the ring. Sweeney came out with his ears ringing in pain. But he got control when they got back to the ring with the Polish Hammer for two and a sidewalk slam also for two. Sweeney called for the Shake, Rattle & Roll but Rinauro blocked the Roll so Sweeney raked his eyes and dragged him across the top rope. A shoulder breaker got Sweeney two but his Earthquake splash only met Rinauro’s fists which made direct contact with Sweeney’s well…you get the idea. Rinauro went for the Bonzai Drop in the corner but hit only canvas. Sweeney went for the Head Crush submission but Rinauro escaped and hit the Bionic Elbow for two. Rinauro escaped a sleeper and went for the Human Torture Rack but Sweeney slid off into a two count pin. Sweeney pulled down his singlet meaning business so Rinauro pulled it down to show off Sweeney’s ass for all to see. Rinauro loaded a punch up with his JPC medal but Sweeney ducked it and locked in a sleeper hold which Rinauro could not escape from. After the match ended Sweeney revived Rinauro and they hugged as the fans cheered for both men.

(3) In a second round match, Chikara’s Gran Akuma defeated Jon Davis of the Dark City Fight Club/911 Inc.
Akuma was the natural crowd favorite as the fans also hated the hell out of 911 Inc. Davis began the jawboxing telling Akuma he was too small to be a threat and followed with a slap to the face. He gave Akuma a free shot and Akuma gave him several kicks to the hamstrings but Davis scooped him up for a slam for two. Davis kept on the attack with forearms and elbows to the head. Akuma fought back but Davis kept going after the back with corner whips. Akuma fired in the kicks to the hamstring but got leveled by a clothesline for two. Akuma avoided a corner splash and hit Davis with a kick to the head. Both men fought to their feet and it was Akuma escaping a back suplex and hitting Davis with a move before going up top to hit a frog splash for two. Akuma went for a kick but Davis caught the leg and hit a back suplex. Davis thought it was three and argued the count which allowed Akuma time to clear the fog. Davis went up but Akuma blocked the move only to have his huricurana turned into a corner power bomb. But when Davis charged him, Akuma rolled him up for the pinfall to advance onward.

(4) In a second round match, FIP/ROH’s Erick Stevens defeated The YRR’s Kenny King.
Early on Stevens tried to be a good sport by breaking on a corner lockup. King told him where to stick his sportsmanship on a corner break, slapping Stevens in the chest. The two men tried to outdo each other with shoulder blocks and it was King who ended up on the floor after he was hit with a tackle and a swinging bodyslam. After some stalling King came back in right to the waiting arms of Stevens with a chest chop. Stevens hit a Russian legsweep into an arm bar trying to make King tap out as he also isolated King’s right arm. King escaped the pin but not the chest chops that followed. King bailed to the floor once more which seemed to get on Stevens’ nerves and he paid when King hit a knee lift when Stevens went to grab him from the apron. King went on the attack driving Stevens’ back into the ring apron. Stevens fought back as they got back in the ring but King stayed on the attack with a modified spinebuster and a back suplex for two. King went for a camel clutch like submission but Stevens fought to his feet but ran into a King knee to the gut for two. King kept hitting Stevens but Stevens kept hitting back even as King went for cheap shots. King softened up Stevens with several knee lifts to the head before putting him on the top corner. But Stevens blocked the move sending King into the ring where King did a flip to his feet as Stevens came off with a shoulder block. The punches were tossed with Stevens coming out ahead on hits. Stevens wound up for the lariat but it as blocked and King hit a series of kicks before a swinging backbreaker for two. King lost focus and missed a springboard legdrop which allowed Stevens to hit an Acecrusher for two. Stevens went for a move but King backed him to a corner and eventually King hit a sitout power bomb for two. King went for a Million Dollar Dream like hold but Stevens refused to tap, instead backing King to a corner where he tagged King with several body punches. King avoided a corner splash and went to the ropes but he got hit with a lariat for two. Stevens got hit with a Blockbuster but kicked out of the pin which made King pissed off to the extreme. Stevens escaped King’s Coronation and hit a lariat followed by the Doctor Bomb to advance to face Larry Sweeney.

(5) In a non-tournament TLC match, Bums R’ Us (Ray Beez & Milo Beasley) defeated House of Vitale’s Lou the Fixer & “the Killing Machine” Raymond Snow (w/ “the Princess of Wrestling” Amy Vitale).
These two teams have been killing each other in Pro Wrestling Riot and tonight they upped the ante big time. Beez and Beasley came through the crowd jumping their opponents before the weapons were used. Beasley got dumped to the floor as Beez was worked over in a corner. So Beasley grabbed a ladder piledriving it onto the Fixer. Beez set the ladder up in a corner before both men grabbed the Fixer before they hit Snow with an interesting move where Beez put Beasley on his shoulders and drove Beasley into Snow. This move worked but the missed the Fixer and the duo hit the ladder. Snow dropped Beasley on top rope and hit him with a ladder as the Fixer beat down Beez on the floor. With Beez on the floor, the duo worked over Beasley with chairs. Snow went after Beez as the Fixer and Beasley hit each other with broken ladder parts. All four men went to the floor where the Fixer set up a table that Snow suplexed Beez into. Beasley did his best to hold on against the two huge opponents but the Fixer was leveled by several Beez chair shots on the floor. Snow kept on beating down Beasley even going for a superplex but Beez saved Beasley and the duo hit Snow with a power bomb into a ladder. Beasley hit the fixer with an airplane spin and then Beez hit a tornado clothesline. The duo dragged the Fixer to a table on the floor and Beez went up a ladder as Snow was getting to his feet. But Beasley wedged Snow into the ladder and it allowed Beez to hit a splash off onto the Fixer who went through the table, getting pinned in the process.

(6) In a non-tournament match; Jigsaw, J-Rod, Craig Classic & CJ O’Doyle defeated the YRR’s Chasyn “Not Cocky” Rance, “Addicted to Love” Rhett Titus, Icarus & Moonshine McCoy.
From the ultra violence we went to an eight man contest with some of last night’s tourney participants. Both teams tried to isolate someone from their corner and for a few moments it was Titus. But he eventually escaped tagging in McCoy who also fell to several shots to the left arm and shoulder. McCoy was able to grab Classic and toss him to the ropes where Titus came with a shoulder tackle. Classic’s partners did him no favors as they kept the referee busy after some cheating by the opposition made them try and save Classic. But no one could keep Classic pinned or get him to tap out and he eventually tagged out to O’Doyle who took on all four men. Jigsaw got in on the action taking out Titus but all eight men ended up putting each other in headlocks and then hitting legsweeps. O’Doyle survived and hit Rance with an enziguri. The plancha fest ensued with all eight men being hit by one at any time. Except for Titus who stopped Jigsaw but his sexy suplex was countered into a small package for a pinfall.

(7) In a semi-final match, FIP/ROH’s Erick Stevens defeated “Sweet N’ Sour Inc’s” Larry Sweeney.
This was an interesting contrast in styles that the fans got to enjoy. Actually they got Sweeney jumping Stevens before the bell as he went after Stevens’ left leg like it had a million dollars hidden inside it. Sweeney used the ring post as a tool to slam the knee into. Sweeney went for the win locking in a figure four as the fans cheered on Stevens and yelling to the referee Sweeney was using the ropes for leverage. Stevens got out of the hold and caught Sweeney coming off the top rope with a shot to the gut. Stevens went to the power game even as a powerslam did damage to his knee. Sweeney went for the pin with his feet on the ropes but the referee caught him and the arguing allowed Stevens to recover. When Sweeney finally stopped jawing he nearly had it removed by Stevens and the lariat which sent Stevens to the finals.

(8) In a semi-final match, “the Campus Legend” Brad Attitude defeated Chikara’s Gran Akuma.
Attitude switched to his beloved Appalachian State colors to face Akuma who was ready to advance. Unlike against Jon Davis, Akuma went technical with the “Campus Legend” twisting him into funny shapes getting screams of pain and agony. Somehow Attitude survived long enough to rake Akuma’s eyes and hit a chop block. Attitude went for the leglace submission but Akuma refused, so Attitude let it go to inflict more pain, using his own neck to stretch out Akuma’s knee joint. The punishment kept coming as Attitude used the ropes as a weapon on the knee and locking in a head scissor submission. Attitude went back to the leg with a half crab style submission powered more by the ropes as leverage. But Attitude let the hold go to hit a move but it was blocked and Akuma kicked Attitude dead in the jaw. Both men fought to their feet but it was Akuma who was the aggressor until Attitude got him on the mat in a modified Indian Deathlock. But Akuma refused to quit so Attitude let the hold go and he regretted it as Akuma locked in an armbar submission. Attitude escaped and the two men traded several near falls. Akuma stopped Attitude from a top rope move with an open hand slap but Attitude countered the superplex into what looked like a DDT to advance on facing Erick Stevens in the finals.

(9) In a non-tournament tag team Gauntlet: The British Lions (Chris Gray & Tommy Taylor) defeated the Loggers (“Lumberjack” Manley & the Mighty Dagon), The Lifeguards (Wade Koverly & Daron Smythe), Club Vitale’s the Heartbreak Express (“Superstar” Sean & “Fabulous” Phil Davis), House of Vitale’s Damballah/Mad Man Mandrake (w/ “the Princess of Wrestling” Amy Vitale), “Mr. 630” Jerrelle Clark/Nooie Lee and Fantastic Dantastic/K-Dizzy.
This was the order of elimination:
**Mad Man Mandrake eliminated the Loggers
**Damballah eliminated K-Dizzy/Fantastic Dantastic & Jerrelle Clark/Nooie Lee
**The Heartbreak Express & the British Lions eliminated the Lifeguards & House of Vtiale
**The British Lions eliminated the Heartbreak Express

(10) In the finals, Erick Stevens defeated “the Campus Legend” Brad Attitude.
The final match was refereed by former IPW Hardcore star Jet Jaguar who was a longtime friend of Jeff Peterson. Attitude felt the NC ST Wolfpack was the colors to get him a mental edge against the former Florida Heritage Heavyweight champion. Following tradition the other fourteen JPC competitors surrounded ringside to cheer both men on. Attitude’s focus went to Stevens’ legs which were worked over by Larry Sweeney in the semi-finals while Stevens went after Attitude’s left arm. Attitude tried to get in Stevens’ head with chest chops but Stevens fired back with a vicious one that sent Attitude to the floor for a time out. Attitude came back in but was hit with a series of moves that led him to bail to the floor once more. This time Stevens followed him out laying in the forearms to the back. It backfired as Attitude threw him into the ring barricade and back to the ring. But Stevens proved everyone wrong hitting Attitude with a flying forearm through the ropes. Both men came back in with Stevens getting drilled in his left hamstring. Attitude went to work on separating the hamstring from the rest of Stevens’s body using legal and some illegal tactics to do so. Stevens tried to fight back but Attitude was focused on dishing out the pain. Stevens went back to the arm with an armbar submission hold but Attitude got out and clipped Stevens’ knee out. Attitude thought he had it won with a half crab submission but Stevens made it to the ropes causing a break. Attitude reluctantly broke the hold and locked it in again, this time in the middle of the ring. But he didn’t count on Stevens getting to his feet and hitting an enziguri for two. Attitude blocked the Doctor Bomb with a backdrop for two and followed with a suplex for two. Attitude went to end the match but Stevens hit him with a lariat and the Doctor Bomb to win the tournament!!! Attitude showed some class by entering the ring to shake Stevens’ hand during the trophy presentation.
After being congratulated by the other JPC members, Stevens took the mic to tell the fans he got into the business to have people think he was the best wrestler around. He thanked everyone who came out to cheer him on as his dream was realized tonight by winning the tournament.

(11) In the WarGames Steel Cage match; Sideshow (w/his sister Danielle), “the Marquee” Bruce Santee (w/Amy Love), Sedrick Strong & The Black Market (Joey Machete & Shawn Murphy) defeated 911 Inc’s Kory Chavis, Shawn Osborne, Francisco Ciatso, Mike Shane & “Hardcore Giant” Ron Niemi when Sideshow hit Niemi with a piledriver. Danielle and Love stopped Niemi from using powder in the match and former 911 member Jet Jaguar counted the pinfall.
These ten men have been at war since Pro Wrestling Riot began last year and the executive office set this match up hoping it would end the conflict that saw 911 put Danielle through a table. Needless to say the battle led to several men being cut open by the unforgiving steel. Here’s the order the ten men came out in:
(1) Francisco Ciatso (2) Sideshow (3) Shawn Osborne (4) Sedrick Strong (5) Kory Chavis (6) Joey Machete (7) Mike Shane (8) Shawn Murphy (9) Ron Niemi (10) Bruce Santee.

To make donations please go to: http://www.jpc2008.com or http://hope4devin.org

Full Impact Pro returns to Crystal River on October 11th while Pro Wrestling Riot returns to Port Richey on October 18th with “Road to the Gold” leading to the crowning of Heavyweight and Tag Team champions. Log onto www.fullimpactpro.com & www.prowrestlingriot.com for event information