IWS Freedom to Fight Preview for 11/3

Christopher DanelsFallen Angel to Bless MontréalTNA’s Fallen Angel, Christopher Daniels, perhaps the greatest technical wrestler ever to hold the X-Division title, is coming to Montreal on November 3rd to wrestle for the International Wrestling Syndicate. And he will be coming into collision with Quebec’s finest technical wrestler of right now, the IWS Canadian Champion Max Boyer during Freedom to Fight 2007.

IWS Freedom to Fight 2007 Card:
Saturday, November 3rd, 2007
Bogey’s 3250 Cremazie East
(Corner Cremazie and St-Michel)
Metro St-Michel
Montreal, Quebec, CANADA
Main Event: TNA’s Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels vs. IWS Canadian Champion Max Boyer

IWS Tag Team Title Match: IWS Tag Team Champions The Super Smash Brothers (Player Uno and Stupefied)
vs. 2.0 (Shane Matthews & Jagged)
Special Stipulation: Two out of Three Falls

IWS Title Match: IWS Champion and Owner PCP Crazy F’N Manny will defend the title against a mystery opponent

Kid Kamikaze vs. Jimmy K

The Missionaries of Violence (Eddy and Lufisto) vs. EXesS and Tomassino
Freedom to Fight Detailed Preview

2007 was the year that the rest of North America caught up with Quebec and California and realized that Kevin Steen is one hell of a wrestler – something that Christopher Daniels knew back in 2004, when he made a trip to Quebec City to face someone that few outside of Canada had ever heard of… and walked out muttering about the truck that had just run over him with the license plates marked: Kevin Steen.

Now Christopher Daniels is coming back to the province of Quebec, this time to Montreal, as a new Quebecker looks to begin to walk down the path blazed by a man that he trained with. They know his name in Philadelphia, they shout his name in Quebec. He is a former CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Champion and he is the current and reigning IWS Canadian Champion. Right now, he can lay claim to being the best technical wrestler in Quebec, maybe in all of Canada. On November 3rd, Max Boyer will face his biggest challenge to date as TNA’s Fallen Angel comes to town.

Win, lose or draw, it is sure to be one hell of a match.

This would be the point where IWS Owner PCP Crazy F’N Manny would like to me to remind fans that this match will be non-title, because “There is no damn way in hell that I am paying to fly in Christopher Daniels month after month!” To say that Max is pissed about Manny saying that he can’t beat Daniels would be understating things by about 1000%.

A relative newcomer to the IWS will also be stretched to the limit. A candidate for IWS Rookie of the Year, Jimmy K takes on the technical mastery of Kid Kamikaze, the man who stretches other wrestlers in ways that not even Mike Quackenbush has names for. Jimmy K has been winning fans over with his match heroics, but look for Double K to trip up the rookie to slow his momentum… and then step on his head.

Speaking of head – okay this is a really obvious segue to Sexxxy Eddy, the IWS’ resident porn star. At Freedom to Fight, Eddy is putting back together his team with Lufisto, The Missionaries of Violence. Whether Eddy and Lufisto are still on the same page remains to be seen, but they will have to knock the rust off their tag team in a hurry, because their opponents, the IWS’ resident bullies, EXesS and his hulking protégé Tomassino will not be taking it easy on Eddy and Lufisto.

Also in tag team action, the new champions, the Super Smash Brothers will defend their gold against the old champions, 2.0. Jagged and Shane Matthews exercised the clause in their contract giving them an automatic rematch and went a little further into the fine print, discovering a clause that let them pick the stipulation. As “The Most Professional Tag Team in Wrestling”…

They make me say that.

2.0 decided to pick an old school stipulation to give them the advantage. Their choice: Best Two out of Three Falls. As an old school fan myself, I applaud their choice, but I am uncertain that it will really give them an advantage…

Ackbar: It’s a TRAP!

The way that I see it both Player Uno and Stupefied are heavily influenced by Lucha Libre – Mexican wrestling. And while you would never be able to tell it by watching Jack Black’s comedy, the fact is that virtually every match in Mexico is wrestled under best two out of three falls. Or as they call it in Mexico – just a sec I’m checking with Uno – Primera Caida, Segunda Caida and Tercera Caida. Something tells me that it is the Super Smash Brothers who have the advantage in this match.

But what do I know, I’m a big fat Super Smash Brothers mark.

More matches will be announced during Freedom to Fight including the opponent for IWS Owner PCP Crazy F’N Manny who will defend the IWS title that he just stole from Viking with help from the surprise traitor Beef Wellington at Blood, Sweat and Beers

If we ran shows in the United States, this would be where I called Beef the Benedict Arnold of the IWS, but since Benedict Arnold actually saved Montreal from being sacked by the Revolutionary Army when he changed sides… we kind like him up here, which is why we stock Benedict Arnold Kettle Chips right next to the Laura Secord chocolate bars.

Also appearing during Freedom to Fight will be the SLI 2007 (Fred la Merveille and Kenny the Bastard), Dan Paysan, Twiggy, and Franky the Mobster amongst others.


For more in-depth stories about the matches and the card and what is going on in the IWS – go here for my Strong Style Typings articles: http://the-w.com/​thread.php/​id=34045


Other IWS News

PCO in England

Pierre Carl Ouellet left his job as the French commentator for TNA on RDS (The Quebec version of ESPN) to accept a nine month booking with Craig Dixon’s All-Star Wrestling in England. http://www.bigtimewrestlinguk.com/

Curiously, PCO’s replacement at RDS was the man that he just confronted at our last show Blood, Sweat and Beers 2007 Sylvain Grenier.

Initial reports of PCO’s arrival in the UK have been very favourable.

Posted by “BESTMAN” on the UK Fan Forum (www.ukff.com )
“I headed to Ashton on Sat night to see him (PCO). We spoke for quite a while after the show and he talked about his age at the time of his WWF runs and how that it was too much for him too soon. He was only in his early 20s at the time. I talked about his IYH match against Bret and that it was decent and he said he loved working with Bret and also Shawn. Really nice guy and well worth going to see.”

While in England, PCO was called upon to wrestle in an ECW dark match against Tommy Dreamer, a man that PCO is very familiar with stemming from his days in ECW when Peece was challenging Justin Credible for the ECW title. Again he got rave reviews.

Adam from England (by MSN)
Peece got loads of heat during the match, crowd were well behind Tommy. It was very basic, Tommy got a little bit of offence early, Peece got the heat for a good 3-4 minutes, Tommy made his comeback, swinging DDT for the pin. Wasn’t a bad match at all.
Wasn’t your standard WWE squash match you sometimes see on these shows. Got a hell of a lot of offence in to say he’s just in for one night.
They worked well together, really wouldn’t have looked out of place on a very poor ECW show otherwise.

We wish PCO all the best in England. (Also Germany, because a little birdy tells me he may be hopping across the channel to wrestle for wXw www.wxw-wrestling.com )
Mr. India is from Quebec?

This is one for the books.

Tiger Ali Singh’s Universal Wrestling Stars promotion is doing a one week tour of India and a number of Quebec stars have been invited including Kacey Diamond, Misty Haven and Josianne the Pussycat. Sonjay Dutt will also be on the tour. The only other light heavyweight on the roster is “Mr. India”. So expect “Mr. India” and Sonjay Dutt to be clashing in several matches over the week.

The odd thing is that “Mr. India” is a former IWS Canadian Champion who makes his home in Quebec, is hugely popular in Ontario and hails from Campobasso, Italy. Must be some sort of witness protection thing. So to protect the Dapper Don’s safety, we won’t say his name and you didn’t hear it from me. Capiche?


The IWS presents: Freedom to Fight, Saturday, November 3rd, 2007 at Bogey’s World Bar & Billiard, 3250 Cremazie Est (corner of Cremazie and St-Michel near the St-Michel metro), Montreal, Quebec, CANADA. Doors open at 7:00 pm, show starts at 8:00 pm, tickets are $20 for VIP, $15 for Regular. 18+, card and times subject to change. For more information go to www.syndicatewrestling.com or e-mail Llakor@hotmail.com .

The IWS presents: Season’s Beatings, Saturday, December 1st, 2007 at Bogey’s World Bar & Billiard, 3250 Cremazie Est (corner of Cremazie and St-Michel near the St-Michel metro), Montreal, Quebec, CANADA. Doors open at 7:00 pm, show starts at 8:00 pm, tickets are $20 for VIP, $15 for Regular. 18+, card and times subject to change. For more information go to www.syndicatewrestling.com or e-mail Llakor@hotmail.com .

The IWS proudly presents: Praise the Violence, Saturday, January 26th, 2008 featuring Sylvain Grenier vs. Pierre Carl Ouellet at the beautiful, downtown Medley, 1170 St-Denis, near the Berri-UQAM Metro. Montreal, Quebec, CANADA. Doors open at 7:30 PM, show starts at 9 PM. VIP tickets are $30, Regular tickets are $25. VIP ticket holders admitted first. VIP tickets are almost sold out so order them today. No reserved seating. Tickets can be purchased online at http://www.ticketpro.ca or in person at the Medley box office. 18+. Card and times subject to change. For more information go to www.syndicatewrestling.com or e-mail Llakor@hotmail.com .

Our DVDs for each show are released through www.smartmarkvideo.com. Our biggest recent release is Un F’N Sanctioned 2007 featuring then NWA World Heavyweight Champion Christian Cage – http://www.smartmarkvideo.com/​main/​index.php?​app=ccp0&​ns=prodshow&​ref=iwsdvd0054&​sid=3kk04hkib65w02e​al6b66a85q4734bui . Our best-selling DVD from last year is Un F’N Sanctioned 2006 featuring Sabu’s last match in the indies before his re-debut on Raw (two nights later) as well as the crazy hardcore Fans Bring the Weapons match – http://www.smartmarkvideo.com/​main/​index.php?​app=ccp0&​ns=prodshow &​ref=iwsdvd0043