BloodStream for Know Your Enemies
Part One:
Part Two:



I recently went to see a great new “Mexican Wrestling Gangster Film” starring Vampiro and filmed by a group of Crazy Canucks in Mexico. My report is here:


One man holds the belt. Literally born in the IWS ring; popular all over the world; Master of the BRAAINNNBUSTTAAAHHHH~!; IWS Champion El Generico.

One man held the belt. Trained for greatness; a man with more great matches in the IWS ring than anyone; respected all over the world; Inventor of the Package Pile-Driver, Kevin Steen.

One man wants the belt. Trained in the shadow of Kevin Steen; convinced of his own greatness; self-proclaimed best “real” wrestler in Canada, IWS Canadian Champion Maxime Boyer.

It could be argued that the IWS’ first laid claim to being Canada’s best promotion with one match: the 2003 Canadian Match of the Year, a three-way between Pierre-Carl Ouellet, Kevin Steen and El Generico. At Know Your Enemies, Generico, Steen and Boyer will try to recapture the magic of that 2003 three-way. If you were to ask Maxime Boyer, this match can’t help but be better for one simple reason: because Maxime Boyer is in it.


IWS Know Your Enemies
Preview Quick and Dirty
Saturday, March 22nd, 2008
Bogey’s, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

IWS Title Match: IWS Champion El Generico vs. Kevin Steen vs. IWS Canadian Champion Maxime Boyer

IWS Tag Team Title Match:
IWS Tag Team Champions The Super Smash Brothers (Player Uno and Stupefied)
vs. The Untouchables (Dan Paysan and Jimmy Stone)
vs. 2.0 (Shane Matthews and Jagged)
vs. Twiggy (solo)

Shayne Hawke vs. Fred la Merveille

Samson vs. Kenny the Bastard

EXesS vs. Jimmy K

Beef Wellington vs. Santino

Paranoid Jake Matthews and The Green Phantom vs Marko Estrada and Mr. Suave Josh Aero


Detailed Know Your Enemies Preview

At Know Your Enemies, 2.0 will be looking to return to the promised land by winning the IWS tag team titles for the third time in a four-way scramble tag match. There are just a few obstacles in their way: The Champions, the Super Smash Brothers now entering their six month as Champions, the Ersatz Italians, the Untouchables, Jimmy Stone, Dan Paysan and Dan Paysan’s ridiculous cow-lick, and finally, the tag team of one: Twiggy.

I have some advice for 2.0: Don’t overlook the smallest obstacle, because sometimes the smallest obstacle is the easiest one to trip over. As those who watched Bloodstream know, 2.0 have broken Twiggy down, taken everything away from him: his friends, his partners, his dreams, his hopes, even his dignity. The big question is: How dangerous has Twiggy become now that he has nothing left to lose?

Another man humiliated at our last show (as shown on Bloodstream above) and looking for some revenge is Joey Soprano’s nephew, Santino who showed everyone in the building how much heart he had by challenging Beef Wellington while still woozy from getting his brains rattled by EXesS. What followed wasn’t a match so much as a massacre. Returning to the scene of the crime is the heartless Beef Wellington who will give Santino another chance to prove how much heart he has, and how little that matters to Beef.

Technically, Jimmy K has a shot at the IWS Title any time he wants it. Now, I am not entirely certain that I understand this because Jimmy talks really fast in French, but despite having earned a shot at the title, Jimmy K wants to prove to himself that he can win the IWS Title before trying to win it, and to his thinking the best way to do that is to face former IWS Champion, EXesS.

EXesS is fine with this for a whole bunch of reasons: EXesS loves to welcome rookies to the IWS by bending their spines and breaking their spits in the IWS ring and somehow he has never got his hands on Jimmy K; beating the gothic daredevil would give EXesS an excuse to make another run at the IWS title himself; Jimmy K only earned his title shot by beating EXesS in a gauntlet match, a gauntlet match that saw EXesS enter first and Jimmy K enter second-last. A fresh EXesS never loses that match to a snot-nosed IWS rookie no matter if he is the 2007 IWS Rookie of the Year. At least that is what EXesS plans to prove this Saturday.

Another IWS rookie is looking to make his name against an IWS veteran, but this rookie picks his spots a little more carefully than Jimmy K. New IWS strong man Samson will throw his weight around against the IWS’ loveable underdog (underlizard?) Kenny the Bastard.

There are a few things that you can count on happening about once a decade or so: The Montreal Canadiens making a run at the Stanley Cup with a hot rookie goaltender; Quebec getting buried repeatedly under a continuous snowfall that starts in December and runs through March; and Fred la Merveille taking a match seriously. Please God, let this Saturday be the match that Fred la Merveille takes seriously, because his opponent is Le Maudit Roux himself, (Not A) Superstar Shayne Hawke and if anyone in the universe desperately needs to get his ass kicked by a motivated Fred, it’s the Shit-Hawke-ster.

As those who took a look at “GreenStream” may have noticed, the IWS Resident Irish Super-Hero is feeling a little feisty on St-Patrick’s Day. And with good reason. Rather than granting Phantom and Jake Matthews mutual request to give them a match where they could beat each others half to death, as both men clearly long to do, some twisted sociopath in the IWS head office is forcing Phantom and Matthews to team with one another against a new team to the IWS: that of Marko Estrada and Mr. Suave Josh Aero.

These two men are no strangers to the IWS. Marko had a couple of matches with us last year facing Dan Paysan and Mr. Suave Josh Aero was one of EXesS sacrificial victims in an EXesS’ Open Challenge. So little chance was he given that he was not even introduced, which resulted in a typically surreal IWS moment as EXesS found himself with all that he could handle from his no-name opponent and the crowd rallied to the newcomer by chanting “Jobber” in support. I am told that outside the IWS, Marko Estrada and Mr. Suave Josh Aero are deadly enemies barely able to conduct a civil conversation without flying off the handle at each other.

So, two tag teams that hate not the opposing team but their own partners. And the stakes? They couldn’t be higher. If Jake and Phantom win, they get their match against one another. If Estrada and Aero win, they make a case for having a permanent spot on the IWS roster.

You know there is a twisted genius at work behind this match. Oh wait. This was my idea. Heh. Something that I pitched got used for once. Manny being crippled with pain after Kevin Steen kicked his ass back in January does have its advantages.

And its disadvantages, as a figure from the IWS’ past has taken advantage of the IWS power vacuum to reinsert himself back into the IWS. Former IWS Champion, Nixon Stratus aka Nic Patterson is in the midst of a power-play that has seen him take over the reins as ring announcer and show commentator. I am told that he will be bringing a HUGE celebrity to our next show this Saturday. Naturally, Paterson and the Sultans of Smirk, Jagged and Shane Matthews are thick as thieves. Like attracts like.

I should probably also mention that you can see Paterson demonstrating his skills on a news segment about our last Medley show here:


The IWS presents: Know Your Enemies, Saturday, March 22nd, 2008 at Bogey’s World Bar & Billiard, 3250 Cremazie Est (corner of Cremazie and St-Michel near the St-Michel metro), Montreal, Quebec, CANADA. Doors open at 7:30 pm, show starts at 9:00 pm, tickets are $20 for VIP, $15 for Regular. 18+, card and times subject to change. For more information go to or e-mail .

The IWS presents: Scarred For Life, Saturday, April 26th, 2008 at Bogey’s World Bar & Billiard, 3250 Cremazie Est (corner of Cremazie and St-Michel near the St-Michel metro), Montreal, Quebec, CANADA. Doors open at 7:30 pm, show starts at 9:00 pm, tickets are $20 for VIP, $15 for Regular. 18+, card and times subject to change. For more information go to or e-mail .

The IWS presents: Freedom to Fight, Saturday, May 24th, 2008 at Bogey’s World Bar & Billiard, 3250 Cremazie Est (corner of Cremazie and St-Michel near the St-Michel metro), Montreal, Quebec, CANADA. Doors open at 7:30 pm, show starts at 9:00 pm, tickets are $20 for VIP, $15 for Regular. 18+, card and times subject to change. For more information go to or e-mail .


Our DVDs for each show are released through Our biggest recent release is Un F’N Sanctioned 2007 featuring then NWA World Heavyweight Champion Christian Cage – . Our best-selling DVD from last year is Un F’N Sanctioned 2006 featuring Sabu’s last match in the indies before his re-debut on Raw (two nights later) as well as the crazy hardcore Fans Bring the Weapons match –


IWS fans in Germany can now pick some of our best shows from a fed almost as crazy and blood-thirsty as us: wXw. With our permission, they are making available the following shows to German (and European) fans:
Un F’N Sanctioned 2003 Medley show
Un F’N Sanctioned 2005 Medley show
Un F’N Sanctioned 2006 Medley show
Un F’N Sanctioned 2007 Medley show
Blood, Sweat and Beers 2007 Medley show
Scarred for Life 2005 Steen vs. Damian
Blood, Sweat and Beers 2005 Steen vs. Damian II
Summer Slaughter 2007 Steen vs. Damian III
Hardcore Heat 2006 Steen vs. Viking

For more details contact:


Finally, the Film Festival that I run when I am not Manny’s slave, the YoungCuts Film Festival, is now accepting submissions:

The YoungCuts Film Festival is the Premiere Showcase for Great Short Films from the Best Young Film Makers (generally 25 and under.)

To see some of the great films that have played at the Festival in the past go here: