IWA East Coast “Zero G Crown” is set for February 27, 2016


IWA East Coast “Zero G Crown” – Feb 27, Nitro, WV

IWAEastCoast.com – IWA East Coast returns Saturday, February 27 for the “Zero G Crown” tournament at 302 21st ST, Nitro, wV! Bell time 7 pm!

The tournament itself features, FACADE, GORY, Omega Aaron Draven, El Drunko, Crazy Mary Dobson, Jock Samson, Nate Wings, and a virtual unknown from Mexico Jinete Excentrico.

In non-tournament action:
– CZW World Heavyweight champion “The Bulldozer” Matt Tremont vs. Viper
– Remix Pro Heavyweight champion “The White Trash Messiah” Ron Mathis vs. “The Baddest Man Alive” Aaron Williams

All this and much more! Tickets available at bit.ly/iwazerog!